Beavis and Butthead: A Live Action Feature Film?

Beavis is likely the worst name you could possibly be given by your parents. It predestines that you will be a loser and likely find yourself gravitated to someone named Butthead just to make yourself feel better about it.

But you are still a loser.

Anyways, it looks like the king of the underdog is talking about making his classic MTV animated duo into a live action film.

MTV MoviesBlog reveals:

Recently, we were able to get a rare interview with Mike Judge, the creator of such pop-culture goodies as “Beavis & Butt-Head,” “Office Space,” “Idiocracy” and “King of the Hill.” In addition to unearthing major details about his next film “Extract,” Judge told us that Beavis & Butt-head are making their return in a brief intro to Volume 3 of his cartoon festival “Animation Show,” and could soon become a live-action movie.

I went through my post secondary years with an admiration for a lot of “idiot animation”. That silly stuff like Ren and Stimpy that are just so silly that they are funny.

But I was NEVER a fan of Beavis and Butthead. Their entire premise was to pick their noses and make fun of music videos (poorly) and then laugh at each other with that irritating breathy “heh heh heh”. Everything they did bothered me. I just didn’t get it.

Still I found myself imitating them when someone would say ass. Heh heh heh.. you said ass.. heh heh heh.


I honestly do like Mike Judge. He spits out pure genius in his sleep. Maybe he should sleep more. But to see this made into a live action version? Wasn’t the feature length film bothersome enough? I don’t know that I want to see this happen, and its very unlikely that they can get me to go to a theater for it.

But then Meet the Spartans and Jackass were hits. So strike while the iron is hot.

Maybe this is part of his master plan to make the message found in Idiocracy come to fruition.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. The Cartoon Version is gonna be better than this Unknown one.
    ‘Cause Mike Judge Created & Starr on the Show as Beavis and Butt-Head,
    I Don’t Want to see this Movie with an Unknown cast as them.
    I like to Mike Judge as The Duo Including Mr. Van-Dressen the Hippie Teacher, Mr. Anderson & Principle McVicker. If You anyone Watches this show than I Know the Charicters in Beavis & Butt-Head Only a Few, Cause I Have The DVD’s Vol. 2 & 3 of it.

  2. Reed

    Heh heh heh. You said “come.” Heh heh.

  3. Reed

    Honestly, I really, really dug the show and I thought the movie had enough moments to make it worthwhile. “How many Hail Marys?” “A thousand! And I want you to hit yourself, right now! Yeah, harder!” I’m laughing right now just thinking about it.

    A live action version sounds like a terrible idea. It reminds me of When Harry Met Lloyd for some reason. Just a DOA concept.

    I’d love to see a new cartoon of them ten years later - with wives and kids and stuff. That could succeed if done right.

  4. Bruce

    how could u not get it? its judges take on youth and america not just kids picking the noses.

  5. Phil Gee

    Beavis and Butthead Do America was supposed to be a live action movie but they changed their minds. If you ask me, that film is a classic (ten times better than the Simpsons movie) and a live action film will have to go a long way to beat it.

  6. Zac Shipley

    You gotta actually watch the show, Rodney. After Office Space and Idiocracy, its clear that stupidity is Judge’s medium. And while Beavis and Butthead are stupid, its largely because of the stupid world they live in. The teachers, neighbors, etc are all poor role models and often end up parroting the “huh huh huh” at the end of an episode themselves.

  7. Meli

    I loved Beavis and Butthead as a teen and beyond, in fact, I still find them incredibly entertaining. I can’t help but giggle. Beavis and Butthead Do America is a favorite.

    However, the thought of a live action version? I think it’s a terrible idea. Give us another animated movie, but please, do not make it live action.


    wow. if this gets made we should also then have a galaga movie.

    actually, all jokes aside- i think that capcon should do a metroid movie, im a huge nintendo fan and i love this character and id really like to see the hot blonde destroy humoungus monsters in that awsome titanium suit she wears. i know this website hates videogame movies but i think metroids awsome…

  9. Rodney

    Hazmat? You do realize that Beavis and Butthead are not a videogame movie right?

    What does this have to do with Metroid Prime or Galaga??

  10. bob

    New Beavis and Butthead on Mike’s pet project “The Animation Show” coming out on DVD June 3rd. Saw it in the theater and it was short and pretty damn sweet.

  11. that girl

    I’ve always been so irritated when people didn’t ‘get it’..most of the people that didn’t ‘get it’ thought that it was stupid (as in dumb, slap-stick stuff). But that’s just the opposite of what it IS. Beavis and Butthead is so smart and quick if you get it. Kind of like Reno 911 - you have to really get it.

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