Hulk Street Fight Clip

Holy freaking hot damn shit cakes. He uses a damn cop car as boxing gloves! Thanks to Ty for the heads up:

47 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. yamo

    kick ass looks good

  2. DON

    I will avoid these clips.

    I will watch it in theatres so the experience is much cooler.

    I bet from now on universal+marvel are going to release tons of action packed clips and stuff so ya I would rather be amazed and watch new stuff when I go to theatre than ruin it for myself.

    Worked for Iron Man and will definitely work for this.

    Hulk rules.

  3. Kristina


    Showing a bunch of action clips…showing no talking clips…should I call this smart marketing or a desperation ploy to generate false hype for a film that has slim to none?

  4. Hey Kristina,

    Talking clips?!?!?! Do you seriously think ANYONE wants to see “talking” clips? They’re releasing exactly what they know people want to see.

    And with Ed Norton in the lead… I have no worries about “talking” being a weakness

  5. ethan

    Well Kristina I don’t think Hulk is well known for his talking abilities. Also Hulk is the main character and what he does best is smash things so I think showing clips of him doing just that is smart marketing…its no TDK genius viral marketing (note sarcasm) but its smart.

  6. eanetdude

    If they were showing ALL talking clips and NO Hulk Smash clips, everyone would be bitching anyway. You gotta have a certain percentage of both. Of course, for a Hulk film, it’s smart to have the majority of clips be the action/smash ‘em up type.

  7. chris (the real one)

    thats how u shoot an action scene with huge characters….none of that close-up shaky camera bullshit…looking at u

    but nice clip…cant wait to see this

  8. Ides_of_March

    Look John no shaky cam, happy now? :)

    Talking or no talking, looks pretty good.

  9. vargas

    I’ve heard people were already trashing this new Hulk film after the trailers came out.

    I’m not sure what trailer they saw because if it’s the one posted here or on the other site I saw it at, this movie looks sweet!

  10. scoville


    Big “monsters” beating on each other.
    No Shaky Cam.
    Action shot from a distance without too much editing.

    This should have gotten me excited. Somehow, it did nothing for me at all.

  11. Bruce

    great point scoville, im with you.

  12. Bruce

    Imagine if transformers was shot like this.

  13. Gutpunch

    They took that “using gars as gloves” from the last Hulk computer game. Seem rather silly to me to see it in the “real” world.

  14. alfie

    that seems silly to you but you accept a guy turning into a big green monster when he gets angry?

    I was dead against this film to begin with but the more I see the more I am looking forward to it…I am glad they are obviously going the ridiculous route. Its the hulk…you might as well go all out and make it as crazy as possible.

    It can’t come out soon enough…I need to wash the foul taste of indiana jones away.

  15. Jake Vermont

    The Cas Smashing looks awesome but I still dont like the animations
    at the point where abomination is on the ground and Hulk beats him with the car halfs they move way too fast I mean Hulk weighs what a ton? and the car too and he moves so fast? that just doesnt look real… it looks fuckin cool and fantastic but not real…… thats sad
    I’m really into animation and VFX and I do some stuff myself as a hobby and uhm really I’ve seen better animations
    This fight is Key frame animated they should have done it with MoCap and it would look much better

    remember the King Kong Fight with the Tyrannosauruses? That was KeyFrame animated too but they moved great……

    Dont get me wrong the fighting scene is really kickass I like the 3D models the textures the compositing it’s great but the animation…. is not watch it more often and you will see what i mean
    sorry but thats what i think

    greets from germany

  16. Robert(wolf)


  17. THANX JOHN! :)

    and like i sayd like 2 months ago. this movie will be better then ironman TDK and hellboy.

    MAYBE batman will be better mayBE but itll be better then helboy and ironman easily. but thats becausde i like action. some people might like more talking or story telling or the oriogin of the character. i wanna see the irongloves.


    i love the fact that theyre doing that- you know- he also does the claping hands sound wave thing…thats amazing. (i loved that game)

  18. Kristina


    Oh I know we wanna see action clips. Agree totally. What makes me a little bit nervous is the fact that the 1st Hulk showed nothing but action in the trailers and ads, but the movie itself was a yappy bore. Now, I know this is a different movie, but I have questions about this movie before I decide to see it just because of one clip of Hulk using a car as boxing gloves. Are they showing this action stuff to reassure me that there’s going to be some badass action? Sure. What I want to know is, what is the ratio of action to the ratio of yapping? We’ve seen the street fight and some stuff at what appears to be a school campus, but other than that, is it going to be a yapfest? Yapfests can be good, just don’t make it DULL. Hulk 1 was DULL.

