What a Conincidence! Abrams Says Cloverfield Was Made To Watch On DVD JUST As DVD Is Coming Out!

Most people seem to have either loved or hated Cloverfield. I’m sort of in the middle. After seeing it the first time I really liked it… then when I watched it a second time all the flaws in the film really stood out more and I didn’t like it at all. Film is a strange thing.

Anyway, producer JJ Abrams just made this statement in an interview talking about how Cloverfield was actually made to be best experienced on a monitor rather than the big screen:

“The thing about this movie — probably more than any I think — is that it is better on DVD than in the theater,” Abrams told Reuters. “Because the movie is like a videotape. It lives on your TV. In many ways, it is supposed to be viewed on a (TV) monitor.”

Interesting quote. Abrams fans will be sure to quickly denote this statement as visionary. The funny thing though, is that I don’t recall Abrams ever saying this before… let me check…. nope, never said it before. So why is he coming out and saying this now? Oh right… the Cloverfield DVD is coming out. Go figure. (Source: Yahoo News)

18 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. sfsilver

    Yeah that Abrams is a real creep. Marketing his film’s DVD release! The effrontery!

    Good to see your effort to slip in negativity about this film continues.

  2. nbakid2000

    He sounds full of crap. The viewing experience would not be ANY better on a tv than a movie screen.

    But hey, whatever gets people out there to buy the DVD.

  3. dingo101

    Oh please. Like every single actor and director who goes on the talk show circuit isn’t full of crap when they go on the talk show circuit.

    John, I know you’re going to deny this vehemently, but to the casual observer I do have to say that it seems you do have it in for this movie. Honestly, I can’t remember a single post that related to Cloverfield since its release that wasn’t caked with negativity. Fair enough, you didn’t like the movie, but you seem to relish any opportunity to continue the negativity. SF Silver has a good point — so what if he’s marketing the DVD release — he’s no different than any other producer or director.

  4. I love how whenever I say anything negative about a film that some people like, they instantly ignore all my valid observations and just jump to “You’ve got it in for this film”.

    My point in this post, was the yes, Abrams is a money grubbing whore just like everyone else in this buisness. No doubt. But come on… making a statement like “This film was made to be seen on DVD” just as the DVD is coming out is whorish even for a whore.

    For the record, I like Abrams. I’m one of the few people who defends MI3 and have applauded (most) of his direction with Star Trek… not to mention Alias is one of my all time favorite TV shows.

  5. Roguepirate

    Of course it’s made to be watched on DVD, how else are we going to be able to skip the first half hour?

  6. And the best comment of the day award goes to…. Rougepirate

  7. Phil Gee

    I enjoyed the film but i’ve no real desire to see it again. It really was a gimmicky movie to me.

  8. dingo101

    Well I suppose it’s all how and what you read into any given statement.

    I don’t see his quote as him saying “We made Cloverfield specifically for DVD”. All he’s saying (to me) is that when all is said and done, he figures it plays better on DVD. Quite honestly, given the motion sickness aspect and video taped aspect of the movie, is he really wrong? I guess I don’t see his quote as being as bad as you paint it — but maybe I’m naive…

  9. Hey Dingo,

    I don’t think you’re naive at all. If that’s what you see when you read it, then that’s what you see. Your perception of his quote isn’t any less valid than mine.

    Just don’t write off my observations about it as “you just have it in for this movie”. Challenge my opinion, debate it with me… but don’t just discount it as “just having it in” for it.


  10. dingo101

    Fair enough, John.

    For the record, I wasn’t discounting your comments, and apologize if that’s how you read my post. I tried to temper it by saying “to the casual observer it seems … blah blah”.

    Honestly, I find it fascinating when movies like Cloverfield seem to create such polarizing viewpoints — it seems people either love it or hate it.

  11. Agreed Dingo, It is one of those films. Much like Napoleon Dynamite.

  12. Chisox

    I just started watching Lost because of recommendations from friends. While watching it something dawned on me. Could it be possible the Lost jungle monster is the Cloverfield monster? That would account for the lack of back-story in the movie. Somebody let me know if this is farfeched.

  13. Gutpunch

    It’s far fetched.
    There is plenty of backstory for the monster in Cloverfield,none of it was used in the film thats all because they didn’t want to explain why the monster was there and because it was viewed from people who wouldn’t have access to that information to begin with.

    If you hunt down the websites created for the viral campaign you’ll find plenty of clues as to where the monster came from.

  14. brad

    John, you do have it in for this film. What a punk you is! Kidding of course.

    Actually, Rougepirate has it absolutely correct. When I reviewed this DVD I think it was 17 or 18 minutes that I instantly skipped over. It made the film out to be something like 52 minutes long (minus end credits). Once you have seen it once a lot of the fun is lost and that opening is rather painful to watch a second time.

  15. Grundy

    Oh my God, he’s trying to sell the DVD of a movie he helped make. How could he.

  16. Shane

    Hey, he’s probably right, and there is logic to his statement, it would be better on DVD than the big screen. If Michael Bay was trying to convince me that was the case with Transformers, I’d call BS. But for Cloverfield, I can see it being better on a small screen.

    I don’t think that saying it now is whoring out the DVD… more that it would be extremely stupid to tell the general public to just wait for your movie to come out on DVD! It would be just as stupid as if Michael Bay were to come out and say how Transformers was way, way cooler on the big screen and totally sucks on DVD, and to not bother buying it.

  17. kanthan

    rubbish this film was made for the cinema, It was a truly scary experience seeing it on the big screen especially with the awsome blistering sound. It would be the same on the small scale.

  18. kanthan

    *sorry I ment to say it wouldnt be the same

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