Marvel Considers Next Franchise

With Iron Man set to pop, the Masterminds at Marvel are considering which super-hero to launch next. We get the following news from the magical caves of Yahoo:

With “Iron Man” set to explode this weekend, the next question for producer Marvel Entertainment is: What now? Marvel likely won’t be releasing any movies in 2009, as the studio would have to be in pre-production now to make a summer date but isn’t, mainly because of fears that Hollywood’s actors will go out on strike in the summer. The studio’s next project is expected to be announced on an earnings call Monday, with “Avengers,” “Ant Man” and “Thor” the favorites. (”Captain America” is a prime property but is perceived as a tough sale overseas.)

Some question whether the Marvel characters waiting in the wings have the appeal of previously licensed characters like “Spider-Man” and “The X-Men.” But Marvel president David Maisel said the key ingredient to make a film successful isn’t “more well-known or less well-known characters but tender-loving care.”

From the reports coming in, Marvel has done a fantastic job with Iron Man, and I think the heroes will be best represented in their hands, rather than farming them out to various studios. We will have to wait and see if Marvel Studios had beginner’s luck, or if their dedication to excellence will continue.

I personally hope the next hero up to bat is Thor. I have always loved the character and would lose my shit if they were able to make a kick ass film in his honor. It would be my hope that the writings of Simonson would be the largest source of inspiration, along with the viking myths themselves. I love Kirby Thor comics as well, but Simonson really nailed the character in a way that has yet to be duplicated. The man started his tenure with the arrival of Beta Ray Bill and ramped into a story line that featured Surtur the fire demon and the impending DOOM of Ragnarok.

If I were helming the series - I would use the first film as intro to the world, and set the stage for the Ragnarok story line in 2&3.

As much as I favor Thor, I will welcome any of the above heroes. It’s a blast to see the heroes you grew up with on the big screen, and downright fun to share in the mythology with others. With hope, Marvel has learned from the Fantastic Four disaster, and the Iron Man success. Quality benefits everyone in the long run. When you delight the fans with excellence - money floods into your storehouses.

12 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Chip Chief

    Its gonna be ant-man.

  2. Robert(wolf)

    I think for Captain America they should not release it as his own film but introduce the character in the Avengers film. The Avengers could be brought together to help cap with what heroes today are like. You could have cap being shocked at how people are not so pro American as they were.

    Or do a cap movie set in ww2. The at the end of the flick have him being brought back.

  3. Antonio Spinozzi

    I’ve just gotten back from seeing Iron Man and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well paced with good dialogue and character interaction. Nice to see a super hero film kitted with a more mature cast too.

    Seeing as this is the first wholly produced Marvel film, and what with it being fab, I have every bit of confidence in them and their plans. The very last scene post credits perhaps suggests they’re gearing towards a certain film but we all knew that. To actually hear the words on screen was dead cool though.

  4. Darren J Seeley

    WTF does Yahoo mean “no Marvel films for 2009″? I could have sworn the X-Men prequel “Wolverine” is filming right now. Or is that all an optical illusion?

  5. doug nagy

    I think they mean from Marvel studios

  6. Mozzerino

    I don’t think Ant-Man is a good idea.
    The character is not very popular and the danger to make it look totally ridiculous is gigantic. Then again, if Edgar Wright is doing it I’m in. But I can’t see it making a lot of money.

    I think they should go ahead with THOR full speed (Harry Knowles and other geeks rave about the script) and release it summer 2009.
    Then do Captain America, but split the movie. The first half is about Cap fighting in World War 2 and getting frozen. In the second half, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner discover Cap and bring him back to life.
    Cap then becomes the new leader of the newly formed Avengers which include Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and some hot piece of ass like the Black Widow. Call it CAPTAIN AMERICA AND THE AVENGERS or something.
    Release it early summer 2010 and get ready to bath in money.
    Thank you Marvel, call me to talk about my paycheck.

  7. tzaylor

    I vote Thor next. But not 2009. Put some time and effort and loads of money into it and make it 2010 eye candylicious.

  8. movie replicas

    please consider other alternatives other than the diagonal lines for the comment boxes, it’s hard to read.

    bring on any marvel hero movie, i’ll watch’em! other than the heroes listed above, i would like to see namor, iron fist and black panther to name a few.

  9. Phil Gee

    Yup, it’s time for Thor. It could be an absolutely incredible movie if done right. I also think (but i seem to be alone on this) that Sub Mariner could be one of the most visually stunning films ever made because it would be doing something we have never seen before; creating an underwater kingdom, populating it with real characters and making it look like the actors are actually underwater, breathing, walking and acting as if they were on land (and that’s how it has to be, no having them live in bubbles like the Gungans in Phantom Menace).

    Marvel, please do not worry about making sure the rest of the world is happy with the concept of seeing a film called Captain America and for the love of Crom, do not change the character so he has more international sensibilites; you know better than to do that.

    When they brought G.I.Joe to the UK, they renamed it Action Force and i’ve been re-educating English people about it ever since:)

  10. Darren J Seeley

    Here’s a thought:

    Nick Fury.

    I just got back from Iron Man, stayed for the cameo (and most everyone walked out during the credits)

    Dr. Strange if De Toro is still interested after Hobbit;
    I would like to see Namor or Thor..

    Not so much as Ant-Man put rather the former Ant-Man. Pym.

  11. THOR!!
    the guy from beowulf can play him- or someone that looks like the guy from beowulf..or someone that looks like thor but ALSO looks like the guy from beowulf cuz the guy from beowulf looks like thor.

  12. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    if they still push on through with an Ant-Man movie, i hope the character is a cross between the original Hank Pym one & the funny as allfuck rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agent now trading as Irredeemable Ant-Man who was recently introduced in the Marvel Universe. that guy does not give a fuck about anyone but himself & does shit like constantly sneaking in & watching superheroines bathe or undress or saving women so he can get laid or has a pad to crash at. a lot of laughs to be mined in that.

    i bet not long after this weekend we get the word that Mathew Vaughn’s budget for Thor has been approved.

    btw don’t be suprised if Marvel secretly has a Nick Fury film slated for next year. you heard it here first.

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