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Burn after Reading Redband Trailer Online

By Rodney - May 29, 2008 - 18:20 America/Montreal

I’m really starting to warm up to Burn after Reading, especially after seeing this latest trailer. For those who don’t know what its about, /Film sums it up.

Focus Features has released a red band movie trailer for Burn After Reading. Written and directed by The Coen Brothers, this new dark-spy comedy stars Academy Award nominee John Malkovich as an ousted CIA official, whose memoir accidentally falls into the hands of two unwise gym employees (Brad Pitt and Frances McDormand) intent on exploiting their find.

The trailer is a scream. I just LOVE seeing Brad Pitt as the over enthusiastic loser personal trainer. After seeing him in so many roles where he is looking so cool and saying the right thing and kicking the right ass, it’s refreshing to see him as an average joe flailing about in waters too deep for him to handle.

It almost reminds me of seeing George Clooney in Brother Where art Thou where he has a similar humbling underachiever role. Speaking of which, George Clooney is in this too!

It just keeps getting better!

You can see the trailer at /Film or in HD at Apple’s site


  1. Mikey says:

    Looks pretty funny. Brad Pitt reminds me of his role in the Mexican. Smooth bumbling idiot (do those actually go together). Does anyone know when the release date is? Trailer said coming soon…..hate that

  2. George says:

    sledge hammer. I love it.

  3. Reed says:

    It’s the Coen Brothers, who have never made a bad film. So of course I’m excited! That said, this has the feel of Intolerable Cruelty and Ladykillers more than of their other efforts, which kind of has me worried that it will end up in the range of those two rather than the rest of their oeuvre. So that’s not a bad thing, but I have my concerns.

    Still, I’ll surely see it opening weekend.

    @Mikey - Release date is Sept 12 according to IMDb.

  4. Mozzerino says:

    This is officially my most anticipated movie now (except for DARK KNIGHT of course).
    It’s the Coens so I don’t any other reason, they are the most creative force working in Hollywood today, but hell, this is an awesome cast.
    The only thing I’m not so sure about is Brad Pitt. He seems to be overdoing it a bit much for my taste.

  5. John Newgate says:

    What’s the song that starts the trailer off?

  6. Alex Green says:

    WHAT! is the song in the first half of the trailer called!?

  7. Mutley says:

    The first half is by Elbow: “Grounds of Divorce” i’m looking for the second half tho.

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