Disney Launches Kingdom Comics

Back when I was just a wee lad, my local barber shop often brought me fond memories of Disney Comic books. My barber looked like Elvis and even had one of those swirly red and white poles on the outside of the building. No, I am not THAT old. But while waiting our turn, I would often find myself flipping through the pages of some Uncle Scrooge or Donald Duck comic book.

Well they are bringing the comic books back. Sort of.

Cinematical says:

In the past, a series of Disney comics were published based on cartoon characters, but now Walt Disney Studios has formed Kingdom Comics with one of the goals being to “re-imagine and rejuvenate movies from the Disney ‘vault,’ the company’s library of live action films,”

Perhaps they are setting their own success stories in advance. They can publish a graphic novel and test the waters to see how the fans react to the re-imagining of Disney classic films like Old Yeller and Pollyanna. If the books sell well enough, they could option those more popular stories for remakes.

It makes sense and is sure a hell of a lot cheaper than creating a film just to see if people like it. Their direct to video line is HUGE, but there is more money to be made in the theater, however a greater risk to be taken as well.

If this acts as a crystal ball to see which of their properties would be best received as an updated feature film it could pay off big time.

Which forgotten Disney Classics could you tolerate an update of?

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jayowen

    Bedknobs and Broomsticks

  2. tobor68

    song of the south needs to be re-released. preferably in movie form.

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