Dragonball Z Goku Image

Dragonball Z is going to be the next Speed Racer. I think the potential audience for this film is being drastically over estimated by a lot of people, but I guess we’ll know for sure once the film opens. On the topic of Dragonball Z, the good folks over at ComingSoon have posted up the first picture of Goku (Justin Chatwin) from the film. So what do you think?

33 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Bruce

    either way been waiting for some live action treatment for a while, looking forward to it.

  2. Michael

    Jesus Christ, John! It’s not Dragonball Z! The movie is titled DRAGONBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know its the show series before dragonball z, just in case you didn’t know that. I think that the movie can be surprising interesting and I will give it a shot. In most cases U hope this movie exceeds all our expectations and puts that negative look you have towards it into a 180 degree shock.

  3. Michael

    Correction * “In most cases, I hope this movie exceeds all our expectations and puts that negative look you have towards it into a 180 degree shock.

  4. Jake Vermont

    Yes it’s titled DRAGONBALL but didn’t they want to bring up Super Sajajins?? or was that just rumor? that would be soooo cool

    I’m not quite sure but i think i read it somewhere….. maybe I’m wrong
    Does anybody know exactly???

    greets from germany

  5. HInkle

    No it is completly based off of dragonball The King piccolo Saga. Which never even came close to the Super saiyans. About the most powerfull thing that going to be in the movie is energy blasts(at least thats all the info that has been released) maybe some flying but the super saiyan thing should even come up unless it is when goku finds out he is a saiyan and the only talk a little about it. Im not saying your stupid but i would advise you to do a little more research before you say anything your not sure about
    Are the best sites for info.
    No super saiyans

  6. Kanthan

    What the hell is this… who the guck is this crusty pale faced fucker..goku even in his younger days was badass

  7. Jake Vermont

    I totally agree…
    I didn’t mention it before but I don’t like him either…
    He’s just too good looking like the boy in Eragon…. blond blue eyed bahh *throwing up*
    and Chadwin as SonGoku? I hope the movie will be good, maybe Chadwin surprises us all…. we’ll see

  8. Azizan

    like..what the hell is this? this guy ain’t Goku! but just have to keep an open mind on it, right?

    one last time: what the hell is this? this ain’t dragonball!

  9. Jen176

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s going to be a step up from the Chinese live-action one.

  10. NYCKING87

    I’m a diehard DBZ fan and all I can say is that I hope the film does well. I like Chatwin and I think he fits the bill as Goku. However, I don’t necessarily like the poster here because that’s not what Goku wore in DragonBall.

  11. digital drew

    John is absolutely right about this being the next speed racer. Though now that i say that i think speed racer was 70s right? this is current. But still….

  12. Rodney

    Never a fan of Dragonball to begin with but I have to say with this poster?

    Still not.

    This guy looks as impressive as my dentist.

  13. sal

    There’s a clip of James Marsters talking about Dragonball here

    and a picture of him as Piccolo here:

  14. Joseph

    awesomeness! didnt expect it to look so cool!

  15. HAZMAT

    it IS a dragonball movie not dragonball z but its a human mistake…i dont see johns fuck fliyng.

    and remember that goku started out as a kid. they cant just cast some big tough guy just yet- remmber what you were all saying? “this is dragonball not dragonball z!!!!’” exactly. in dragonball goku was a kid. in fact. he looks way too onld but w.e.

    and no..there wont be super sajajins hence the fact (again) its dragonball not DBZ. but there will in the potential sequels (POTENTIAL)

  16. HAZMAT

    actually, this kid is a perfect gohan. i thought the bufy the vampire slayer guy was going to be goku and this kid gohan. would have been better that way.

  17. Formless

    Well, I think that this movie needs to be redone in a modern telling, as they SEEM to be doing. If they do this correctly in terms of how they make them dress, I think it can actually come out real well. As critical as I am, being a die hard Dragonball fan, I think it CAN be pulled off.

    I’m not going to draw my conclusions form one picture. What it looks like to me is that it’s only going to be based off of Dragonball and going to be an interpretation which I feel is the best idea rather than just trying to do it EXACTLY like the show. And he looks fine for a young Goku, actually. I’ve seen people saying Goku needs to be asian, but I respectfully disagree as Saiyan’s are NOT asian.

  18. Formless

    Btw, the clothing should be the way they’re doing it I think, and then have different outfits for fighting. They can’t put them in karate outfits for the entire movie. Besides the fact I think that it’s a better idea to have clothing thats reminiscent of the clothing from the show, I’d prefer them to not be in lame karate outfits because you can’t make them translate over well into real life.

  19. Alexis Lopez From Argentina

    Now is this piece of shit going to be Dragon Ball Z or just Dragon Ball because I haven’t heard any of the Z fighters coming to this movie. (remember that Piccolo was in it since the origins of the series).