  19. Jake Vermont

    @Robert Wolf

    hey just watch the HULK movie from 2003 when he fights against the dogs and the tanks
    there u see that HULK has a weight, a mass and he has to work to lift heavy things thats beautifully animated
    but let’s wait until we have seen the movie maybe I’ll change my mind :D:D


  20. Mozzerino

    I’m sorry, I just can’t get exited over this.
    The effects look alright I guess, but I simply don’t get the fascination of watching two CGI-creatures beating the crap out of each other. VAN HELSING anyone?
    It’s like watching somebody else play a video game. It’s interesting for about 5 minutes and then it just gets boring.
    I doubt I will see this in the theater and I also doubt that this will be a success. In a summer filled with long awaited sequels like DARK KNIGHT and INDY 4, this will strike most people as a sequel to a film they didn’t like in the first place. Even if that’s not really true, people will perceive it like that.

  21. Bruce

    @ jake vermont

    from what ive read it is mo cap? but mabey not the fight your talking about, i think when hulk has bad hulk on the ground the animation is great its fast but still visible whats happening and you can feel the weight and thats really the most important even if your textures look “real”

  22. Gutpunch

    Ang Lee did all the mocap for the Hulk himself and he specifically said they should not smooth out his movements or use key frame animation in them.
    The CGI in Ang Lee’s Hulk is amazing but for some reason people poo poo it all the time. I guess they don’t know what the hell they are talking about.

  23. Jake Vermont


    Yeah indeed there are VFX shots in the trailer in which they used mocap and they look damn cool animated but you cant do everything with it…. unfortunately

    the fight above is an hand made animation I’m pretty sure
    what bothers me is that HULK has no problems to accelerate his fist holding half a car in no time….. compared to the tank fight from the first HULK this is worse but it’s just a small scene only a couple of shots let’s wait for the movie……

    as i said i have to wait until 10th of JULY thats the release date here in germany :( :(

  24. DrDave

    Looks to much like a video game. I hope the amazing cast pulls through.

  25. Dragonslayer

    Holy Shit on a Shingle! This looks so fuckin’ cool!

  26. FunkyMunkey

    Like many here, I really can’t get psyched up for this film. Like Mozzer , I don’t really care about 2 CGI creatures beating each other up. Abomination looks pretty shit to me, from out of B-Movie like the live -action Guyver films.

    For me, there’s no way this’ll be anywhere near as good as TDK or Ironman, but hopefully I’m wrong.

  27. shadopup

    The description made me think this would look awesome however when watching it I found it underwhelming. Didn’t really have a problem with the “realism” of the motion, it just seemed to lack intensity like none of the punches had any effect. Not to mention the way its cut, it looks like Abomination simply runs into the Hulk’s fists…it just doesn’t make for a particularly logical fight sequence.

    I think Hellboy 2 will have some kickass fight scenes. The first one did and even though the final fight was cut short due to budget, it didn’t come off as lame unlike say Transformers…one of the lamest final fights ever. I liked Iron Man but that last fight scene was kinda confusing.

    Batman had good action sequences but not necessarily good fight sequences at least I can’t remember any of the fight sequences from the first movie. Ras Al Ghul is arguably a fighter comparable to Bats. The Joker…as far as I know isn’t a fighter so who is Bats going to have some good fisticuffs with in the 2nd movie?

  28. Patrick

    I think the only reason these clips are getting released is because the movie isn’t tracking that well. I know no one, outside my movie geek friends, that’s looking forward to this movie. These clips should do the trick though. It’s looking better with every clip.

  29. scoville

    When they played the Hulk trailer prior to Iron Man, there was a collective “Why?” in the audience.

  30. Dean

    is everyone blind? this clip looks shit. it looks like two video game characters fighting.

    marvel have shot themselves in the foot releasing this after iron man as the expectation levels are so high which, sadly, this film won’t fulfill.

  31. Seth Grimes

    Smash’n stuff to look cool.Now thats what I’m talking about.

  32. Rodney

    That was clearly the downtown core of Hamilton Ontario. Hometown to TBM staff.

