New Quantum Of Solace Pics

We have some new images to show you from Quantum Of Solace today thanks to our friends at IESB. For the rest of the pics - head to the source.

My favorite picture is the last one; largely due to the pocket square in Bond’s pocket. It has a subtle slope, and stands out as if it were an award for being an outstanding gentleman. I still don’t like the name for this film, but I am quite anxious to see it in theaters when it’s released Nov 7, 2008.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. DarthMuppet

    Easily my most anticipated movie of 2008! And whadaya know… I actually like the title… but I can easily see why some don’t.

    Three years ago I never…. EVER thought I’d be this excited about a Bond flick. Imagine my surprise when Casino Royale actually turned out to be my favorite film of ‘06.

  2. dan

    I like the 2nd photo - he’s the guy who bond shot at the end of the last film??? It shows that there are definately going to be carrying on the story straight from the end of casino royale and bot do the classic “1 year later” and nothing has happened scenario

    So bond is going to interrogate him and pobably have to resist killing him after the mess he got Vesper into. He must kill him

  3. DarthMuppet


    I love the look they seem to be going for with this film!

  4. Phil Gee

    I saw the teaser poster in the lobby of my local IMAX on Saturday with the amended UK date; October 31st my brothers. I’ll let you all know what it’s like:)

  5. Brandon

    If anything in this movie is half as good as the opening chase sequence from Casino’ll be a classic.

    I will never forget my reaction when Bond ran THROUGH the wall that the suspect he was chasing leaped over.

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