Another Hancock TV Spot

I am really looking forward to Will Smith’s Hancock.

The film just looks like all the fun an attitude that we do like from Will Smith and yet a completely different take on the Superhero film we are used to. This one is not based on an established comic book.

But the latest TV Spot has come out and I know its supposed to give you the basis of the film in about 30 seconds, but if this was the only glimpse into this movie I wouldn’t want to see it. It looks cool, but there is nothing there to grab my attention. Fortunately that was grabbed in previous trailers.

However for those who don’t like the Will “Hell Naw” Smith tude, this TV spot makes him look good.

Take a look if ya wanna:

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. 790

    Can’t wait for this one!

    Cheers. ,!!!

  2. Zach

    very much lookin forward to that one

  3. calviin

    Looking forward to it.

  4. digitaldrew

    haha the name choice is hilarious i love how at the end he announcer says “HAN COCK”
    as you prolly know before they choose hancock as the title, it was going to be called “tonight he comes.”

  5. digitaldrew

    btw Notice how there is no talk of charlies theron being in this… why is that? is she not marketable anymore.

  6. Kristina

    Still afraid that this is gonna blow. Those negative reviews will not leave my mind. Yeah, I know they’re advance reviews from test screenings, and the movie could have been repackaged heavily since then, but this movie is shitty until proven awesome in my book.

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