New Battle Pic From Death Race 3000

We have a new picture to show you today from the upcoming Death Race remake thanks to our friends at moviesonline:


I am not really that enthused about this remake, but this picture has certainly caught my attention. The cars look fantastic…. and I would live in that flame throwing truck. I do enjoy post apocalyptic highway battles ala The Road Warrior - and if this film can capture half of that magic, I will be pleased.

International friends - what do you think of the above picture?

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. FullMetal Patch

    I’m a fan of the vehicle design! I don’t know…this is the first I’m hearing about this flick, and this picture has, at the very least, got me interested enough to check back for more.

  2. Bishop

    Two words.


    I am on board for vehicular carnage.

  3. DON

    This movie has been getting surprisingly solid reviews from screenings.

  4. 1138

    Is this movie R rated or hard R? The original had so much nudity and violence that it was a fun pic when my friends rented it when we were young! If it’s PG-13 that would be a bummer!

  5. Persetti

    It brings joyous memories of the chase in Road Warrior, in other words I am drooling at this pic…but am I reading this right, PAUL W.S ANDERSON? The Resident Evil/AVP go-to guy?

    Hope is lost…

  6. Slushie Man

    People keep forgetting he also did Event Horizon which was a solid atmospheric sci-fi horror movie. He’s capable of doing great movies at times and this is apparently going to be one of those, according to early reviews.

  7. frankwolftown

    Death Race 3000 at the Grin House!!

  8. Kazeltii

    Hi webmaster!

  9. Kazelwxk

    Hi webmaster!

  10. Johnson

    Veichles look cool and Mad Max esque but i’ve heard the track the races take place on is just a round track ala Nascar which doesn’t sound that exciteing imo, i guess most the action will be from the car combat.

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