New Game! Name That Torso

We have a new game for you guys today. It’s called Name That Torso; and you do just that. A week from today I will reveal (in this post) the owner of this torso. The winner will have bragging rights and garner international respect!

Without further ado, Name That Torso!


80 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Joseph

    Jennifer Garner.

  2. Steven Carroll

    Alyssa Milano?

  3. melbye

    Alyssa Milano maye?

  4. Hien

    Keeley Hazell

  5. Kristina

    Garner’s tits aren’t that huge. The tits also look fake, which rules out about three girls in Hollywood. MIght be Milano.

  6. Liam

    Ben Stiller

  7. Mike

    catherine zeta jones

  8. Rafa1215

    J love Hewitt?

  9. townes

    J love Hewitt

    ye that would be my guess too

  10. Marcus

    Demi Moore.

  11. Edvin

    Rose Mcgowan

  12. George

    Milano was my first guess but then I thought maybe rose mcgowan?

  13. Tony

    Tricia Helfer?

  14. Donald


  15. spence

    Rosie O’Donnell ;)

  16. David

    Danneel Harris

  17. Frank Oz

    Shania Twain

  18. Willow

    Does no one else see this as completely pointless? What does this have to do with movies?

  19. Madrocketscientist


    Absolutely nothing!

    (ain’t it great!)

  20. Robert(wolf)

    @williow, it has everyhting to do with movies.

    Lohan is my guess.

  21. HAZMAT

    lol that is NOT demmi moore….but i picture j love hewitts face fitting that body

  22. Jarred

    Does anyone else find willow’s comment completely pointless? What does his comment have to do with the post?

    I like these little games.

    I also guess Rose McGowan

  23. HAZMAT


    lohans torso is completely filled wiht freckles.

  24. scot

    My Aunt May.

  25. Jon H

    The answer is clearly Doug Nagy.

  26. Brandon


  27. Jay305llc

    Jennifer love hewitt

  28. Jesse

    Jennifer Love Hewitt back in the day. Not now during her crazy Ghost Whisperer weight days.

  29. Jason Stanley

    J L Hewitt of course…can never forget those ample breastases.

  30. Doug Nagy

    @ Willow

    As a nihilist, I believe everything is pointless. (I also know that games are fun in spite of this.)

    Every Torso will be from an actor/actress that is known to most of our readers.

    In conclusion; this is pointless, but the torsos are movie related.

  31. Rafa1215

    The Pleasure Witch?

  32. Phil Gee

    I’m thinking JLH myself but to throw in a different guess i’ll say Megan Fox.

  33. Shinobi

    Isla Fisher?

  34. leeloo


  35. Robert(wolf)

    @HAZMET-This is what took me off my guess first than I remembered this picture looks very polished up as do a lot of Lohan pictures.

  36. Phil

    Anne Hathaway, but with a major push-up bra. And yes, this has everything to do with movies.

  37. Brian

    Jessica simpson

  38. George

    Jennifer Lopez

  39. Brad

    Jessica Alba

  40. se7en

    Elisha Cuthbert

  41. Andee23

    Isla Fisher

  42. Moe


  43. Slushie Man

    Lohan. It’s obviously photoshop, and most photoshopped pictures of her has her freckles photoshopped out.

  44. movie replicas

    your pleasure witch

  45. AjaxLou

    I’ll go with the Rose McGowan contingent.

  46. cvdv

    Kiera Knightley

  47. Michael C (Mastermind)

    I think it could be Jennifer Love Hewitt. I’m sure it could be especially what me and her did last night lol…………………..

  48. kc

    That golden girl Beatrice Arthur

  49. Ginger

    How did you get that picture of me?!

  50. Koko

    Gotta go Salma Hayek - Pre Pregancy

  51. Royal

    Jessica Alba

  52. saki

    I think Jessica Alba, unless it also includes music industry, in that case Mariah Carrey

  53. FullMetal Patch

    My first instinct was to go with the Jennifer Love Hewitt crowd. But I’m a rebel at heart, so I’m saying Kate Beckinsale.

  54. scoville

    Slow news day?

  55. shadopup

    whoever said photoshop was right on the money…I mean that picture looks so fake, nobody can claim that it’s her torso with all the touch ups.

    boobs aren’t exactly massive (B-cups with the help of a pushup bra) which rules out a few of the guesses already mentioned. waist isn’t super thin either which indicates someone who works out quite a bit and isn’t anorexic.

    Denise Richards or Victoria Beckham…I’ll say it’s the former.

  56. Mkfreak2

    I think Nagy’s messing with us. The bra and panties look completely photoshopped on. Watch it be some random porn actress.

  57. Chris J

    Rose McGowan

  58. Persetti

    Megan Fox

  59. Sahil

    It looks like Jennifer Love HugeTits

  60. Justin

    Rhona Mitra

  61. Alex

    Rhona Mitra

  62. Tim

    Britney Spears

  63. Rick

    Jessica Alba prepregnancy

  64. Joe

    Anne Hathaway

  65. Leeanne

    Is there going to be an answer???
    I’m guessing Lindsay Lohan (felt that puking sensation there)…but I could see JLH as well…

  66. Leeanne

    nevermind the answer question…long day so far! :)

  67. Edvin

    Remember when a week is over that I called it WUUUHUUUU…
    If I’m wrong, well then I’ll just look stupid :P

    But yeah I still think it’s Rose McGowan.

  68. Leeanne

    I actually almost want to agree with you Edvin….but I’ll stick to mine…if you’re right, you get the brags!

  69. Leeanne

    The only thing Edvin…is that Rose’s skin is light…as in Irish (skim milk as me white)

  70. haole

    I’m also gonna jump on the Alba bandwagon… Jessica Alba

  71. Leeanne

    To light to be Jessica Alba…unless Doug is retouching photos! ;)

  72. I will never re-touch a photo.

  73. Leeanne

    Will never or could never??? LOL
    At least you gave that part of the game off! Thanks Doug!

  74. Leeanne

    Given what Doug said….I’m stickin’ with Lindsay’the craze’Lohan…

  75. Nacho

    Definitely Alyssa Milano.

  76. Joseph

    (That is Mariah Carrey

  77. Sina

    Jessica Alba

  78. melbye

    Tell us Doug, are we even close to the correct answer

  79. Doug Nagy

    The truth will be revealed Monday! No Hints!

  80. HAZMAT

    lol thats bullshit doug! monday is like 94 hours away!!

    ill have to press “next” on the bottom of the page like 6 times to get to this post…

    yeah that is true shes done plenty of shit to herself (shes suposed to have red hair..)

    and its HAZMAT! not HAZMET! lol :p

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