James McAvoy To Play Bilbo Baggins?

James-Mcavoy-Bilbo-HobbitProbably the hottest “who will play X role” speculation out there right now is the question of who will play Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit? As you all know, Ian Holm wore the fuzzy feet of the legendary in the Lord of the Rings movies, and some people insist that he should return to play the role again in “The Hobbit”. But as I’ve said repeatedly, that’s just a nonsense idea. The Hobbit calls for a younger Bilbo… not to mention Holm is now 6-8 years older than he was when they filmed the Lord of the Rings flicks. It’s not an option. We have heard that Del Toro may use Holm to narrate The Hobbit, which I think would be the perfect tie in. Anyway…

The word going around right now is that James McAvoy is first in line to play Bilbo. Contactmusic.com gives us this:

A source tells British newspaper the Daily Express, “A number of names have been doing the rounds, including Daniel Radcliffe and Jack Black, but James (MCAvoy) is the one the film’s bosses really want. “They’re expected to have talks soon so hopefully it could be confirmed in the not too distant future.” And director del Toro adds, “I can tell you it’s down to a few names that we all agree upon. For our first choice, completely magically we all have the same name.”

I can completely see this. McAvoy is a solid actor, and he’s no stranger to the fantasy genre having played Mr. Tumnus in the first Chronicles of Narnia film. His stature is perfect for the role as well.

But hold the phone…. there are/were considering JACK BLACK for the role?!?! Dear sweet cat shit, are they completely insane??? Damn I hope that report is totally off. I also couldn’t see Daniel Radcliffe as Bilbo either… a bit TOO young if you ask me, and Harry Potter boy really should break away from the fantasy genre for a while once he’s done with Potter if he doesn’t want to get pigeon holed for the rest of his career.

But seriously… JACK BLACK???

22 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jon H

    I would support McAvoy. He wouldn’t be half bad really. I think his accent would really work for a hobbit.

  2. Christina

    Love love love this casting idea. McAvoy can really act, and he would totally look the part. When I try to picture him in that existing LOTR world, he fits right in.

  3. melbye

    McAvoy is a great choice, but Jack Black. Absolutley not. That’s not a movie i want to see, and something tells me it’s bullshit

  4. pendragon00

    But bilbo wasnt have meant to have changed much between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings due to the ring so he doesnt have to and shouldnt look younger

  5. haole

    This can’t be legit… Jack Black as Bilbo?! Even just the consideration of him for this role gives me an eye twitch

  6. Hey Pendragon,

    No, that’s not true. He aged… just slower. When Gandalf says “You haven’t aged a day”, it was just a figure of speach to how good he still looked for his age.

    60 years had past… and he probably only looked like 15 had.

  7. yapist


    funny, yes…

  8. Jon H

    I think whoever thought Jack Black would work was probably the same person who came up with the MTV Movie Awards parody of the Council of Elrond scene.

  9. Jon H

    Which was just linked too I see. :p

  10. Mozzerino

    Daniel Radcliffe and Jack Black……no that is some shitty casting right there.

  11. DarthMuppet

    McAvoy would rule as Bilbo! I’ve been a fan of his ever since he first popped on the radar with his turn as Leto II in “Children of Dune”…

  12. FunkyMunkey

    I was about to say the same thing about Jack Black… what fucking joke!

  13. FullMetal Patch

    McAvoy would be a good solid choice. And although I dearly love Jack Black in a lot of movies, he ruined the end of King Kong for me, and he would ruin The Hobbit-and you don’t mess with The Hobbit.

    Here’s to hoping the filmmakers will get McAvoy like they “Wanted” (baaaad pun, couldn’t resist).

  14. Phil Gee

    McAvoy was immediately who popped into my mind when Del Toro made his statement. I think he’s a dead cert for the part.

  15. Kevin C

    McAvoy would be a great choice. The second I read that, it just worked in my minds eye, instantly. Hope they are seriously considering him and its not jsut hearsay.

  16. Seth

    McAvoy had incredible screen presence as Leto II in Children of Dune. I’d love to see him starring as Bilbo.

  17. 1138

    If this is true great casting! Something to look forward too in the next few years!

  18. leeloo

    total yes on mcavoy!
    perfect choice.

  19. brad

    Holy shit i remember this guy in the first few seasons of ‘Shameless’ and thinking about it hell yes he could be perfect!

  20. Kristina

    If Jack Black is cast in this movie, I will slit my wrists.

  21. Joel

    Sorry, but Bilbo is meant to be 50 years old for the Hobbit is he not?

  22. vargas

    50 year old Hobbits are quite youngish. I think McAvoy is a good choice!

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