Nick Fury Footage After Iron Man Credits?

You may not want to watch this as it could be considered a spoiler. But who are you kidding… you’re going to watch this (Thanks to Ty for the heads up)

30 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Ty

    well Fury doesnt waste any time ill giv him that, he breaks into his house, tells him that he needs to talk to him about the avengers, overall, not bad

  2. ETHAN

    OH MY GOD! It’s time for an avengers movie finally. And I must say SLJ looks kickass with the eyepatch, did anyone see if he has the scars he does in the comcs?

  3. melbye

    Why oh why couldn’t they have put it in the movie before the credits. I really really hate post-credits scenes. Credits are ten minutes long. I’m not going to sit there for 10 minutes when it’s 11 PM

  4. N

    Sorry Jacksons not the Fury i grew up reading. Lame Ultimate add on!

  5. DON

    WTF are you spoiling this??

  6. Phil Gee

    I just came back from the film and nothing beats watching the rest of the audience pile out of the theatre only to see you sitting there still and realising there must be something to stick around for and sitting back down.

    I got spine tingles from it; this whole film was a beautiful gift to geeks everywhere.

  7. goodbar1979

    can’t wait :)

  8. Shinobi

    Come on John!! why spoil this so openly :(

    I wanted to be surprised…

  9. Jarred

    This isn’t a spoiler. It’s not in the movie, it’s after the credits and it was already reported everywhere days ago that SLJ pops up after the credits. John didn’t say what was in the clip, you had to watch it yourself, so don’t blame him.

  10. Dean

    to be fair, he did say “spoiler”. it’ not like john didn’t warn you. i’m glad he showed that to be honest as i missed it in the cinema. cheers john!

  11. Timothy Dark

    Sam Jackson as Nick Fury??? Noooooooooo. Nick Fury is a white dude.
    That’s like them casting Nicole Kidman as Storm in the X-men movies.
    Comon Marvel..stop it.


  12. Jarred

    Actually Timothy, Nick Fury is a black guy now. Has been for a while.

  13. digital drew

    GOD DAMN SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!! Dont post the video, featuring a still of him on your home page!!!!!! shame on you.

    its cool if you say there is something after the creds. i want to know that, but i dont want to know what it is. surpise is what makes these movies so much more enjoyable.

  14. Hey Digital Drew,

    Ummm… with all due respect dude, we’ve been (and so has everyone else) talking about how Samuel L Jackson makes an appearance in Iron Man for almost a year:

    So saying “Samuel L Jackson is in Iron Man as Nick Fury” is in no way a spoiler. Not by a long shot.

  15. Mez

    I didn’t stick around, I figured if there was anything i could just check it out online.

    Wasn’t Hulk/Banner suppose to be in this movie?

  16. Kristina

    I just got back from seeing this again, and people went APESHIT. This movie is one helluva crowd-pleaser.

  17. ouija

    This movie rocked! (And is it just me, or is Gwenyth Paltrow getting better looking with age?)

  18. Hater


  19. Mez

  20. calviin


    If he was, I missed it. I think they are supposed to share a common scene, but I don’t know if that meant that we saw Ironman and Hulk on screen at the same time (or Tony Stark and Bruce Banner), or maybe we see a scene with support characters. Maybe Bruce runs past the charity dinner thing that Tony crashes. I’m not really sure because I missed the tip off. It might be something that we won’t recognize until we see it in Hulk.

  21. Rican

    The Tony think in Hulk is him talking to Gen. Ross, I would have to assume it would be something akin to this scene but with Stark doing some recruiting.

  22. David

    Why post that? There’s one thing to tell people there are spoilers, but puttin up the video of what’s at the end? Just tell people to wait until the end of the credits.

    And if you’re not willing to wait the piddly 5 minutes it takes to see the names of the people who made the film, if you’re constitution can’t hold up for those 5 minutes, then hey, I hope a miracle cure comes out for you soon and in the meantime, go back to the hospital and read the frakking Secret.

  23. slybri

    The ticket taker at the theatre asked me if I was a “Marvel fan,” to which I replied “hell YEAH!” and he told me to stick around after the credits, which I already knew.

    Pretty ballsy of Marvel to start setting up for an Avengers movie this early. It was weird seeing Jackson as Fury, since they draw Fury as him in the Ultimate line. It was like he stepped right off the page of the comics. Can’t wait to see more of him as Nick Fury. Maybe he should get his own movie.

  24. @ everyone that asked this question!!

    “why are you showing this video rather then telling us to watch it in the movies John?”

    BECAUSE people have been staying after the credits and they got nothing so now they can watch it here!! and you cant go directly into youtube and look for it there because theyll show “ironman” in the tittle and the contencts will be “2 girls one cup” cuz stupid people do that in youtube.

  25. VR

    Geez, why are people complaining that this is up? You’re all the ones who read it when you were fully warned, if you didn’t wanna see it then you shoulda navigated away from the page.

    I for one appreciate it, because I couldn’t be arsed to stay after the credits. Also, Nick Fury is black in the Ultimate Universe and was specifically designed after Sam Jackson. Now I’m not one for all this politically correct diversity stuff, but hey, better Sam than Hasselhoff xD

  26. marvel1992

    How dare Timothy Dark say that Nick Fury is a “White Dude!!!” Hello, are you stupid, Nick Fury was originally caucasian in his 1st appearance in 1963!! Since then Marvel Comics has released the Ultimates series which portrays Nick Fury as Black and more agressive!!! SLJ will do great as fury, as he always DOES!!!! PLEASE Know your history before commenting!!!!!

  27. marvel1992

    1) okay dude chill

    2) yes hes been black for a while but in that one comic book that he gets stabed by wolverene (im sorry i donmt remember the name) in which they had a secret marvel team with daredevil and spiderman- he was white and thats not that old

    but yeah hes deffinatedly black and has been but there are still comic books (that look new) with him being white like the one i just mentuioned

  28. mudrax

    he does have the scar and i think SLJ could handle nick’s job

  29. Harrylittle

    Considering the last Nick Fury was David Hasslehoff in possibly the WORST comic movie ever, props to Sam.

  30. WizDave

    YouTube has removed this - check it out here:

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