Eagle Eye Trailer

We have the new trailer for Eagle Eye to show you today! Check it out.

This film wasn’t on my radar at all, but the trailer is great. Cliff hanger trailers are the best, and this one is a fantastic lead off to all the advertising that will follow.

International Friends - what are your thoughts on the clip?

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. @spence

    Reminds me of Morpheus talking to Neo for the first time. Looks pretty good.

  2. tillie

    Reminds me of ‘Matrix’ movie. Looks great. thank for the heads up.

  3. Peter T

    love it, didn”t even know this movie existed!!!

  4. Kristina

    Enemy of the State much?

    Good shit, though. Shia doesn’t deserve the mass hatred he gets.

  5. Sound Designer Dan

    I gotta agree with Kristina. The trailer made it look like Enemy of the State 2.

  6. Michael

    One word, WOW. I can’t believe this but Shia really is the next leading man in his age group. Luck bastard!

  7. Rob

    Holy shit, this looks pretty good. Coming out any time soon?

  8. Ben

    This looks pretty sweet indeed! Never heard about though, but that just makes it better.

    Thx for the heads up!!!

  9. bret

    I might be going out on a limb here rob, but i believe it said 9 26 08

    and how this is anything like enemy of the state? Did will smith get phone calls from a creepy female almost computer processed voice telling him every move to make until he jumps from a building and plummets to his death?

    trailer looks great, shia is leading material

  10. tom.

    Looks good, although the “jump Jerry Shaw!!” on the scrolling text was a bit silly.

  11. nbakid2000

    Shia kicks ass at acting. I will definitely see this if it has good reviews, just because I like him so much.

  12. Kristina


    Dude getting set up for crime(Smith/Beefy), government conspiracy involving old white man(Voight/Bad Santa), dude runs for his life=Enemy of the State.

  13. Manila Marco

    I’ve got a man crush on The Beef.

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