New Hellboy 2 Poster

There’s a new Hellboy 2 poster out. Looks sweet! Damn I can’t wait for this movie!


11 Comments, Comment or Ping


    thank you so much this poster is AWSOME!!!

    man this is going to kick ass….

  2. grendel25

    Wow. That is a great poster. Got to get me one of those.

  3. digital drew

    I love when they actually do a photoshoot and think about the poster. so many movies, just stick the heads of actors on people posing, and they look horrible.

  4. Jon H

    Love that line on the top, really works.

  5. Kristina

    Love the pose.
    Love the tagline.
    HATE the bleh background.

  6. 1138

    love the first movie! and can’t wait for the second! Looks awesome!

  7. Krazie835

    I enjoy the entire poster, I can’t wait for this movie.

  8. bjon86

    That’s bad ass. WOW. That is an awesome poster. I actually could see myself buying that and putting it in my movie room.

  9. Bruce

    what a boring poster.

  10. Mozzerino

    Damn, the guys who market his movie are good.
    I more or less hated the first HELLBOY, yet I can’t wait to see the sequel.
    Another great poster here.

  11. AjaxLou

    Kristina called it. What were they thinking of with that background? Bleh.

    This is the dark horse pick of the summer.

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