    I was on set and saw the buildings and such that were converted to look like Queens.

    Very cool stuff.

  33. Kenn

    I’m hyped for it now!

  34. AjaxLou

    Man what a sad trailer. The Hulk and the Abomination look terrible in each new one I see.

    Plus how many times are we going to hear, ‘Is that all you got?’

    My question is, ‘ Is this the best these two characters are going to look?’

  35. FredMillerTurdMonkey

    sadly the trailers don’t look that great. I dunno what else to expect from a Hulk movie, tho, other than what they are showing in the trailers. Nothing but action. Still, it isn’t doing anything for me. Probably see it anyway tho.

  36. PhoenixP3K

    I was already pretty pumped up about the Incredible Hulk… I don’t think people will have anything bad to say about the action sequences.

  37. kiyo

    man i so wanna see this. maybe finally i’ll be able to erase the last hulk movie from my memory and see the hulk doing what he’s supposed to be doing: smashing crap and beating the shit outta the bad guys

  38. Koko

    It looks like a clip from ‘Story Mode’ from the Hulk computer game …. Piss weak

  39. Michael C (Mastermind)

    I don’t know why John didn’t put a link from which showed the links of two other clips. You can watch this one in better quality (1080p HD) in yahoo. I don’t know why people bitch so much about how bad its going to be. Come on everyone you even haven’t seen the movie yet. Of course, I was worried for a moment but after seeing the clips in their highest quality which I took the time to see instead of watching some shitty quality from youtube, makes the big difference in terms of watching these two fight. I hope people will give this film a chance. Making CGI characters like this isn’t a walk in the park you know.

  40. Michael C (Mastermind)

    Plus everyone this is not a trailer but a small clip….yea I’m talking especially to you AjaxLou

  41. Dean

    i think you can make a comment from the trailer. everybody did with iron man, and that turned out to be a very good film. that’s what trailers and clips like these a for mate. i checked out this clip in high quality too. i still think it looks shit.

  42. Jake Vermont

    @ Michael C

    yes it looks totally different in 1080p really really cool thanks for the tipp

    you can download it here

    with save target as - and then change the .dll ending to .avi and you can watch it perfectly with vlc

  43. bigsampson

    micheal c ……the reason that people complain is cause it looks like what it is….COMPUTER GRAPHICS…..i dont care what part of the worl u live in and what kind of glasses u wear….that shit does not look real at all and thats that…..u know i am gonna see it but the fact is organic material does not adapt well with cgi compared to metallic things say like trans, ironman, etc,,, personally i believed that the alien looked more real in ALIENS with man suites n puppets then the cgi ones in avp etc…….i mean hulk looks cool but if i seen his big green ass on the streets i wouldnt trip cause it looks fake,,,just pull out an eraser and swipe…..DUDE remember when u seen godzilla for the first time….u were like wtf that shit looks cheezy….well hulk kicking a guy saying “is that all u got” looks pretty fucking lame IMO… dont get me wrong…sounds coool,,,,looks fake ….and if u cant see that even with 6 gigs of ram and a 8800 gtx quad core then your just retarded.

  44. Michael C (Mastermind)

    I know what you are meaning about organic material not as real as metalic based material like in Transfomrers. Well from the the tv spots and clips thay did improve the graphics. Hopefully more changes are done to the last minute in this thing.

  45. Jake Vermont

    to make a 3D character look “real” there are a lot of tiny details in
    the textures, the bump surface on the skin, reflections due to sweat, hair-, skin and muscle simulation, a very good ray traced lighting and a very good compositing. it’s fuckin difficult to make a breathing living organism and the character has to interact with its environment that all is what sells it in the end. it has to fit in the shot as if it was really shot on set that is what makes a realistic feeling thats what makes your subsconcious mind to accept it as real…. your conscious mind will never accept it as real beacause you know it is not……..
    you have to define about which level of reality you are talkin about
    and the HULK model looks awesome it is really amazing please watch the 1080p HD version of this clip there are so many details the model looks really terrific
    BUT I STILL DONT LIKE THE ANIMATION !!! It is too fast there is no physical dynamic no feeling of mass of weight of energy just 2 figures moving around as if they were light as paper………. baaad!!

  46. townes

    yeah, listen to Jake! :=)

  47. townes

    nur leider laggt der mist bei mir schon ab 420… (ich brauch definitiv nen neuen pc!)

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