Faces Of Death DVD Re-Release

It looks like the schoolyard favorite Faces Of Death will be getting a fresh printing on DVD. We get the following skinny from our friends at cinematical:

According to the gore-soaked lunatics of Dread Central, who got word from one of their pals at supplement house Red Shirt Pictures, Gorgon Video is planning a Faces of Death DVD for release later this year. Extras will include a trio of featurettes (one on the effects, one on the editing, and one on the “impact”) and a “very in-depth” audio commentary from director Conan le Cilaire (aka John Schwartz). And since Faces of Death was one of the most controversial horror movies in my whole middle school, I can only assume that the new DVD release will cause a bit of colorful chit-chat all over the horror sites.

I cannot handle torture videos or footage of people getting killed, so I have never watched the FOD series of films. I remember when I was young, other kids would speak of the horrors of the films to others in the schoolyard that were unable to watch it (or too chicken like myself). Watching this series was like getting another badge for your cub scout uniform; and those that made it though the experience certainly had bragging rights.

This film continues to make cash as a new generation is born, and hungers to be disgusted. With so much of this available on the internet now, the film has certainly lost its exclusivity, but the collection still remains a cult classic and it ’s cool to see it live on to haunt anew.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Gutpunch

    These films have more faked deaths than actual footage of people dying. It’s just that when it came out, people didn’t know that so they thought they were watching actual footage of people getting killed.

    I’d be very interested in this release because I’ve been mildly fascinated in the phenomena behind this series.

  2. Ides_of_March

    I can’t stomach watching FOD either. When I was young, my cousin and I rented a FOD video just out of curiosity. After that I vowed to myself I wouldn’t watch another FOD video. Watching real deaths is where I draw the line. There’s nothing funny/romantic/glorious/ etc etc about real people getting killed, it’s just sad.

    I am sure there is a niche market for this sort of thing, but not in my DVD player.

  3. Kristina


    Like Ides of March, my older cousin showed me this when I was a kid to try and freak me out, but I was honestly fascinated with the thing. Fuck it, I’ll buy it.

  4. Mkfreak2

    Faces of Death is almost entirely faked footage. Traces of Death, on the other hand, is almost entirely real.

  5. Stevie

    This is sick. And I don’t mean sick as in cool. The only reason they’re doing this is because of the the cash-cow Saw which is also sick. These movies are trash.

  6. 46and2

    Real or fake, that shit is fucked up and nobody should be making money off death footage. Marilyn Manson and GTA are like My Little Pony compared to the effect FOD has on kids. It fucked me up. I would rather my kids watch hardcore DVDA than FOD. Fuck that shit.

  7. Darren J Seeley

    I never got into it in the 80’s either. I know people who have. Man, that video series passed hands countless times. Thats I,II and..i think there was a III but that could have been the aforementioned Traces Of Death.

    *Deaths of animals at slaughterhouses
    *Newsreel footage

    But I’m not surprised at the DVD news.

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