Brad Pitt as Thor?

Back a few days when the rumour hit that Matthew McConaughey was rumoured to be playing Captain America I made an observation that I thought he might be better suited for the character of Thor, also planned for release by Marvel Studios.

But then the rumour mill churned out a nice tidbit this morning as we find out that Brad Pitt is being considered for Thor instead!

MovieHole says:

Are Marvel trying to one up themselves by casting an even bigger name than Robert Downey Jr (”Iron Man”) for their next super-jaunt? Sounds like it.

According to Latino Review, Brad Pitt is the favourite to play the Thunder God “Thor” in the upcoming superhero flick of the same name.

I know it is still terribly early in the game to be calling this out yet and it could change at the drop of a hat.

But just like Brooke Sheild’s eyebrows, now that I see this character in my head with Brad Pitt (picture him as above) in the role, I just can’t see anything else.

Pitt is a wonderful actor and can play the cold and stoic noble Norse warrior god. He has the physique, he has the ability to do action, and he has the jaw.

What do you think about this casting rumour?

34 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Doug Nagy

    This would be the best shit ever!

  2. Sideshow Collectibles Freak

    I would rather see Pitt as Captain America, but he might not be a bad choice as Thor.

    Of all the upcoming Marvel movies, I think that Thor is going to be the toughest to cast.

  3. Jay

    I like Pitt, but him as Thor is a relatively a weak choice. He has the ‘looks’ facial wise, but the upper body just doesn’t cut it not matter how much he beefs up.

  4. dan

    Yeah he’s a good actor - but his “patriclous” speech in troy and his weepy face was bad acting, also when he gives the speech to eric bana about “all the dead will know” - just before he fights him was also corny.

    I would personally like to see Vladimir Kulich as Thor

  5. Bishop

    Brad Pitt could play a fucking melting brick of butter and make it look cool. But honestly I just think he is way too handsome to be Thor. Let’s get someone in there who looks like he’s been punched in the face by a mountain a couple times and who can drink an entire ocean.

    MM could suit that.
    Or Eric Bana.

  6. Kristina

    Brad Pitt as Thor would be about as good as Brad Pitt as Achilles.


  7. Phil Gee

    Aye Dan, verily the Pitt did sucketh ass in ‘Troy’, forsooth.

    Anyway, with Pitt on board, it’s definately a ‘go’ picture and nothing can stop Thor coming to the big screen and i’m excited as hell.

    I just hope Pitt likes the script enough to not hold it up by asking for changes and rewrites (as A-listers can tend to do).

  8. Kristina

    I’m still rooting for the guy who played Colossus in the X-Men movies to be Thor.

  9. tzaylor

    I love it when the casting is so perfect you don’t need any convincing that the actor IS the character. Robert Downy Jr. was just so perfect. One of the reasons I totally bought him as Stark was that I hadn’t seen Downy Jr in many roles before this, and even then not for a very long time. So it’s kind of a Hugh Jackman/Wolverine situation. I bought him as Wolverine because he looked perfect AND that was the first role i’d seen him in.

    Pitt as Thor of course would look near perfect in the role. But honestly it would be a much tougher sell than Stark or Wolverine just because I’ve seen him in sooo many other roles.

    Pitt seems more suited as Thor than Matt McConeghy as Cap. But I’d prefer a lesser known actor for both.

  10. adam vee

    Neither of the two rumored Thor actors strike any chords with me. To me, Thor can be both a cheesy and bad ass character. The classic Thor costume is pretty laughable when translated into live action. Imagining either of these actors in it makes fall on the floor laughing. On the other hand, Mjolnir is just about the coolest weapon next to a Lightsaber.

    In the end, I think it’s really up to how “cool” they can make Thor look while staying true to the character. If I had to pick, I’d say Matthew McConaughey over Brad Pitt, because Matthew comes off as a more down-to earth guy on the screen. That feeling could bring the lofty God Of Thunder back to the masses.

  11. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    He was caught w/out his acting pants on in Troy & got reamed by Bana. he’s out.

  12. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    Though if we’re talking lesser of 2 evils here, i’ll take Pitt over Triple Homo as the Odinson any day.

  13. DON

    I think Matthew fox would be a great captain america.

    Eric Bana for Thor.

  14. Rodney

    @Adam - Why would you want a “down to earth” guy to play a god? If you read Thor at all you would see that he has a very superior air to his presence which is anything BUT a down to earth guy. He is often quick to remind people that he is a god.

    @Kristina - Marvel has a policy about overlapping actors for different roles. Colosuss cannot play Thor by that reasoning alone.

  15. Mozzerino

    Nah, he won’t do it.
    Sure Marvel would want him, but he’s too big a star for a franchise like this.
    For one, that movie is probably already pretty expensive, even without an A-Lister like Brad Pitt. They would have to pay him 20 Million at least.

    Also, they would never get him to sign on for more than one film. The actor they are looking for has to be available for one sequel at least, not to mention their plans for an AVENGER movie. Pitt would never accept that obligation, even if he’s interested in the first one.

    This is nothing more than a rumor that started because Brad looked a bit like Thor in TROY. If SPIDERMAN and IRON MAN proofed one thing, it’s that you don’t need a big star for a franchise like this. Neither MacGuire nor Downey Jr. were big stars before and the films made crazy money. You just don’t need the A-List for this.

    I for one can only repeat myself:
    Kevin McKidd.

