Highschool Musical 3: Senior Class Poster Online

Hold on to your 5star binders! We got the new Highschool Musical 3: Senior Class poster!

Cinematical was just sent this brand new poster for High School Musical 3: Senior Year!

This one hits the big screen on October 24th, and it marks the return of all your favorite High School Musical-ers like Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. From the official synopsis: “High School Musical 3: Senior Year finds high school seniors Troy (Efron) and Gabriella (Hudgens) facing the prospect of separation as they head off to different colleges.

I know you were all dying to know what would happen to this perfectly melodic highschool romance once the harsh reality of life struck these promising students destined for postsecondary education.

But honestly, I have actually been tempted more than once to watch this just to see what all the buzz is about (I have kids creeping up on the target demographic) and I did find Zack Efron to be incredibly entertaining in Hairspray, but then I thought he fit the look for that era without flaw.

And in true Disney fashion, you will never have had a highschool grad as cool and jazzy as this one, so dream on! Nothing like a little Hollywood to ruin your completely acceptable and respectable grad ceremony and prom.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. dude who watches this shit broh?

    nonononnononn okay Rodney- dude- remmeber when disney chanel used to play donald duck and mickey??
    when my little brothers watch it alls they show is stupid ass shows with dumbass highschool teenagers talking in code about their periods cuz they cant talk about it openly cuz its disney channel.
    theyre such dumbasses reality-tv-like shows and theyre so pathetic i HATE them.

    HSM is just like that only in movie mode- the old high school musical is fine but this generation of it swallows

    i mean high school musical was good (the OLD one)
    i mean not to me cuz i dont watch that kind of movie but it wasnt STUPID like this version- it was okay…id watch it on the last day of school in math class with no problem but this new disney chanel crap is so ungodly and i miss donald duck and goofy

  2. digital drew

    Im sorry, I dont understand, why are they not nude ?

  3. oh and by the way- theyre not fuckiong seniors- IM a fucking senior…those dudes are all 28 up and the girls have a c-section scar already probably and all the guys are old enough to have watched the movie “cacoon”

  4. nbakid2000

    I finally broke down and watched HSM just to see what the deal was too.

    High School Musical 1 was really good and I think a better film than HSM 2. However, High School Musical 2 had catchier songs overall than 1 did.

    Did I like them? Eh, they’re total escapism. I enjoyed them but I wouldn’t really recommend them to people.

    Overall, they’re fun films, I suppose.

  5. Spiny

    Shallow as a puddle & as real as capped teeth.

    My daughters (5 & 9) will *love* this :)

  6. Ransom

    umm so yeah, Iron Man is going to ROCK!

    Tony Stark: Yeah, I can fly.

  7. Jano

    What a pile of crap

  8. kiyo

    This is one piece of crap i could do without. who the fuck in disney thought this series was a good idea?! just another sign that all they care about is their next big paycheck and i guess hsm has bas big $$ painted on its ass. for shame disney, for shame

  9. Drew


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