New Tropic Thunder Photo

We have a new photo from Tropic Thunder this morning thanks to our good friends over at moviesonline, check it out!

I am not sure what is going on in the above pic. It looks like the crew of the film is dancing on a variety show for a charity of some sort. Perhaps they are tap dancing to bring awareness to osteoporosis?

This film still hasn’t brought me on board the excitement train, so I don’t have high hopes, but all will be revealed upon the August 15th release.

***UPDATE***”This is from a clip that was shown at the MTV VMA’s”. Thanks to A for the heads up/correction!***

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. A

    (This is from a clip that was shown at the MTV VMA’s

  2. Tdot

    This isn’t from the actual movie, it’s a still from the guys doing promotions for the movie, namely this music video shot for the American Idol finale.

    The video can be purchased at iTunes with proceeds going to charity, so you were fairly close ;p

    And also, the video was short but quite funny.


  3. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    That clip was them plugging it at the American Idol finals. just the same way Myers shamelessly plugged Love Guru on the same ep.

  4. digital drew

    Or see it for free here

  5. Doug Nagy

    Thank you for the correction.

  6. Alberto

    It’s from the American Idol finale xDDD haha….from MTV VMA as well? mmm

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