Bruce Willis as Hannibal in the A-Team Movie?

The A-Team is a movie is slowly moving into the territory we once reserved for Indiana Jones 4. Every time I hear news about it, I doubt its ever going to get made.

Now we catch on that the favoured Mel Gibson for the role of the A-Team’s cigar loving cocky Col. John “Hannibal” Smith might actually fall to an actor who still stars in movies. Bruce Willis

None other than Bruce Willis. Yep, Bruno could be leading The A-Team. Now that could be cool. Maybe it’s even cooler than Mel Gibson leading the pack? Whatever-the-case, I can see it, I can see it.

John Singleton is attached to direct the “A-Team” movie, so personally, I’m expecting Tyrese Gibson – A Singleton film staple – to snag the B.A Baracus role.

I still think that Mel Gibson would have been the choice leadership role for this group. He has the swagger, and the charm that we all loved Hannibal for. But I could see Bruce Willis pulling this off too so I am not 100% against this rumoured casting, but I am leaning gently away from it. I still wouldnt mind it. If anyone can pull off cocky charm, Willis can.

Tyrese Gibson as B.A. I could deal with as well. Watch Transformers and when he is in the heat of battle just imagine him saying “LEFT CHEEK FOOL!” and you will see it too. I know this may not be popular, but the mohawk and chains are optional for me.

Yet to paraphrase the openning sequence of the show: Today still wanted by the 80s tv fans, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a need to see this movie. No one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can see, The A Team.

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Gareth

    I love it when a plan comes together

  2. Phil Gee


    Now that you’ve posted it, I am convinced that Tyrese will get the part of BA. At least he won’t be that expensive and you have some more to spend on someone huge for Hannibal, Face or Murdock. I personally (though i want to see him in everything) think James Marsden should play Face.

  3. Ransom

    Willis will make the movie.


    oh wow now that i think of it, hes perfect. i love bruce willis

    now didnt you guys post a comment saying icecube will play a role in this too? he wont be as good as mr t but…well its a rumor.

    “LEFT CHEEK FOOL!” lol i guess tyrese can do it too…

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