Point Break 2 Details

Point Break 2I love Point Break. Probably my favorite Keanu Reeves film (not that there are many I like) and to me it’s the definitive Patrick Swayze role. A few years later a cheap disgusting rip off movie called “The Fast and the Furious” basically swept in and completely stole the plot, characters and even ending from Point Break. This past year, “Hot Fuzz” immortalized and paid supreme homage to the great film.

Anyway, there have been whispers about a possible sequel to the 1991 movie, which I personally would be more than pumped to see because I loved the characters so much. Our friends over at IESB give these details about a Point Break 2 project:

There has been no casting news even though the production company is believed to have reached out to both Reeves and Swayze, we also know that the movie will take place Indonesia, hence Point Break Indo, clever. Jan de Bont will be directing and the production company believes that they will be filming the “most extreme action stunts ever caught on camera.”

So what will the story be about? Here is your first look at the sequels’ synopsis. When Billy Dalton, military special ops and star surfer, is disqualified from the pro-surfing tour, he takes off for the coast of Bali looking for the perfect wave. While there he’s recruited by a private security force who are trying to find a gang known as The Bush Administration, surfing outlaws and modern day pirates who work like “The Ex-Presidents,” a bank robbing crew from Malibu twenty years ago.

Ok, since I’m interested in this film because of the characters… my interest in this film would take a MASSIVE nose dive if they didn’t get Swayze even Keanu Reeves back. I can live with it if they didn’t get Reeves and just recast his role with the same character, but I would admittedly have a hard time if it wasn’t “The Swayze” in there as Bodhi.

I can swallow recasting roles… but at least give me the same characters. If there is no Bodhi, then there is no Campea in the theater to watch it. It’s just that simple.

So what did you think of the original Point Break? Are you interested in a sequel? Yes? No? Why or why not?

19 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. bigsampson

    john i am probably closer too you now then i ever been just cause i know u care about PBII , MAN IF THEY GOT BOTH STARS FOR THIS MOVIE….hell get garey busey too….he could have a cameo lol no jk but seriously i would see this movie alone with just swayze cause i kinda think the stories plot kinda excludes reeves…unless he has a cameo or sometjing like deisal had in fast furious tokyo at the end…..but im sure it will turn out to be a direct to dvd kinda deal with some lame ass non swayzeish style actor…..dude swayze is the man and i would rather see reeves in another bill & ted journey then in PBII….Just my opinion.

  2. Darren J Seeley

    The plot sounds great, but I’m sorry to remind you, Gio, but:

    1. The plot does not mention Reeves character Johnny Utah.

    2. Bohdi died at the end of Point Break. Still, maybe the Zen master bank robber has a brother or cuz ready to take the slack and strinke out at The Man/System. Thus, Swayze returns. (Or Bodhi’s bro is with the FBI …)

    3. The most likely character to return is John McGinley.

    4. I dig DeBont now and then, but I want to know where the lovely Kathy Bigelow is hiding out. Don’t you?

  3. Brandon

    Isn’t Swayze..not well? Doesn’t he have pretty serious cancer?

    I have no idea, I haven’t heard any recent updates concerning his health..

  4. dingo101

    Do not want. ;)

  5. Hey Darren,

    1) They Don’t mention Utah, but I 100% guarantee you that if they can get Reeves to sign on, he’ll be the lead character.

    2) You never see Bohdi die. It’s only assumed.

  6. Darren J Seeley

    Second thought, I’d see it if Lori Petty was there. I always liked her. Still do.

  7. pete

    this is the greatest day of my life (if reeves and the swaz are involved)

  8. bigsampson

    ya how do u know bohdi died…to me and all my forum buddies out there, in are heads he just took off after he rides a killer wave…..kinda like john said about the fast furious rip off crap…..he is right deisal walks so does bohdi…..and imo lori petty sux so ya we can leave her out of this.

    and wtf no one would rather see a bill and ted part 3

  9. Ricochet

    The ending was ambiguous, so there is a small chance that he survived. I love the idea of follow up movie of the Point Break but I don’t want to see more or less a rehash of the first film and thats what it sounds like instead this time instead of the undercover authority is a stud surfer instead of a newbie like Utah was.

    I could really get into a movie that has Bodhi surviving and living the good life and falling back into his old ways but the generic scenario of Billy Dalton, military special ops and star surfer is downright retarded if you ask me.

    Now if the Johnny Utah character was involved in it would make the story that much interesting and it would see like a follow-up rather than a semi-remake of the original.

    I think it would be cool to see the Utah character and see what kind of man he became after the experience that he went through in the first movie. I think he’s a man that was really effect by Bodhi and for the better in the long run with the surfing and being one with nature type vibe that Bodhi had.

    The way I would have it is that the Utah would be brought back in back into the fold when after awhile has gone by and the authorities have gotten nowhere and he’s been brought in as adviser because of his experience that he had with the ex-presidents.

    If it had the basic element to it I would be very excited to see a sequel to Point Break.

    It can be fairly similar to the others but it can’t be the same rehash or it will more or less be a direct to DVD film. Swayze and Reeves back is a must IMO if there characters are in the film.

  10. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    Another bad idea/ca$h-in in the vein of S. Darko. sigh.

  11. Stevie

    I think you can count Patrick Swayze out because of pancreatic cancer. Not to sound doom and gloom but once you have been diagnosed that’s pretty much it… nothing and I do mean nothing can be done. Too bad because he’s a likable guy who plays likable characters.

  12. Stevie

    John, I wouldn’t get your hopes up on Patrick Swayze being in the film unless it’s a computer generated version of him.

  13. Hey Stevie,

    The last I heard, the doctors said he was in good shape and was fully able to maintain his work schedule. Last I heard anyway.

  14. Stevie

    Wow, that would be great news then!

  15. Simon

    Hm, that would basically be like a Titanic 2… Patrick Swayze died in the waves at the end… so. (Ya, i know it was an open end..)
    Anyway, Point Break is one of my favorite movies. The (surfing) atmosphere is so fucking breathtaking.
    I usually don’t have anything against sequels, but a point break one? naah…

  16. Simon

    Oh and if Kathryn Bigelow isnt directing (and Jan de Bont is), forget it twice.

  17. Todd

    First time ever posting a comment, long time reader. Johnn you are MUCH smarter than that. Come on pal. Come on everyone, you have got to be kidding me. I have seen this movie no less than 200x. Please, go back and watch it. Bodhi died at the end. Sure its “implied,” but do you want to see a corpse on the beach? That is all.

  18. Phil Gee

    Todd, you should no better than that good sir. The golden rule of the unecessary sequel is ‘if the character doesn’t die on screen, they can be brought back’.

    Sometimes it happens when the character has been killed on screen. Larry Drake’s character in ‘Darkman’ got blown up in a helicopter and came back for a sequel without a scratch. Louis Jordan’s character in ‘Swamp Thing’ turned into a freaky monster and got impaled by a giant sword but came back for the second film as if nothing happened. Whistler was clearly killed in Blade but they brought him back. I could go on and on.

    Bottom line is Swayze cannot be killed be mere water. He will return.

  19. Todd

    Phil, well said sir. And I could not agree more with your analysis. Nothing can kill the Swayze. Not even cancer (fingers crossed). “Little hand says its time to rock and roll.” “Pain don’t hurt.” “Nobody puts baby in the corner.” If he passes on, the good news is that he and Farley will be able to reunite for another dance-off.

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