Natalie Portman Ditches Wuthering Heights

Natalie Portman
It appears Ms. Portman will be unable to star in the upcoming remake of Wuthering Heights. We get the skinny from the professionals at Variety:

Natalie Portman has ankled from the planned adaptation of classic Emily Bronte novel “Wuthering Heights.”

Her departure, which comes as a surprise given she was one of the project’s driving creative forces, is due to a scheduling conflict with another as-yet unannounced project, according to her publicist. Ecosse execs are currently pondering other choices for the role of Cathy, which Portman had been set to play.

Well this certainly leaves a gap in the plans. A new leading lady is not something you want to be searching for last minute. I hope they are able to find someone of quality in the limited time they have available before productions begins.

I somehow missed the last 3,000 incarnations of this film, so I am at a loss at who to suggest. Laura Prepon is someone that came to mind for reasons unknown to me. She is an actress that seems to be fairly free since her sitcom wrapped, and one that I wouldn’t mind seeing in Natalie’s shoes. Weather Wuthering is a role that fits for her, I don’t know.

International friends, now that Natalie is out - who would you suggest fill her shoes?

8 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mock Tudor

    I wonder why that fake nude is so often used as if it was a real picture of Portman. Wishful thinking, perhaps.

    The Laura Prepon suggestion is a good one as she fulfills the most important requirement: she isn’t British.

  2. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    well if the rumours are true & it’s Johnny Depp as Heathcliff, i’d say cast somebody like Rachel Weisz. i can see them playing off each other well.

  3. Meli

    Bummer, I was actually looking forward to seeing Natalie in yet another adaptation. Hmmm…I’m don’t have a suggest for a replacement.

  4. Mock Tudor

    There are no rumours about Johnny Depp being cast. Not in this production.
    Michael Fassbender is the one being talked about.

  5. HisDivineShadow

    Who cares.
    WOW nice picture!!!

    (Save image). Yes!

  6. FunkyMunkey

    Nice pic. Time to go polish my Iron Man helmet…

  7. HisDivineShadow

    Ha ha hahaaa

  8. Joe

    On the bright side, maybe they’ll find someone who can act.

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