  20. Kanthan

    Speedracer tried to stay to its routes and was a techincal marvel. This isnt only a fool would compare the two even at this early stage.

  21. TM

    I’ve been a solid fan of Drangon Ball Z for years. I think the studio is setting itself up for failure. Everyone in the cast seems to be asian, BUT the main characters. WTF anyone? But that’s not the only reason I think it’s gonna fail. It just looks terrible in it’s beginning phase and the poster ain’t helping. All the fans feel the same.

    I think this movie is going to be like “The Covenant”. Two guys having a cheesy energy ball fight in the rain at the end of the movie, but seemed more like a water balloon fight between 2 sprites.

    What a waste… :o(

  22. Formless

    @TM: Excuse me, but being a fan of Dragonball since the late 80’s, I’d like to say that not “all the fans feel the same”. Some people, like me, are going to give this a chance. Why? Because as I earlier stated, which you apparently did not read, some people feel it’d be silly to do an exact translation of an 80’s cartoon into a real life picture. Everyone in the cast seems to be asian? What about James Marsters, or Emmy Rossum? Asians who are cast are cast because their characters are, you guessed it, ASIAN. Goku is not asian, he’s a Saiyan, so why should he be played by an asian person? Claiming you’re a “solid fan” and then forgetting one of the key story elements to Dragonball doesn’t credit your fandom.

  23. DON

    I think it will do much better than speed racer. Speed Racer had other problems. It is an unpopular cartoon, crap visual style and too colorful.

  24. Jake Vermont

    If they r ever up to make a sequel and that would be a Dragonball Z movie and they would get this Cast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nms2_BNeiMM&feature=related

    then WOW!!! HAVE A LOOK AT IT
    I like the actors picked by the video’s editor
    I know this is can’t be realized but it would be really cool :D:D

  25. Shane

    Who even wants to see this movie?

  26. TM

    To Formless:

    I feel that you are upset over my comments. I don’t read other ppls comments before writing my own because that can alter my own thoughts and take away genuineness, which is something that many ppl give up nowadays. Think about that for a min.

    Moving on… Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I’m not here to prove my support for the DBZ franchise, just express my opinion for the new movie. So don’t let little things like comments from ppl you don’t know upset you.

    Don’t get caught up in the details about the cast. The big picture or the point I’m making is that the movie is going to be weak. If not, I’m man enough to say that I was wrong. Until then…not you nor anyone else can say that my prediction for the new DBZ movie is incorrect.

    So relax and watch the clip below:


  27. Loren

    this is the worst looking prom picture i’ve ever seen.

  28. bigsampson

    SO fyi for all u db fans…….on most of the fan sights people every where are complaining about this pic……IMO this movie was doomed from the start…lets be honest i was a fan as a 14 year old kid…im 30 now so if u say u where a fan 4 years ago then u are just a front runner who wasnt there in the begining…..but basically i mean it was fun as a kid but the whole story line of the db series is weak

  29. JAMIE

    @ bigsampson

    i have seen every single db and dbz episode EVER. i will admit i didnt see half of GT though. and i- speaking for most fans. disagree. some kid that bought the dvd yesterday and sawll them all may love it more then i ever could. that doesnt mean hes a front runner

    the story isnt that bad- its got alls you need to make it into a movie and sequels. in fact, it was supposed to be ONLY DB but it was so good that they made Z and GT (although gt was a huge mistake) and the story is big enough and complex enough to be put in a movie and atract fans and people who are new to the DB world

    i personally like the picture- my only grudge is the colors. i want to see if he really IS wearing all blue.

  30. Formless


    Not so much upset, just finding it a tad ridiculous you can state that it’s going to be weak from a single picture or a mere thought about a Dragonball movie. There are certainly ways to do it.

    You still haven’t addressed the topic of why you think Goku should be asian. And also, how can you just assume the movie will be weak? I’m not saying it’s going to be made of solid gold, or even bronze, but I don’t feel you should discredit anything until you see some actual footage.

    I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at, as you said not to take your comments to heart, yet in your first post you use them as your reasoning as to why the movie is going to fail. How can one not take someones comment to heart when they feel they speak for “all the fans”? And finally, not reading previous comments? Isn’t the point of a public blog comment section so you can read and discuss your thoughts?

  31. HAZMAT

    ^^^i think this movie will be good- obviously it wil get lots of money for its popularity but thats not the question- the question is if it will be like transformers.
    because a lot of people thought transformers couldnt be done because the transformations will look shitty and because they were toys- everyone that sayds that (including me) was dead wrong, kinda the same thing for DB: people are afraid that the CGI will swallow in this movie because the cartoon had so much stuff in it thats hard to put in the big screen.
    now it can turn out like transformers who got ripped off in the oscars btw- or like speedracer, which well- you know.

  32. HAZMAT

    i love cock

  33. HAZMAT

    oh real mature ^^^^^. sorry john someones using my display name

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