Happy Star Wars Day!

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mr.Death

    There’s a Star Wars day?

  2. Rodney

    Yes. This is the unofficial, non government recognized day of Star Wars. The fans have decreed it and it is so.

    This is based entirely on the pun of the date and the iconic phrase that is a staple in the Star Wars franchise.

  3. @ RODNEY

    dude- did you know Jedi was a religion? like OFFICIALLY? it only takes 2000 people to follow something and make it official so that was enough to make it be in the 2000 presidental elections list. it was like “religion: fill in the bubble” and Jedi was there.

    i think theyre taking it too far but- what the hell who cares


  4. may the fourth be with YOU rodney

  5. kiyo

    well, if you’re gonna follow a sci-fi religion then the jedi is a pretty good choice. at least they have awesome movies to back ‘em up

    ~a star wars holiday, kick ass!

  6. HisDivineShadow

    Yeah you say “Happy Star Wars Day” but look at Yoda, does he look happy. It looks like he’s about to chop my head off.

    Happy Star Wars day indeed.
    (C3PO voice).

  7. Robert(wolf)

    May the force be with us.

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