Christian Bale Locked Down For 3 Terminator Films

It looks like Christian Bale is now officially locked in for 3 Terminator films. We get the scoop from the BBC via comingsoon:

The Welsh-born star, who is soon to be seen in Batman Begins sequel The Dark Knight, has already started shooting the first of those films, Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins.

“Christian was our first choice and he’s a big fan of The Terminator, so we’re very lucky,” Kubicek told the BBC at the Cannes Film Festival. “But with Batman he’s already done the whole franchise thing, so we weren’t sure he’d respond.” Luckily, said Kubicek’s business partner Derek Anderson, “he read the script and he loved it, so he’s signed on for all three.”

I thought he was already locked in, but confirmation is always welcome. The above blurb certainly gives us a few positive bits of information to mull over. Bale is a fan of Terminator - which rules. He is also fond of the script, and signed on for 2 additional films during production of the first. He could have bailed (no pun intended) but decided to stay for the long haul - and that gives me a glimmer of hope.

Talk is cheap however, and he may hate everything about these films; but what to do when faced with a dump truck full of fortune. I do not want to read too much into the news, but it is certainly good that he is on board for all three. No movie was every worse off for having Bale in it - that is for sure.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    Is McG still directing? If so, ugh. My man is so much better than this:(

  2. Donald

    This doesn’t say much for me. When Episode 1 was casted lots of big names ran to it for the namesake. Had they read the script, they might have thought twice.

    The same can be said of Matrix 2 and 3.

    I also still don’t get if he will be the Terminator or a resistance fighter or Connor or what???

  3. Mozzerino

    Oh boy, I hope Christian did the right thing here.
    He may be stuck with doing crappy sequels he can’t get out of.
    Come on McG (it still hurts writing that name), show us that you can direct real movies. You know, with a story and all.

    As long as Bale has enough free time to shoot the third Batman, I’m fine with this for now.

  4. Meli

    I am in complete agreement on with the consensus on McG and it pains me that he’s the one taking over this franchise.

    Kristina - I agree with you, Bale is too good for this as is Josh Brolin.

  5. Kevin C

    If the guy didnt call himself “McG” hed probably get less than half the flack he gets right now.

    After seeing we are Marshall, the guy is at least a decent to good director, IMO.

    If the script is that good and they keep siging good actors, Ill be very interested in this franchise.

    I just wonder if this has any impact on a third Batman film.

  6. Marla Singer

    i just dont want one of my favorite actors being type cast into a franchise.. i’d like him to keep doing more original stuff :( this is not sounding good to me

  7. Ransom

    I reallly hope that they don’t f#ck up this franchise but I’m cautiously optimistic. Having Bale sign on is a good sign.

  8. Cole

    I’d rather get 3 batman sequels than 3 Terminators.



    hell be john connor.

    i thought there was only one more- i was wrong

  10. Dragonslayer

    Christian Bale has become one of those actors who you expect to get the academy award for best actor. He made Batman rule again after George Cloony made it hard for us to even utter the name “Batman.” He made me want to see The Prestige, and he owned his role in 3:10 to Yuma, and I think that he will do excellent in Terminator 4. However, I fear the film will end up failing. First, they don’t get Arnold, then they say the film will be PG-13. As much as I liked Terminator and Terminator 3 (I haven’t seen all of Terminator 2), I think this movie will try to fly, but end up flying and crashing [explosion]. We’ll just see.

  11. melbye

    As long as it doesn’t interfere with Batman i am all for it

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