Favreau Still Not Locked In for Iron Man 2

It appears that Favreau has yet to be locked into a contract for the much anticipated Iron Man sequel. The following information will divulged unto us through our friends over at firstshowing:

Favreau first told EW.com in an interview after the release of Iron Man that, “there’s no formal arrangement yet, but in theory we would all love to see it happen…” Now SlashFilm follows that up with more confirmation as of Tuesday this week. Favreau made an appearance on the Howard Stern Show, and told Howard that, “they haven’t offered me anything yet,” adding that “they’re all talking - they want to do it, they even announced a date.” So if you want to actually speak about this in terms of technicalities, no, Jon Favreau has not been signed to direct anything yet.

In the full article Alex goes on to remind us that this sort of thing isn’t uncommon so far away from the release date, and that we shouldn’t be alarmed by this news. I agree with him wholeheartedly. I am not certain if Favreau is making this announcement as a bargaining tool, or just calling things the way they are; but I would guess that his Iron Man 2 job is quite safe.

Iron Man has had an overwhelmingly positive response from both comic book fans, and Joe Movie goer. It has injected a boost of life into the genre that seemed to be getting a little stale, and with luck, Hulk will pick up where Iron Man left off. My hopes for Hulk have been raised by Iron Man; if Hulk knocks it out of the park… this could be one of the greatest geek summers in history.

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Phil Gee

    Well i’m not worried but it does seem silly to announce your release date to the world when you actually have no director or writers locked in place (ie. no guarentee you can make the film). At least the cast are signed.

  2. Joey

    I hope Hulk does well, but I feel there is still a sour taste from the last one that will be hard to overcome.

  3. Dan

    I think fans of Hulk need to treat this new movie like Batman Begins. Before BB came out, hardcore comic book and Batman fanatics were outraged that they would try and continue the franchise with someone other than Michael-Van-Clooney-Keaton, but Christopher Nolan and company relentlessly reported that this was a BRAND NEW take on the Batman saga. Forget about Danny DeVito, Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, Uma Thurman, Jim Carrey, etc., this has nothing to do with them…

    The same needs to be said and thought about this new Hulk, forget Ang Lee’s movie, forget Eric Bana, forget scary Nick Nolte, this will be all new. Does that mean it will be as good of a franchise re-starter as BB was, we shall see.


    dont worry guys. the first ironman movie was awsome (for an origin but it was really good) the 2nd WILL come. im sure of this. it has to wether this guy directs it or not (right?)

    but please PLEASE i beg of you: dont make the mandarin the villain pleeeease? get a good bad guy. or fine..okay- get the mandarin if you MUST, but make him less homo and change his name and completely change his look and superpowers. lmao- thats it.

  5. melbye

    Michael Bay wasn’t locked for Transformers 2 when the date for that movie was announced and now he is preparing to shoot it so i am not worried

  6. Steven Carroll

    I hope he gets to direct the sencond one. I also wouldn’t be suprised if it is offered to him soon, specifically after this weekend. The first long weekend, also 3 weeks after release. If this movie stays on top again, that will deffinately look good on him staying on.

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