Guy Ritchie To Direct Sgt. Rock?

Sgt. Rock is one of those movies that has been talked about for a long time. We hear about a little progress here and there, but for the most part the project has been sitting in limbo. Movie Blog reader Jared gave me the heads up on an interview the guys over at AICN did with mega producer Joel Silver and the topic of Sgt. Rock came up. Sounds like things are moving along with Guy Ritchie attached:

Moriarty: But you do that with properties. You stick by them, like SGT. ROCK. You have developed that for a long time now…

Joel: I’m going to make that. I’m going to make that very soon. With Guy Ritchie, I think.

Moriarty: Really?!

Joel: I hope so.

I would personally love to see Guy Ritchie take this thing on. His style is one of my favorites amongst all directors working today. I still get a huge idiot grin on my face whenever I even think about “Snatch”.

The one concern I have is that like Silver’s other project, Speed Racer, Sgt. Rock looks on the outside to be a project that will rely on its pre-existing audience… but I don’t know that it has enough of a following (or even people that have heard of it) to make it viable. Hard to say really. Personally I’d love to see it.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    That pairing is totally Routh. Ritchie would gangster it up & pull no punches. i love all these characters like Sgt Rock & Jonah Hex whose comic book glory days were in the 70s being resurrected as films.

  2. Mozzerino

    Guy Ritchie is a twat and an incompetent director.

  3. bigsampson

    i dissagree with mozzerino….i think ritchie is awesome and i also think that the ending for lock stock and 2 smoking barrels is the best ending in a movie period…..i can totally see his style with sgt rock….i have read many comics of rock when i was a kid looking at my dads comics…he was a big fan of rock and conan….so like i said i would be down to see rock….better then taht pussy known as nick fury….if u dont know fury is a punk ass sell out even though he was cool to spidey 1 time.,…but all in all fury loves bush supporters while sgt rock likes…..HAND GRENADES AND STOMPING DOUCHEBAGS!…..if he could only stomp bush! lol

  4. DON

    Joel Silver should think million times before trying to make this movie. He should not be investing more than 40-50 million on this.

  5. bigsampson

    ya i agree with u there don…as much as i want to see this movie do to old fond memories of my dads comics i really dont think there is a mass of people who even know who rock is.

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