New G.I.Joe Movie Images Online

Some new images have been released for the big screen version of G.I.Joe and I am of mixed feelings on this.

Cinematical Says:

Paramount has released a crop of new photos from the upcoming live-action G.I. Joe flick; most of which appear to be different from those that leaked online not long ago

First is Sienna Miller’s Baroness. Ok, now THIS is a hot sexy Baroness that I remember. There was a lot of talk about a previous revealed image that showed Sienna in her traditional blonde look in casual dress. No leathers, no indication of curves and no dark hair. As we can see, that is clearly a “before” image as Sienna seems to have added a tiny bit of hip, and gone with the dark locks and glasses. Get me some dark red lipstick and I am SOLD on this girl to play Baroness.

Secondly, lets applaud they for covering up Stormshadows face. Got it? Now keep it there. we should NEVER get to see Stormshadow’s face. Its part of his mystique, and I was happy to see that they are upgrading the white chic ninja outfit to include the hood.

Lastly and speaking of covering up. WHAT THE HELL IS WITH DESTRO????

Seriously. They don’t expect us to buy this Destro without the chrome dome??? As much as we accept that they will be updating the outfits to be less superhero spandex like, I just simply will not accept Destro without the Dome.

And I have to say, I just love Christopher Eccleston but Destro was always the manbeef, and Eccs is just a little too slim to pull of Destro’s imposing physique. I don’t know that I like this casting at all.

Two out of three ain’t bad. But the bad seems to have trumped the positive spin I got from the other two. Despite a lot of our readers saying they were not looking forward to GIJoe, I was pretty much for this, but now I have my doubts.

All because of Destro.

You can see enbiggened versions of those images as well as Heavy Duty and Breaker by clicking Here

20 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Alfredo

    Rodney it’s 3 out of three. Destro and the Ninja look like crap. Stormshadow looks a like 80’s ninja reject. We may be in trouble.

  2. Alfredo

    I’m sorry I meant 1 out 3.

  3. AndyS

    What the HELL?!?! I understand not everything comes along from the transition of cartoons/comics to the big screen but Destro might as well be played by Andy Richter. That looks nothing like Destro, I’m very annoyed.

  4. Joe

    This is not Storm Shadow. Sure he now has a “mask” on but he’s still wearing that stupid matrix-esque long coat. I am surprised the real ninjas of the world haven’t descended upon the studio to remove all traces of this monstrosity quickly and quietly.

  5. Rodney

    Joe…. this is better than spandex pajamas. I had no problem with the Asian styled hipster jacket provided it was all in white. My issue was with the exposed face we saw on earlier preview images.

    He needs a mask.

  6. digital drew

    If destro has no metal head… things will catch on fire… just saying.

  7. Paul

    G.I. Joe is probably really really sorry it had that fling with Street Fighter… X-Men makes sense now, they had a one night stand with Street Fighter, and we saw them on film in the same costumes. Now this looks like a cross between X-Man AND Street Fighter.

    This is almost past saving. The more we see pics from Joe, it’s reminding me of seeing images from the 1994 Fantastic Four movie.

    I hope that maybe they’re filming Eccleston without a mask for perfomance (so he’s not lame like Green Goblin) and then will go back and put some CG metal on him… a single scene of Destro w/o being chrome dome, is a million tickets not sold on opening day.


    these pictures look as good as the last shit i took.
    i had much hope for this movie but it ended when they decided to make all the characters look like they were starship troopers and kill bill characters. they should have shown simple military uniforms. so far this movie is going towards the shitter.

    i hope and pray that i am wrong, well see as soon as the first trailer comes out.

  9. chris (the real one)

    well thats it…..ive lost all hope for this POS…..the last pics were pretty horrid (the black armor suits, marlon wayans, and everything else looked really goofy and bad) but i held out hope for the villians. but without any news of cobra commander and lookin at destro….this is going to suck…..mark my words……..MARK THEM

  10. Monty

    Storm Shadow is awful, with Snake Eyes they at least made an effort to make him look cool, Storm Shadow looks like he should be performing magic tricks in Vegas.

