Betty White: What Is She Thinking About?

Look above at the above picture of Betty White. Consider her face. Look into her eyes. What is she thinking about?

19 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. DarthMuppet


  2. digital drew


  3. aldude

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)NEED A POO !!

  4. sfsilver

    Damn you Dartmuppet! I was thinking the same thing. I would just complete the thought “Love cock”.

    Betty is notoriously dirty minded, and loves sexual humor.

  5. Meli

    “I will destory you.”

  6. saf

    Who the fuck cares… shes the most annoying person in the world. hope she dies one of these days

  7. Persetti

    Her mind is blank.

  8. bobsyeruncle

    Is this enough cleavage, hon?

  9. Storm Shadow is Gay

    I’ve got to remember to thank whoever suggested I take the seat off this bike before I sat on it…

  10. Rafa1215

    They should of asked me to do the “Oops I Crapped My Pants” skit.

  11. Ides_of_March

    “Smells like pussy in here.”

  12. Phil Gee

    “Why so seeeeeeeerious”

  13. Joseph

    this has to be the most random post ive ever seen

  14. Haji

    Just keep smiling until the nigger leaves. Haji

  15. Shane

    “Oh no, my face is stuck”

  16. JamieM

    hahaha, classic work haji.

    “these vibrating balls really seem to do the trick”

  17. Soulja Boy up in your mom

    “I have a major problem in my ass. Darn my thin panties.”

  18. Shane


  19. HisDivineShadow

    Got any weed?

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