Bioshock Movie Set In Motion

Bioshock 007It appears Bioshock is the next video game set for film adaptation. We get the following news and game description from our friends over at moviesonline:

Today it has been announced by Variety that Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski will be helming the movie adaptation of the hugely popular Bioshock game.

Developed by 2K Boston and 2K Australia, BioShock is a “genetically-enhanced” first person shooter set in Rapture, an underwater art deco-inspired utopia torn apart by civil war. Caught between powerful forces and hunted down by genetically modified “splicers” and deadly security systems, players have to come to grips with a deadly, mysterious world filled with powerful technology and fascinating characters. To survive, players can turn everything they encounter into a weapon, biologically modify their body with plasmids, hack devices and security systems, upgrade weapons, craft new ammo variants, and experiment with different battle techniques. No encounter ever plays out the same and no two gamers will play BioShock the same way.

Video game films have not caused much enthusiasm to date. They have a less than stellar track record, and the list of shit seems to grow every year. In time, a good adaptation will be made, it has to happen eventually (i hope). Will Bio Shock be the first to lift Excalibur from the stone in victory, where all others have failed?

I haven’t played this game yet - but it looks bad ass and I may need to pick it up. The Deco inspired under water city is an amazing backdrop fro the action, the bad guys look rad, and the story line seems like it could lend itself well to a film version.

For those of you that have played the game; are you excited to see it adapted into a feature film? If so, please share your thoughts on what you would like to see in the move, and explain why you think this game has the potential to break the curse.

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Fuzz Vega

    Bioshock was my favorite game of last year. I would love to see a big daddy on the big screen. And they better make the little sisters creapy as shit. Which poses the question: will little girls get massacred in the movie?

  2. DJ Machismo

    I’d be very interested in seeing a movie done. Though I hope that they take the general premise and don’t try to follow the game’s story too much, that would just be lazy for the writers.

    The material though is ripe with content that could make a great movie, its all about the execution and hopefully having the movie audience watch a game movie without the expectation of it sucking, just going to enjoy it instead.

    IGN put up an article in August of last year detailing their picks for some actors, writers, etc.

  3. Fuzz Vega

    Would ya kindly not make it a crapfest?

  4. AjaxLou

    Gore Verbinski is NOT the right director for this material. He’s as subtle as a sledgehammer.

  5. Persetti

    I have played the game and like it very much, but I am not sure about Verbinski for this either. Underwater Pirates Of The Caribbean? No thank you.

    In my opinion Ridley Scott should do a Blade Runner Like film in the Bioshock world.

  6. Doug Nagy

    When Ridley is good, he is great. When he is bad, he is shit.

    If the good Ridley did it - I totally agree with you.

  7. Persetti

    Also with Ridley, the Big Daddy fight scenes could be more real and brutal as seen in Gladiator. I’m afraid with Verbinski it will just be dumbed down and full of CGI and special FX…

  8. Cole

    I loved this game a lot. In fact it’s one of my favourites, but the story telling technique that’s used is a very subtle one that unravels the story as you play. No cutscenes or interruptions just story as you go. The big “twist” in the story is especially cool because you’ve been controlling the character the whole time.

    The very power of the story is built on its interactivity and so I really am nervous about it becoming a movie. Gore Verbinski attached though, suggests that it could have a blockbuster sized budget which could go far in creating mood and atmosphere.

    I’m looking forward to seeing it out of sheer curiosity but I’m not willing to say this will buck the trend of bad video game adaptations.

  9. Phil Gee

    I love my first person shooters but i actually found the game, though beautiful to look at, quite boring; not as exciting an experience as Half Life or Doom 3.

    Speaking of which; why is this getting made into a film and Half Life isn’t?

  10. PhoenixP3K

    There is enought material in the game itself to make a feature film. Unlike other first person shooter a great deal was dedicated to the story-line and characters in the game. Of course the actual action of playing the game was very involving and was part of the magic.

    I believe this has more chances of being a good movie than Halo will have in 10,000 years.

  11. tiff k

    My bro’s a big fan of bioshock game and I find it actually cool even though I’m not into computer games that much. I think that the plot would be a great story line for a movie (omg, it is quite shocking that i am actually saying this about a video game, since most video game movies are yuck). It’ll be better if the writers don’t follow the exact storyline and create something of their own since as they say, every player plays the game differently so it would be possible or a whole different story or ending. I can’t wait for it!

  12. HisDivineShadow

    Good point Tiff K.

    I just finished the game going thru killing every little one that I could. (Its is a game after all). Now I’m going back thru it again saving every little one.
    So far trust me you get even more adam this way. And hopfully a more cheerfull ending.
    They could make this a cool film it does have a cool story (would you be so kind) however it would be a very graphic film especally when a Big Daddy kills with his drill bit arm. And the Hospital level was pretty grim.

    Let’s just hope we don’t get a film centered on taking pictures of the freaks in Rapture. Hahaa.

  13. Thirteen Shadows

    Somebody on another forum had a cool idea and said that on the poster it should say “Would you kindly see this movie.”

    I think that would be pretty cool as a tag line or something

    Also, I think that the only problem with the film would be that the only thing we know about the protagonist is that his name is Jack and that SPOILERS - was created in a lab by Fonatine and Ryan.END SPOILERS

    Most of the time, you pretend that its you killing the Big daddies.

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