Extended Clip Of The Happening

They have loosed a new clip from The Happening on Yahoo today. The extended clip features an introduction by Sham-hammer and was brought to our attention by comingsoon. We were unable to embed the trailer for you, but you can check it out over at the Yahoo page.

The Happening Extended Clip With Intro Link

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. jan

    Well that was nice ….
    Thats was the first time in a long period that i actually got goosebumps by just looking at a clip
    Think i am gonna give Sham the man another chance

  2. Bruce

    The acting seemed kind of weak to me from everyone except Wahlberg; but “maybe that’s what they were going for”.

    Anyway, it still looks interesting to me. Even though I haven’t liked all of his movies, I’ve always appreciated and respected the spirit that Shyamalan has towards movie making… so I always give him a chance.

  3. AjaxLou

    Looks awesome!

  4. Mozzerino

    Looks horrible. Honestly, what’s going with Wahlberg? It’s like the worst line-reading I’ve ever seen.
    I heard nothing good about this movie so far. One reviewer actually said that it is the worst Shymalumdidum film so far. Now that’s saying something after THE VILLAGE and LADY IN THE WATER.

  5. Amish_Bill

    Agreed. I’m going to give this one a chance. I actually always look forward to his movies but the acting looks really weak. I’m hoping this movie creeps me out as much as The Sixth Sense and Signs did. I also hope there’s no big twist in this movie. Just give us an all-out balls-to-the-wall thriller.

  6. Bruce


    Actually, this movie looks like it’s reeking of a big twist ending. I just hope the twist isn’t as lame as “OMG! All we have to do is throw water on them! Swing batter batter SWING!!”

  7. Phil

    Looks great to me. I really want it to work for him after the crap-hammer that was “Lady In The Water.” The acting does look a bit weak (the little girl’s “Call mommy, call mommy, call mommy!” was horrible) but Wahlberg’s pretty solid, so hopefully he can carry it.

  8. James

    Guys, the “twist” is already out on this film. If you want to commit spoiler suicide, go over to AICN and read the talkbacks.

  9. 1138

    OMG…I love Zoey Dechanel…I would pay her millions to bear my children…but man that line about “what’s going” on is bad!!!! In fact the acting overall seems really stiff. And the music??? What am I watching…bad 80’s movie??

    I loved Signs and really had High hopes for M. Night, thinking he was going to be the next Speilberg giving us great popcorn movies for a generation. But his subsequent movies have been so bad! One after the other getting worse and worse. Was he a one shot wonder? I don’t know but if this movie tanks this really could be it for his career.

  10. Nixon

    the village was good but too weak storyline… i mean the whole movie was weak ecept the ending which piss me off, the lady in the water i heard sucks, but happening looks fantastic, the first two trailer looks crap, but this one here, I AM SOLD !!! Paranoia, im in !

    I like Shamylan but he needs to calm down when he direct movies because he think suprise ending makes movie look good, and I am not a fan of that !

  11. 1138

    OOps I meant to say I loved the Sixth Sense…not Signs…Signs was a good movie until the end which made it a stupid movie. Can someone tell me why Aliens who come to earth, to possibly conquer and pillage, where 2/3 of the planet is water and their one weakness is water? What was Night smoking?

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