IronMan 2 in 2010

Its not really official but this is the closest we are getting to an announcement so far. I rank it akin to saying “If it snows in Canada sometime in the next 10 months…” kind of deal.

/Film says”

At the Hollywood premiere of Iron Man, Viacom/CBS Executive Chairman Sumner Redstone and Paramount Pictures CEO Brad Grey told Entertainment Tonight that if the movie does as well as expected, Paramount will greenlight a sequel for the same week in 2010. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader already holds claim to the “first weekend of the summer” (May 7, 2010), but Iron Man 2 could easily open a week earlier on Friday, April 30th 2010 if all goes well.

Considering most analysts are predicting somewhere in the $102 million for Thursday through Sunday totals, I think they can count on this as a “success”

Of course their modest goals are to break $70million which I think it will do easily. I still haven’t heard anything negative about this yet and a good handful of people HAVE seen this.

Considering how this timing would put this movie at the end of April and not at the “first week of Summer” will this up the Summer timetable for other movies that year? With the potential success of a sequel banging it out a day or two early for the race for Summer money, how will this affect other movies slated for that summer?

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. lol holy shit- dude how do you guys know this shit??
    no seriously man…
    this website is like powered by some voodoo shit dude…no dont tell me i mean its okay you guys might have a “if i told you id have to kill you” policy so id leave it at that…

  2. duude
    2010 is waaay too early man- ONE YEAR!!??

    thats too early spiderman 2 took like 2 and a half years man..if theres going to be more action it should taker a little more

    dont get me wrong i want to see it tomorrow but- id rather wait it out you know?

    thanx 4 the heads up btw rodney even though it might be bs considering thats 12 months away…thats like the time it takes to make a baby in japan years….(kinda)

  3. okay i cant let it go!!!
    ironman ONE hasnt come out yet!
    yet you guys have an exact date on ironman 2!

    just- rodney? will i get married?

    (still think its too early)

  4. Rodney

    Jamie, allow me to answer your posts with one.

    First, we “know this shit” because it was in the article. I dont have a crystal ball or some divine future sight. The /Film article said that the studio heads have agreed that if this weekend goes “well” that they will greenlight a sequel to come out in the same week.. which means April 30/10

    Also, it will be in TWO years. That is plenty of time for them to get a script approved and get the ball rolling on a sequel. Its only 2008 my friend. 2010 is two years from now.

    As for you getting married. I cannot say. You might have to work that one out yourself.

    Just sayin.

  5. Kristina

    Can’t wait. I love this movie, and I officially have added Downey to my fantasy file. He’s pretty hot in this movie:)

  6. tobor68

    just saw iron man tonite.

    it will make a pile of cash. this movie is so good, i can’t believe it. it blows spider man 1 out of the water.

    fx are perfect, story is pitch perfect. gwyneth is hot, downey is awesome. bridges is a great villain. go see this and fer cryin’ out loud stay for the end credits.


    ps. projector died near the beginning of the third act for about 2 mins. FREE MOVIE PASSES!! YIPEE!

  7. FARN

    Saw Ironman last night. It was great. Good basis for the intro and great lead up to the sequel.

    lol, James Rhodes while looking at the Ironman suit: “Next time baby”.

  8. Kevin

    saw Ironman last night and was not dissapointed. The story moves at a good pace and feeld like a short 2 hrs.

    Downey Jr. is perfect as Tony Stark and the effects look wicked.

    Surprizingly the theatre i was in was half & half men to women.

  9. Royal

    KICK A$$ MOVIE! Best Marvel movie evah!

  10. RamRod

    This movie will make more money than any marvel movie.
    “WOW” “WOW” I’ll say it again “WOW” awesome movie from beginning to end.

  11. @Rodney

    1 yea- no but its 2008-

    oh yeeah….

    well then they have my permission. they may proceed with the movie as long as they forget about this whole “were making mandarin the new villain” nonsense and make either radioactiveman or crimson dynamo the next villain

  12. ohhhhh FUUUUCCKKK!!!


    my one year theory was better!!!! daaangit!!

    ignorance is bless.

  13. Gutpunch

    Just saw it. Great flick. A perfect blend of humor, drama, action and adventure. Surprisingly “realistic” in its tone. Which makes me wonder about the whole “Project Avenger” that Nick Fury talks about. We all know that too many characters fuck up a film so I wonder if throwing in a team of super heros is such a good idea. Unless they make a separate film with the Avengers and another one with just Iron Man.
    When you put more than one fantastical character in a story it starts to lose its credibility.
    All I’m saying that they should handle it with care.

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