Fraggle Rock: The Movie

News of a Fraggle Rock movie is hardly news. They have been talking about this for a long time. But now the Weinstein Company with Cory Edwards to direct, will finally get moving on a feature film.

Coming Soon says:

Just like the series, the film will be populated by a mix of human characters and Fraggle Rock puppets. The movie will take the core characters Gogo, Wembley, Mokey, Boober and Red outside of their home in Fraggle Rock, where they interact with humans, which they think are aliens.

September 2005 brought us the first hint of this project with a Fraggles in Space storyline, then back in May 2006 we caught wind that this was actually going to happen and that it would be an adaptation of the show instead of a sequel.

I am still all about this provided they continue to use Muppets. Much like the fabled Dark Crystal sequel, much of the charm of the show will be lost without Muppets. A live action movie with cgi Fraggles might be kind of fun, but that will inevitably be compared to the proposed Smurfs movie that will do the same thing.

It sounds like they hope stay true to the materials. There is plenty to work with and we have a complete generation that have never been exposed to these strange creatures.

I just hope they don’t forget about the Dozers diligently building things with the one substance that Fraggles eat.

Then we can get a Dozer spinoff movie where the Fraggles are human sized and Dozers are the stars. They rally against the Fraggles who think it is harmless to destroy what they are building just so they can eat! Viva Dozer Revolution!!

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