Marketing Power in Sex and the City

Sex and the City is one show that never quite grabbed my attention. Well it wasn’t supposed to. I am a guy.

But with the upcoming film, many see this as closure to the insanely popular TV series tying the one loose end in Sarah Jessica Parker’s character’s long running story. Happiness.

But it seems the people that are happiest about this movie are not the gaggle of women chomping at the bit to see this cinematical extension of the Series Finale. It is the partners for product placement in the film.

Yahoo gives us:

New Line Cinema has reportedly dubbed it “the Super Bowl for women” in reference to the U.S. football championship that sees companies pay millions of dollars for television ads.

The movie has “promotional partnerships” with at least eight companies whose products appear in the film.

In a world where they made GI Joe dolls to cross market the success of Barbie, and making pink Lego’s to capture the girl market is it any surprise that they take this marketing strategy and apply it to adult markets?

Superbowl commercials are clearly targeted at the men. Beer commercials with bikini clad party girls, trucks for sale, More beer commercials. So this is the perfect opportunity for those markets targeting women to hit up their demographic with their hottest wares.

The most interesting thing about this is that most of these product placement spaces are getting their place in chick flick history on trade. Sex and the City will be promoted through their own commercials, and in trade, the products get to appear in the movie. So expect to see a commercial with the bragging rights that you saw their product in Sex and the City in Mercedes-Benz commercials, while two of the main cast are spotted driving them during the film.

This is the same as most product placement goes, but for these material girls it makes sense for them to have these things around so it adds punctuation to their upper class lifestyle. Unlike the blatant Burger King bag in Iron Man, these products will fit in on purpose.

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  1. Kristina

    I must not be the typical female tv viewer, because I have only seen ONE commercial for this film. Unless you’re watching chick shit, they ain’t marketing to you, I guess.

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