This entry was posted on Friday, May 30th, 2008 at 12:27 am.
Categories: Funny | By John

Found this on LosersOfTheYear.Net Just had to share. Even though disappointed, I still had fun with Indy 4… but this cartoon is pretty spot on


13 Comments, Comment or Ping


    Haha! Bit of a spoiler, but hilarious none the less.

  2. 790

    Verry funny and to the point!


    shockingly enough they forgot about the fact that there were aliens and UFOs at the end and concentrated on making fun of the monkeys.

  4. Mozzerino

    That was the worst part of the film. The whole jeep-chase was kind of lame, especially because the special effects were partly just awful. It looked fake as fucked, I was really shocked. I didn’t see any technical progress there, that shit looked better 25 year ago in RAIDERS.

  5. Mike B

    Heheh that’s awesome.

    Yeah, Mozzerino I agree. I felt like it was some weird video game or something. But the worst was after he’s been swinging for awhile, they show his point of view of the jeeps driving by a clearing, and the revelation sets in: “He’s swinging on the vines as fast as the JEEPS?!!??” Magical indeed.

  6. djj

    This was the exact point in the movie where it took a dramatic nosedive for me. Up to this point it was slowly getting worse, but I hadn’t given up hope yet. Then the frackin’ monkeys and it all went to hell.

  7. Rick

    I’m in tears laughing because it is so true, but nevertheless I still enjoyed the movie even though Lucas has his head way up his ass looking for more ways to make money…

  8. Phil Gee

    Honestly, i loved the jeep chase except for the monkeys bit. It was everything after the chase that i had a problem with.

  9. Audioout

    Even though I loved Indy IV, this is clearly the worst scene of the film.


    The second worst scene was the death of Irina Spalko where you got a good look at the CG alien. It just felt…not Indy.

  10. Mkfreak2

    I thought this scene was hilarious, and not in a “so bad it’s funny” way. It genuinely entertained me. It’s wierd that people have problems with this movie but have little or no qualms with the liferaft scene in Temple of Doom or Indy’s escape from the booby traps at the beginning of Raiders. All equally unbelievable and outrageous.

  11. Kevin C

    Needed more face melting.

  12. nbakid2000

    Quit bringing up the life raft people. It’s old.

    The life raft was done a LOT more plausibly (and is a lot more believable, no matter what anyone says) and Shiva was behind guiding the raft to safety.

    Get over it, the new movie sucks and no excuses you make for it or comparisons you bring up will change that fact.

  13. Rick

    I disagree NBAKID2000… come on, I loved Temple of Doom, but between the raft, the rail cars and the ripping a beating heart out of a chest and the man still living, that movie was just as unbelievable and entertaining as Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

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