Actor Robert Knox Stabbed To Death In Pub Brawl

Rob KnoxWe have sad news to report this morning. As many of you have no doubt already heard, Robert Knox, an actor in the upcoming Harry Potter film was stabbed to death in a London pub brawl. We get the scoop from the sorrowful caves of Yahoo:

Robert Knox, an 18-year-old actor set to appear in the next Harry Potter film, was fatally stabbed outside a London pub on Saturday. According to British media reports, the actor was part of a brawl that sent five males to the hospital, including a 21-year-old who was arrested on suspicion of murder after being treated for facial injuries.

Knox, who appeared in the 2004 film King Arthur, caves of Yahoo: Ravenclaw student Marcus Belby in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the penultimate film in the series. The film is scheduled for release later this year. He had also been signed for the final installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Our condolences to his friends and family.

With his character set to return in Deathly Hollows, the casting team now has the sombre job of filling his shoes. This is a sad, sad story. In a flash of emotion, a single act of violence can spiral out of control and set in motion a world of hurt. May the scales of justice weigh out the appropriate sentence for those involved in this altercation.

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. sad

    omg im so sad
    he seemed like a lovely lad
    i cant beleive the minds of these people :’(
    rip xxx we love yhuuu

  2. ndangergorrilla

    Repent the kingdom of God is coming

  3. Phil Gee

    My condolences as well.

    I wish i could say this kind of thing was rare in my country but it just isn’t. I even have a friend at work who has had to move house because her son was being threatened by a local gang calling themselves ‘The Stabboes’, if you can believe that.

  4. Meli

    My heart goes out to his friends and family.

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