  16. probitionate

    Thor, as with all mythological characters, should NOT be played by an American. Call me a purist, but THAT accent in anything other than a story that’s particular to America (the western, the gangster film, etc) loses its cred immediately. (No, I don’t like Shakespeare performed in English with anything other than Received Pronunciation. Snob? Yup. Sue me.)

    So what we’re looking for is a 6′2″, 230 pound Anglo-esque thespian who can handle the necessary dialogue AND wield Mjolnir with ease.

    NOT Brad Pitt.

  17. digital drew

    If they do Ultimates Thor, this would be brilliant, we know he can pitt can play crazy (12 monkeys).
    So play thor as someone who comes off as crazy and no one believes he is the thunder god (at first)

  18. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    @ Kristina
    I dig the Daniel Cudmore (Colossus) as Thor idea. ;-)
    The guy is as youthful,big & chiseled as a Thunder God oughtta be.

    sure Marvel has an overlapping policy. Marvel Studios maybe.
    there may be the loophole that Cudmore worked for Fox & not Marvel directly & also the fact that the guy was Underused in both X-films.

  19. Kristina


    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t crush my dream! I gotta believe!

  20. adam vee


    Gotta admit I haven’t read a Thor comic ever and Thor sounds like a dick. Should he even be getting his own movie?

  21. Rodney

    Adam. Yes.

    I suggest picking up a copy sometime.

  22. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    I 2nd that. read it. especially the current run. awesome stuff. the guy is really cutting loose these days (almost frying Iron Man in his armor for cloning him) & i finally being the god he was meant to be.

  23. Pman67

    Brad looks like Thor from the neck up, but that’s it. Thor should be larger than life, an imposing figure. Sorry but Brad’s just too small. What is he about 5′ 11”? Unlike Spiderman, Wolverine or Tony Stark, who are all characters with normal or smaller statures. Thor is usually depicted as the biggest or one of the biggest guys in the room. Casting him is going to be tougher than most of Marvel’s other headliners.

  24. Andee23

    When I think of who could play the real life equivalent of the Norse God of Thunder I can only picture Kevin McKidd. He may not have name recognition as of yet but neither did Hugh Jackman, when he did X-Men and look how that turned out. But he does have the look and the acting chops as well to play a great stoic warrior which would suit him perfectly to play Thor.

  25. HAZMAT

    i think hes perfect if he can pull off the accent. i think its a great idea. brad pitt is a great actor- i dont see him playing captain america though

    @ RODNEY
    sorry about the time wasting stupid comments, someones using my display name.

    youre right. he is too small, but he looks like he can pull it off. i totally agree but the fact that he can play a role of someone from the B.C.s (achiles in troy) perfectly makes up for his lack of size. on the other hand- they can get a totally perfect actor to play thor but he might not be well known. id rather have bradd who was in troy. and im sure theyll get some big name for thor after what RDjr did with ironman and brad pit is one of those few guys

  26. Rafa1215

    He can do the job - look at 12 monkeys - he’s a fine actor. Just have him borrow Juggy’s muscle suit from Xmen. NEXT!!…move along…move along

  27. Beejag

    What I know is if anymore actors of this quality get involved then The Avengers film will lose all chance at even breaking even when it releases

  28. Rodney

    People said the same thing when they announced the cast of Oceans 11.

    Repeatedly they have all taken paycuts just to be in it. It is likely another scenario like this will take place for Avengers.

  29. Beejag

    Hopefully since it’s as of now my most looked forward to film and I really want it to succeed. Any news if anyone knows by the way if they were going to cast the previous actors from all of the franchises?

    I don’t know where I heard this first but I can’t seem to find it now. Anyways, i’ve loved Thor since I was a little kid and greatly hope this film does indeed turn out amazing

  30. bigsampson

    ok so i didnt bother to read any of the other posts cause ill read em after but in my opinion when i first thought of the perfect person to play cpt america i actually thought Mattew McConaughy would be the perfect person….as for thor….pitt is awesome and if he buffed up like 40 -lbs (not gonna happen) then i would say hell ya….but personally my mind will always picture Vincent D’Onofrio (yes the guy from law & order) as thor from adventures in babysitting…..i still cant believe that was him lol

  31. Nazim Masnawi

    Wasn’t Pitt terribly miscast in Troy? I mean, have people totally forgotten about that?


    I’m gonna have to side with the majority here, and say that Pitt is just not right to play Thor (I doubt he’ll do it anyways). They really need to focus on someone that’s at a minimum 6′2″, but I say go bigger 6′4″. He also needs to have the size that’s going to make him seem larger than most of the others around him, right? There’s only so much to make Pitt loom like that on the screen. This is saying nothing about his acting ability. The guy truly is one of the best actors around, no questions about that.

    Personally, I agree that Thor shouldn’t be an American actor, and quite possibly Ray Stevenson or Vinnie Jones would make good choices, IMHO. Both are large guys. The best way to look for an actor for this role is to go with someone that fit the role, the way Arnold did for Conan. I’d have given more thought about having Bill Goldberg, but he’d have a lot of acting classes to take before ever stepping foot in front of the movie camera.

    As for McConaughey, I think he’ll do fine as Captain America, as he’s already a larger build, and can be made to look 6′2″ easily (if I remember, that’s about what CA was). He’ll do well in that role, if they go that route and sign him on.

  33. Kristina

    Ray Stevenson would be GREAT. He was the best thing about that POS KIng Arthur movie with Knightley and Owen in it.

  34. Orren Jensen

    This story is over on /films also

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