Nathan Fillion to take over Indiana Jones?

Ok, before you have a coronary and start writing angry comments calling us names, this is not happening. This is a “what if” kind of situation and I wouldn’t be completely against it. considers what it might be like with Nathan Fillion as Indiana Jones:

In fact, I seem to remember rumors that Paramount once upon a time wanted to turn the series over to River Phoenix, and may I say that such an idea breaks my heart. Phoenix made an excellent Indy, and I love the idea that each lead actor in the series would have appeared in three movies, and that in every third movie, the opening sequence would feature a young Indy story that would introduce a new actor to the role.

Now this idea I could dig. This could make Indiana Jones a long running series like James Bond.

The original idea behind the series is tribute to the great adventurers, and Fillion has that knack. He can play angsty and serious, but he is also charming and full of life. We all know that Indiana Jones didn’t just go on three (now four) adventures, so he could play a younger Indiana to fill in some of those stories in between. Maybe not as young as River Pheonix’s prequel bit, but still some filler stories.

I don’t think that Fillion looks like Ford, but then I didn’t think Phoenix did either and he fit the bill. If they did go with a pulp series like this, I would be all over it. And Fillion is a bag of awesome.

34 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Paul

    He’d be awesome! He should also be Lone Ranger too!

  2. Adiago

    I couldn’t of have put it better “And Fillion is a bag of awesome”, he would be so awesome, too bad it’s an ‘what if’ though!

  3. Joseph

    Nathan Fillion would be an excellent choice. Heck, he’s already played Captain Mal “Han Solo” Reynolds. Why stop with just one Harrison Ford character? ;-)

  4. Ricochet

    I think Nathan Fillion has that right vibe about him to play a Harrison Ford character like Indy or like Joseph said Han Solo.

    However that said I don’t want to see an Indy movie without Harrison Ford. I would like to see a couple more fairly soon and it they want to spin it off to Shia then fine but I don’t want to see another play Indy in a featured film.

    That said I would love to see Indy come back to the small screen and Fillion as Indy for a TV series would be awesome.

    He’s young enough now that they could play Indy during the years of the original trilogy so we could see some of the adventures that would have experienced that we didn’t see theatrically as well as having all the adventures we missed from in between Crusade to Crystal Skulls.

  5. leeloo

    the next indy film is sure to be a cgi animated film- “indiana jones and the years of the clone wars.”. :/

  6. Rodney

    Indiana Jones: Electric Boogaloo

  7. Cole

    I like Nathan Fillion a lot. But he has too much of a Brendan Frasier vibe and it will look like a sequel of The Mummy. How about just starting a new franchise built around him?

  8. AjaxLou

    HELL YES! I floated this idea when Indy IV talk gathered steam. He should have replaced Ford from the outset. A new trilogy picking up from where The Last Crusade left off.


    It would have been grand…



    god no. lets hope that never happens ever again. hopefully theyll learn therir lesson after they see how many people watch that clone wars movie.

    actually itll get a lot of viewers (starwars fans)but no one will watch it 2ce…

  10. bret

    I am totally on board for this. Fillion is amazing

  11. Kevin C

    Yeah, the guys character in Firefly is very Harrison Fordish, and not at all in a bad way.

    To me this could be a great opportunity to “reimagine” the character, it would be similar (or familiar) enough to the original, and could go some new places with it as well.

    Nathan Fillion deserves good things, this would qualify as such. John, Doug…make it so.

    PS Brendan Fraser is a complete HAM. The guy comes off like he is just trying too hard. Fillion doesnt have to try, like so few, hes just got it. Ford has it, Fillion has it, Fraser wishes he had it.

  12. Ricochet

    Fraser is a dork and he doesn’t has that the essence that Fillion has but play such character.

    But as I was saying in my previous post that anybody but Harrison Ford as Indy won’t work on film. It might sound good now but when it comes down to it the people would rail against it when the time came for the release of the film.

    Though I stress I think he would make a great Indy for a TV series.

    I think an Indiana Jones TV series would be huge and with Fillion it would be great especially if the got away from the way the did The Young Indiana Jones adventures in that they were episodic.

