Iron Man Deleted Scenes

Iron-Man-Burger-KingAs some of you may remember, a little while back we launched a bit of a discussion around here regarding product placement in movies and films getting into bed with their marketing with corporations and products (you can see that article here).
One of the most blatant product placements we’ve seen in a big film this year so far has been that Burger King plug in Iron Man. Anyway, Time Magazine dug deep into older versions of the script only to find some scenes they never filmed that would have made the situation much worse (clearly the following is just a joke… but I thought it was pretty funny)


TONY STARK: Pull over… right here.
DRIVER: Where?
TONY STARK: At Burger King.
DRIVER: Are you serious?
TONY STARK: Didn’t you hear me say the first thing I wanted after being tortured in the desert by terrorists for three months was a real American cheeseburger?
DRIVER: Yeah, sure… but Burger King?
DRIVER: Let me get this straight. You kept your heart beating with a car battery while risking your life to build a suit of armor with a built-in flame-thrower… so you could eat at Burger King.
TONY STARK: Yes. In fact, I got the idea for the flame-thrower while thinking about Burger King’s great flame-broiled taste.
DRIVER: But there’s an In-N-Out Burger just a few blocks away.
TONY STARK: I want Burger King.
DRIVER: Now that you’re back, is the first car you’re gonna drive a Chevy Malibu?
DRIVER: Well, that’s like the Burger King of cars.
TONY STARK: Just order the cheeseburger.
DRIVER: Is the first girl you’re going to sleep with Carnie Wilson?
TONY STARK: Order it!
BURGER KING EMPLOYEE: (OVER SPEAKER) Welcome to Burger King, may I take your order?
DRIVER: My boss, the smartest, richest, coolest man in the world, who can eat literally anything he wants, has chosen, as his first meal after being a held hostage by madmen in a cave in Afghanistan, a Burger King cheeseburger.
BURGER KING EMPLOYEE: (OVER SPEAKER) Is the first girl he’s going to sleep with Carnie Wilson?


Iron Man performs amazing aerial stunts.

IRON MAN: Jarvis, I’m starving. I’m stopping at that Burger King down there for a cheeseburger.
JARVIS: No need sir. Knowing your predilection for great American cheeseburgers, I’ve taken the liberty of opening a microscopic Burger King franchise inside your armor. As we speak, millions of nano-cheeseburgers are being injected into your bloodstream.
IRON MAN: Amazing. Can I get a chocolate shake?
JARVIS: Deploying milkshake enema now.


Iron Man faces off against Iron Monger.

IRON MONGER: Isn’t it ironic, that a man who loves Burger King cheeseburgers… is being killed by a man who loves cheeseburgers that aren’t terrible?
IRON MAN: Damn you Obadiah Stane!


Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) approaches Tony Stark.

NICK FURY: I’m here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative.
TONY STARK: The Avengers Initiative? What’s that?
NICK FURY: Burger King.

15 Comments, Comment or Ping


    lol! some AUDY ones should have been nice too by the way…

    oh and seriously- i want to get the dvd and see the real deleted scenes because there were a couple. if you watch the trailer closely youll see…

  2. yamo

    Now that was funny

  3. melbye

    Haha, cool.

    I actually liked that particular scene, kind off funny that a billionare eats at Burger King

  4. Mozzerino

    You know what?
    I very, very rarely eat meat, more or less only on special occasions. I was a vegetarian for several years.
    I never set foot in a fast-food joint. McDonalds, Burger King, you name it. I ‘m basically disgusted by the whole concept and for several years I didn’t touch the food they produce.
    But when Tony Stark demanded that Cheese Burger and happily chowed down the thing, a voice in my head went: “Mmmmmhh… I could use one of those right now. Looks pretty tasty!” I really had to fight the urge to get one after leaving the theater.
    That’s how fucking effective that advertisement was. Whatever Burger King paid for that plug, it was worth it.

  5. Drew

    i dont see what the big deal about that plug was, it lasted like 2 seconds.

  6. Sound Designer Dan

    I prefer Culver’s.

  7. Kristina

    Five Guys has better burgers, anyway.

  8. The Editing Room

    At least it wasn’t McDonald’s. That would REALLY stretch believability.

  9. Jason Angel

    LMMFAO!!! yd they cut those scenes out!? the 1st 2 where BADASS!!!
    but, the last 2 were just bad, and the last 1 sounded more like a BK commercial or a blooper, than a deleted scene.
    its Audi, btw

  10. Meli

    LOL! I LOVE that first one and that was exactly what was running through my mind. Me and the people I was with all groaned when saw the Burger King bag. Burger King, really??? They couldn’t have at least gone with Carls Jr??

    When I want a burger I go to a non-franchise joint near my house which has the best burgers. I crave them when I’m jonesing for a burger.

  11. HAZMAT

    its all about jack in the box and sonics!!!!!!

    theyre all west coast resturants so i havent had any sinse i lived in LA. : (

  12. HAZMAT

    obviously you live in the west coast sorta- right? carls jr is okay at everything but they have the best fries. not the best burgers but theyre good

    mmmmm those fries give me orgasms….

  13. Dragonslayer

    First two scenes: Funny, but the rest sucked.

  14. Orren Jensen

    This was funny no dough but if you are going to make fun of product placement in Iron Man hows about Version. It had more money wrapped in it product placement, so much so they featured Iron Man in their latest commercial.

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