Punisher War Zone Poster

The folks over at UGO have released the first Punisher: War Zone poster. It’s really just a teaser poster with just the classic Punisher logo… but really that’s probably exactly what it should be at this point. Not a bad poster. Still doesn’t change the fact that I think this movie is a train wreck waiting to happen. Seriously hope I’m wrong about that.


13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. SixxAM

    This totally depends on interference from the movie studio. If they let Lexi Alexander do her thing, this could be much better than the first movie. If they get in her way about a ton of things, yeah it could stink.

    Check out her excellent movie Hooligans (AKA Green Street Hooligans) for proof.

  2. Gordon Shumway

    What with Iron Man and maybe Hulk being so good, this one may well be crap in order to restore cosmic balance to the Marvel universe.

  3. Stevie

    I wish Thomas Jane was still the Punisher.

  4. Koko

    I thnk without Tom Jane, this movie is going to bomb … and bomb real BAD!. I’m talkin about …. $10 mil Opening Weekend Bomb …. Give or take … I feel for bad for Levxi Alexander because I know she tried hard but without Tom Jane, just not enough experience …. (and to be honest, after Iron Man, Marvels backing woud’ve bee nnce) this movie is gonna bomb bad and that will kill Punisher for another 10 years! Shame …

  5. Don

    bitchin’ poster!


    thomas jane was an amazing punisher but- rey stevenson looks perfect for the punisher also so i dont mind jane not being in it.

    wow. this poster is so awsome in so many ways…this is going to seriously kick ass

  7. dan

    posters don’t get much easier to make than this one…..Seriously, people get paid to make that. I could have made that in 10 minutes. The stevensen bloke was great in Rome tv series, but he is a likeable character though in that, like a gentle giant with the odd mood swing…le’s hope that he’s a bit tougher in this and pulls itoff

  8. chris (the real one)

    if they do a movie based on any of the garth ennis punisher MAX series….it would be a classic….im sick of directors tryin to “re-imagine” a comic book or tv franchise. just keep what made the original idea classic in the first place….fuckin hollywood…excuse my language

  9. chris (the real one)

    oh…and nice poster…im hoping this will be better than the crappy ass first one…

  10. HAZMAT

    @ chris

    they are. they sayd theyll base it on the comix as much as they can so the fans would shut the fuck up…so im shutting the fuck up.

    rey stevenson sayd this and he sayd that…this wasnt a sequel? he sayd this was new punisher movie…he sayd it wasnt punisher 2 or 3..it was the punisher war zone.
    idk he sayd it had nothing to do with the 1st one kinda like what the hulk is doing.

  11. chris (the real one)

    @ hazmat…

    oh i really dont know much about the story of this…….so are they gonna redo the origin like the book and make it the death of only his wife and children…..or is the killing of the WHOLE family in the first gonna be the basis of the punisher’s rage….

    the only news i heard on this flick was from this website, so i dont know

  12. HAZMAT

    @ CHRIS

    see thats what i dont know…i dont know if theyll show his family being killed but hopefully theyll skip that part. she (the director) sayd that she made it really similar to the comics and extremely violent/gore which is of course a plus. we dont need the family killing though- although it needs to be told in order for the story to work- it has already been told and i hope they just show lots of disturbing killing

    and no one knows much about this movie because theyre not making ads about it or anything- which is good really..u dont want them ruining the movie too much

  13. chris (the real one)

    oh so its just like the hulk….makes sense

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