    If it was done more like the way Heroes is suppose and go with volumes. Some adventures would late 4 or 5 episodes while other might take a half a season or even be season long.

  13. geoff

    this is actually a brilliant idea. fillion has so much charisma on screen it’s strange he’s not been picked up for bigger roles. Hells yeah to the indy prequal idea!

  14. geoff

    i know.. i can’t spell “prequel”

  15. 1138

    Finally!!! I’ve always wanted Nathan to play Indy!!! I’ve mentioned it on this blog as well as others that he would be perfect! I loved him on Firefly and I loved him in Slither!

    He’s got the right charisma with that smart ass charm! He would be perfect for Indy!

    Please George do something right for a change and consider him to replace Indy! If the character lives let him live in the next generation of actors!

  16. Gerry Alanguilan

    Hell Yeah! Nathan as Indy would rock!

  17. bigsampson

    PEOPLE on the in internet love this guy…..sad thing is the rest of the world doesnt , hate to burst the internet bubble.

  18. Joel from Sweden

    Love the idea! :D

  19. Ingo

    I’d rather see RDjr. or even Sam Jackson. Fillion has the looks of a daily soap actor, wouldn’t work for me.

  20. Mozzerino

    I believe this has been discussed on this site a long time ago.
    I would love it and everyone with the right mind would as well.
    Fillion basically channels the young Harrison Ford.
    If anybody can do it, it’s him

  21. dave

    Nathan as Indy hell yeah I’m on board but first give us a gorram sequel to serenity

  22. yapist

    I have always thought that Joe Flanigan from stargate atlantis would be great indiana jones actor. He even kinda look like young harrison ford.

  23. yamo

    I say na the only good Indiana Jones is harrison ford no one esle maybe he can be Alabama Jones.

  24. Mozzerino


    That’s what people said when Sean Connery quit Bond.
    I say let’s give it a try.

  25. Rodney

    Robert Downey Jr and Sam Jackson are BOTH insanely good actors, but they would be the LAST on my list to choose a serial Indy player.

    They have NO common qualities.

    And Fillion is far from a soap actor. You likely just think that because you saw him on Desperate Housewives. He is badass, cocky and charming. He just screams action star.

  26. naven

    Joe Flanigan on stargate atlantis even has a scar on his chin. Hes probably the best choice, although havent really seen him in anything but stargate…but he’s very Fordesque.

  27. Marco from Manila

    No disrespect to anyone, but can someone explain this Nathan Fillion internet fanboy mania to me? What has he done to deserve all this praise?

  28. Cap'n Pickle

    I really like Fillion and think he could do the job. I just don’t think I want to see another play Indiana Jones on the big screen. Maybe I’m just overprotective of my childhood heroes.

  29. dave

    Marco The internet buzz on fillion is all due to a great little tv show called Firefly and the film Serentity the fanbase for this series is almost as fanatical as star trek

  30. Meli

    I never EVER thought I would consider any actor other than Ford stepping into the shoes and doning the fedora, but I would love to see Nathan Fillion do just that…nice ‘what if’ atricle. He would do the role the justice it deserves should the franchise ever go in that kind of direction, but I highly doubt it will.

    A few months back a friend and I were talking about how if Star Wars movie was ever made post Jedi that Nathan would make a great Han Solo. Like many others, his protrayal of Mal often reminded of me a Solo-esque character.

  31. HisDivineShadow

    Ha ha, replace Harrison Ford and it will fail.
    Dosnt matter who. America can’t handle that kind of shock.

    How bout create a new character? Lazy ass’s.

  32. E

    Nathan Fillion is so awesome. He should be in more movies. I hope the studios are reading this.

  33. Andy D

    They should make a movie franchise from the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune game for the PS3. Anyone who’s played that and has seen Nathan Fillion knows that he was born to play the role of Nathan Drake.

    He’s a modern day Indiana Jones, or more accutately, a male Lara Croft, only cocky, funny, and charming.

    I’d much rather see him do that than take over from Ford as Indiana Jones.

  34. Andy D

    If you’re not familiar with the character of Nathan Drake…

    Fillion would be PERFECT!

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