Hancock PIctures

IESB has a number of pics from Hancock up on their site today. I have included 3 for you to enjoy the rest are available at the source:

Hancock 9

Hancock 22


I don’t have a good feeling about this movie. It looks like it’s taking everything I hate about shitty superhero films; too much drama, not enough “super”. This could end up surprising me, we shall see. It will be cool to see Smith and Bateman play off of each other; with luck their interplay will make for a bitchin’ film.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    i see this as Bagger Vance crossed with My Super Ex-Girlfriend. i’ll wait for it on cable.

  2. tzaylor

    Could this bill Big Willy’s first flop? Probably not….but I never even wanted to see my super-X girlfriend….

  3. 4outof10.com

    Nope. His first flop was Wild Wild West

  4. Jason Stanley

    Yeah I have my doubts about this film also. It looks like it can’t make up its mind on what it wants to be…an action flick, comedy or a drama. I’m impressed by the visual effects work in the film and premise of just a guy with superhero powers but I’m not sure what the main draw is.

    He’ll draw the numbers so I’m sure moneywise it won’t flop.

  5. Grundy

    Apparently this movie has gotten an R rating twice, they had to take out a scene of statutory rape and Hancock getting drunk with a 12-year-old among other cuts to get a PG-13.

  6. Urkel

    This is just a personal reaction, but I can’t believe how quickly my excitement for this movie went down after that new trailer. I was really blown away by the “homeless superhero gets thrust into fame” angle, but the new trailer shows this to be yet another “with great power comes great responsibility” cliche.

    Plus, the latest trailers reveal his enemy in the movie and it’s extremely disappointing. Why can’t these studios learn to keep big reveals out of their advertising?

  7. HisDivineShadow

    Hancock hires a publicity agent (Jason Bateman) to improve his image and Hancock ends up tryng to sleep with his wife.

    What’s not to like?

    Boy you said it 4outof10.com,. Wild Wild West, was Sofa-king bad..! Wow

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