Batman VS IronMan

I had to post this for John. He has often called IronMan a poor man’s Batman, and this summer the two go head to head (though IronMan got a head start)

There are other little films like this comparing Spidey and Superman movies all in the same “Mac vs PC” styled videos.

I found this one to be the best yet.


20 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jon H

    Never really understand why John considered Iron Man a “poor man’s batman”…that just seems completely absurd to me.

    Amusing video though. I stopped watching these when the guy tried to do a big seven video long story arc.


    i dont think its fair to compare the 2 because

    one: ironman cant have as much action because its an origin film and batman already got that out of the way- its just not fair and batman will have more villains.

    two: their 2 kinds of superheros.

    ironman was good FOR AN ORIGIN FILM but as a film in general it was okay/good, not great. but its not supposed to be great this film did an exemplenary job in setting up ironman 2 and the avengers.

    well see what TDK has to offer.


    nothing to do with this post btw but- i hope that at the end of TDK they announce the dedication of the film to Heath Ledger.

  4. Meli

    I was browing through Funny or Die yesterday and watched it…it’s pretty amusing.

  5. Steven Carroll

    somerandomguy is great. Check out all of his videos. Very, very funny stuff. marvel has even featured them on their site.

  6. Steven Carroll

    Check out the originals over at on youtube.

  7. Steven Carroll

    I’m an idiot today.

    User is:


  8. EZELL

    Batman is better. Batman Begins had more of a story than Iron Man did and the flow of Batman was better. Iron man jumps around from good to ok and yes Batman Begins had its third act where it kinda sloped. But Nolan is worthy of being the Spielburg of this decade. The Dark Knight is going to have higher expectations than Iron Man so it may still be a better movie but get a lower reviews but Heath Ledger is the Joker and lets not forget this film has Bale, Caine, Eckhrart, Freeman, and do not forget Gary Oldmen. This cast is just amazing.

  9. Shane

    To tell ya the truth, Iron Man is better than Batman (Even though I liked Batman Begins and plan on seeing Dark Knight). But I dunno.

  10. DarkKinger

    This video is all kinds of awesome~

  11. HAZMAT

    ironmans my favorite superhero but TDK should be better because they already introduced the character.

    what im wondering is why the hulk isnt even being considered here

    the hulk looks like it will be better then ironman because like batman it wont have to introduce the character (i know its not a sequel and has nothing to do with the last hulk but they still wont make it an origin movie)
    and TDK had crappy fighting scenes in the last movie although it was the best comic book movie so far, but the hulk will definatedly have fighting thanx to the adition of a reall villain this time around (abomination looks amazing)

    batman begins has been the only good comic book movie for DC like..EVER. maybe theyll take their thumbs off their ass and pay attention to what marvels doing. shit even darkhorse is better at making movies…

  12. JAMIE

    HA!! dude funiest shit ive ever seen! dude thanx that was amazing! u guys rock man…


  13. JAMIE

    i went and i didnt find the spiderman vs superman one- were did you see it??

  14. WillTheSecond

    Begins had the problems Iron Man had. Iron Man 2 will clearly capitalise on and make better all the things in the first one, same with TDK, which I think will be by far the better of the two simply for virtue of being a superhero sequel. It seems superhero movies are some of the only franchises were the sequels often better the originals.

    On the video: I’m a Marvel and I’m a DC has always been hilarious (especially good for its filmic focus, too).

  15. THEironman23

    yo i just saw ironman and it is way better. ironman would own batman in a fight!

  16. Grundy

    Iron Man was the first superhero to have a mustache, a heart condition and a drinking problem.

    ‘Nuff said.

  17. HisDivineShadow

    Yeah Grundy and they found an actor that had 2 out of 3, + he’s an actor that everyone loves unlike Tom Cruise who was considered for the role.

    Iron Man would prob win in a fight. But seriously who cares there’s enough evil ass to kick for both of them.

    I’m rooting for both of them to have great box office returns. I predict they will both be very close in terms of dollars earned.

  18. JAMIE

    @ Steven Carroll

    THANK YOU! those were hilarious…i love the green goblin show.

    “HEY im the green fricken goblin! you see this? its a pumpkin friken ball! i will END YOU!!!”

  19. Steven Carroll

    No problem. The two of them are great for putting these videos together.

  20. JAMIE

    yeah but the spiderman vs superman 1 was way better

    “well..we might be theorically possibly be making a jla movie in 10 years or more maybe perhaps…”

    those jokes are so dead on in reality.

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