  11. Simple Simon

    I’m not worried about Destro…he’s a respected arms dealer. He’ll wear the mask when the scene calls for it, i’m sure. I do like the tie tack as a nod to the giant medallion from the comic book.

  12. Calviin

    Not bad so far. Restoring a little faith. We will see.

  13. Meli

    0-3 in my opinion.

    Destro - no chrome dome? I’m not interested.
    Storm Shadow - white PJs? Ahhaahahahaha - come on! Give us something better.
    Baroness - I like Sienna as an actress, but there is nothing sultry about that skinny ass…give me some curves! Not to mention the belt buckle - what the fuck is that? A modern day chasity belt?

    Move on…..

    I did see images of Heavy Duty and Breaker which were pretty cool. So far the Joes are WAY above COBRA costume wise.

  14. Flyer28

    It just gets worse and worse.

  15. Kevin C

    Perhaps part of the story is what happens to Destro to cause him to have to wear a mask. I dont know, just trying to stay positive. I really have no expectations for this film. It seems like its aimed at 10 year olds as a 2 hour commercial for toys and games. Ill still probably end up checking it out.

  16. dave

    I am in agreement with most here Destro sans metal is crap, storm shadow looks like a joke, baroness is no where near sexy enough, I think I will stay home and watch the 80’s cartoon when this comes out

  17. DirkAnger23

    Destro without the helmet isn’t Destro, so I can only hope that that is a before and after pic. Stormshadow really does look pretty crappy in that outfit, which is kinda retarded because of how on the money they made Snake-Eyes look; I mean, it looks like the guy can barely move in that thing. The Baroness, at least, looks surprisingly fine.

  18. I am afraid that if I see this movie I will piss blood for a decade out of anger.

    Optimus with lips was bad enough - this is bastardization of legendary proportions. I hope everyone involved with this project gets eaten by gators so we can try again.

  19. DarthMuppet

    Right… because I know that if I were an international arms dealer who was playing both sides, the very first thing I would do would be to ALWAYS wear a metal mask…. yeah…. that wouldn’t cause any alarm with potential buyers or anything.

    C’mon you guys! I mean… gimme’ a fucking break! I can understand why people would have a problem with StormShadow’s costume. It does look a tad too much like something out of The Matrix. But all this whining about Destro not having his mask in this picture, or the fact that he is wearing a business suit is really getting a little out of hand. To put you all at ease a little bit, the mask does feature in the story and yes, by the end of the film he does in fact look like the Destro you all want to see. Did anyone ever think for a second that maybe, just maybe they are not releasing a picture of Destro with the mask because they want to keep that as a surprise for when people see the film for the first time???

    Christopher Eccleston is one fuck of an amazing actor. If anyone can pull off getting the Destro character right, then it’s him. Hell, with him in the role, I’d probably be OK with him not wearing the mask at all… he’s just that fucking good.

    This shit is almost exactly like the whining that went on before Transformers came out. I’m not saying that this movie is going to be great or anything… for all I know, it could be a disaster of epic proportions, but I’m going to reserve judgment until I actually see the damn thing. I will say this though… out of everything I’ve seen so far, the only thing I don’t like is the way StormShadow looks.

    I’m actually glad they are updating the look of the thing a little from the comics and cartoons… (just like boxy cartoon transformers)if would just look fucking ridiculous if they didn’t.

  20. JAMIE

    @ doug

    DUDE- okay now ill have that image in my head for like- ever…thats like unessesary- pissing blood? and didnt like transformers have lips in the comic books? i never really thought about that uintill now- GREAT now ill have like so much shit stuck in my head…and i have finals coming up….:p

    @ DarthMuppet
    yeah i think that him having no mask is okay or else hed look like a narnia character but i think that it wouldnt had been bad if the gijoes had like real army infantrymen uniforms hence the fact they ARE army infantrymen (and marines and navy ect) i hate the matrix look. so yes- some things MUST change like the ridiculous mask and some things must stay.
    actually- if they make the metal mask cool he might be able to rock it out but who knows..

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