Miller is not Directing Buck Rogers

Last week I posted about Frank Miller directing Buck Rogers but as it turns out - its not true.

/Film says:

Turns out, the writer-producer of the Buck Rogers film, Flint Dille, says Miller is definitely not directing it, leaving Nu Image/Millenium on the prowl for a new “contender”

After debunking this news bit as rumour I was a little saddened that he didn’t contest the idea that “the film’s special effects will be purposely shoddy, a running gag of sorts.”

I would love to see a Buck Rogers film updated. One of the constant amusements with science fiction from the 70s is how they all assumed we would be wearing silver jumpsuits by the year 2000. Well here we are well into the new millenium and not a single unitard in sight. We don’t count Britney Spears.

Lets have a remake of this show that DOESNT pay too much tribute to its originator. I will just say that >coughspeedracercough< paying too much homage to the source material with something as key as the special effects could be a real achilles heel for this film.

They updated Battlestar Galactica without changing too much of the ship designs and it works. I hope they go this way with Buck Rogers too.

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Bishop

    Although it would be great to see a modernized Twikki (sp?) perhaps She-Of-The-Always-Glistening-Lips Pamela Hensley could nab a role, since the Matt Houston movie never came to be.

    As far as a Sci-Fi show I would kill to see a remake of though? “The Starlost”, man! Bring back Robin Ward!

  2. tzaylor

    Dumbing down the special effects brings up an interesting point. Sorry to always bring it back to Star Wars but just a quick comment.

    When I watched the prequels, I really missed the gritty feel of the original trilogy. I wonder if the bright, shiny, and too perfect effects in the prequels made it lose some beleivability.

  3. Rodney

    In the original SW Trilogy everything was gritty and rough because the majority of the storyline revolved around a rebellion made up of rag tag freedom fighters and scraps.

    The Imperial ships still looked clean and pretty.

    Also, to reference it again: Battlestar Galactica is still rough and gritty and its updated with great sets and great effects.

  4. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    Damn. Interest level now sits @ 0.

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