He’s Just Not That Into You Trailer

We have the new trailer for the star studded He’s Just Not That Into You. Thanks to comingsoon for the heads up!

I know the book that this film was based on was wildly popular, but I didn’t have high expectations….because I don’t really fancy romcoms. This trailer is certainly good however, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I’m not saying this is my favorite trailer of the year, but I was blown away at the amount of famous faces they rammed into this film, found the clips to be humorous, and look forward to checking it out.

After Sex And The City, this will be the next massive chick flick up to bat. I am usually bad with predicting box office success, but I am guessing this film will rake in quite a take.

If you took a date to this film, and then never called them back - I wonder if they would take the hint.

He’s Just Not That Into You hits theaters October 24, 2008.

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  1. Meli

    I rarely into RomComs…I basically dislike them and certainly had no interesting in this film when it was announced. Now that I’ve seen the trailer I have to say I’m mildly interested…I did actually laugh at the last scene…lol. I doubt I’ll see this in the theaters, but I can see watching it on DVD.

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