Conan Updates From Sweden!

Conan1We have obtained some interesting news regarding the upcoming Conan The Barbarian film! We get the scoop from Peter Lindholm, a writer for the Swedish outfit Metro. We were made aware of this news (and provided a translation) thanks to TMB reader Joel Gustafsson! Here’s a translation of the interesting parts of the (attached) interview with Fredrik Malmberg:

Fredrik is the head of Paradox Entertainment that owns the rights to the Conan franchise. He says that Arnold wants to play the part of Conan if they can wait a couple of years. Fredrik says that they can’t wait that long and Arnold has instead been offered a cameo as Conans father in the movie after the one beeing developed right now. They hope to make three of four movies.

So who will be the new Conan? Someone, maybe unknown, with acting talent like Gerard Butler in 300 or Christian Bale in Batman. Not a bodybuilder.

I hope they are able to hold off and get Arnold back as Conan, but if they cannot, having him cameo as Conan’s father would be pretty kick ass. I am very glad that Arnold has interest in the project, and that the people involved see the benefit of having him on board.

I am fine with an unknown actor, it allows us to focus on the character, and never distracts from the story. If they can score for Conan what Superman scored in Routh - I will be happy. If they aren’t going to select a body builder, I am fine with that. HOWEVER, the actor they choose must be a natural beefcake/badass. Conan is a warrior born, and needs to have an intimidating aura about him.

I am also glad that they are planning a series of films. If they do it right, this will be a lot of sword and sandal/sworcery action for years to come! Any movie with a sword will garner my interest and If this series rules - I will pump my fist in praise of Crom.

Once again, thank you very much to Joel for this hookup. It was just down right classy for him to share this with us.

International friends - what are your thoughts on this Conan news?

12 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. William_of_dale

    Who is doing the music score? The music from the original movies, especialy “The Barbarion,” told the story and made them epic. News/rumor on this woud be most interesting.

    btw: Love the comentary on Conan: The Barbarion you guys did

  2. doug nagy

    Thx !

    Basil Poledouris did the soundtrack for the original and sadly, has passed on. I am not certain who is doing the score this time out - as soon as we can get that info, I will be sure to share!

  3. Darren J Seeley

    After tommorow night, I think we may have our new Conan, if the dude was serious about breaking into ‘acting’. Keep in mind Arnold wasn’t a great thespian in ‘82, although he really broke out after Conan.

    What happens tommorow night (Saturday) you ask> UFC’s ‘Ill Will’. Win or lose…will Mr. Tito Ortiz pick up his Cimmerian Sword…

  4. bigsampson

    well this movie will sure come out do to the success of the new Age of Conan mmo that i just started……of course im a simmerian barbarian fool u know how i do it…..but any ways i cant wait…please make this movie rock

  5. 1138

    Arnold as Conan now???? What are we? Into Geriatric heroes nowadays? First Bruce Willis in Die Hard, Ford in Indiana and Now Arnold in Conan? I can accept Bruce and Ford as their counterparts, but we need someone young, viral and the body of a god who has been through three centuries of wars!!!! Not a guy who has been through three decades of steroids! Bleahhhhhh…have you guys seen Arnold’s biceps lately? he can get away with the Terminator because he’s got a shirt on! But we need someone who is fierce in his acting and in his fighting!

    I can accept Arnold in the father role though…now that would be cool!

  6. darkbhudda

    I get concerned when they talk about doing a series of films rather than just focusing on making a kickass movie.

    They end up making a mediocre first one using the excuse that they are “holding back the good stuff for the sequels.” Of course, the first one doesn’t do well at the box office and the sequels never happen.

    Arrgh. Do the first one. Then talk about trilogies, sequels, series, whatever.

    But this is Conan. It will be kickass. I would love to see Arnie in the role again he’d have the dedication to beef up for it. But I’m happy with an unknown too.

  7. John

    they should have arnold back as father to the next conan, but also give him some time to get back in shape. those bodybuilders can get back in shape really really fast.

  8. Jay

    Agreed John, that is the only way it would appear sane.

    The only project that I wished Arnold would tackle when/if he decides to comes back is the Conan character. I’ve said this before many times my dream movie for Arnold would have been King Conan, but alas, that didn’t transpire.

  9. vargas

    I loved the first Conan movie but I think Arnold’s a little long in the tooth for these newer Conan films. It would be stellar if he plays Conan’s father in the films though. I’d love to see Gerard Butler in the role. He looked like a Cimmerian in 300 with the dark hair and light eyes and impressive physique.

    Since we can’t have Poledouris any longer perhaps Alan Silvestri could do the film score. I liked what he did with Beowulf.

  10. Adiago

    I didn’t know we owned the rights to Conan, “cool”. Give it up governator, you’re too effing old to play anything other than somebodys old-ass-dad anymore!.

    If it’d be something like ‘The Son of Conan’ and he played his dad, it could work, at least better than him in the lead!

  11. Richard Tucker

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)
    What I would like to see is the real Conan. The only Conan worthy of filming is the guy his creator breathed life into. Before Robert Howard there was no “Conan”. The film makers would do the franchise and the creator, and especially the character a lot of justice by saturating themselves in the prose written by R. E. Howard. I know that both ego and the working realities as the industry sees them will not bring the audience a directly adapted Conan story. However, to miss how easily that prose can be adapted is a shame. Also, I’m begging, do not bring Arnold or any other steroidal enhanced actors to this project. I like Arnold as a vehicle actor. However, his take on Conan was abysmal. It’s not his fault but Conan is a frontiersman, scout, warrior, thief, warchief, mercenary, Captian, General, pirate and, ultimately, a king. This is a man who inspires loyalty and trust in a lot of people. On top of that he’s a fighter, schemer and even a liberator. Arnold Schwarzeneggar is a decent politician and former weight lifter. We need an actor who is also physical and not a lug (even one who poorly pretends to have a wit) with oiled, big muskles. Think of a guy who has the physical presence of actor Clint Walker, in his prime, with the shrewd cunning of Clint Eastwood. Gerard Butler is a nice start as is Christian Bale.

  12. MR67

    It’s about high time they did another Conan movie, but please, let’s have a movie this time that’s based on one of the actual R.E. Howard or L. Sprague de Camp stories, like the classic Tower of the Elephant or Conan and the Spider God, etc. The first two movies were good, but face it, the acting was not the greatest and the storylines and characters (i.e. Thoth-Amon in the second movie - I thought he was supposed to be a dusky skinned bald Stygian wizard, not some bearded Germanic looking guy with one eye and a silly helmet. And don’t get me started on Zula - who was a male character in the books- or that stupid thief with the American accent) were completely unfaithful to the books/comics. Who to play Conan? There’s no well known actors around at the moment who present an obvious choice. I was thinking the Rock could be the most likely, but now you mention it, Gerard Butler would be a good choice too. And having Arnie as Conan’s dad would be a great idea!

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