WGA Leadership Prove Themselves To Be Hypocritical Fascists

WGA-Fascism.jpgThe title may be a little shocking, so before I go on with my thoughts here, let’s take a look at the Webster Dictionary definition of fascism:

“a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”


As most people know, I was not a fan of the Writers Strike. I thought the whole thing was very avoidable, but also that much of the blame laid with the Producers as well.

During the strike I had several opportunities to talk and email with (I’m currently in Los Angeles) a few WGA members who were less than thrilled with the way the strike was going and how the WGA leadership was handling the situation. I always wondered why, if they were even a little unhappy, they didn’t speak up and try to effect some change. Well know I know why they kept their mouths shut. If they didn’t, the fascist WGA leadership would seek to destroy them.

Here’s the situation:

“The vast majority of the WGA’s 12,000-plus members patiently stayed away from their word processors during the recent three-month writers strike, notwithstanding dwindling finances or a threat to their careers. But a few members decided to go “financial-core,” an irreversible decision that made them only limited, non-voting members of the guild and allowed them to return to work. (This, if you recall, is the move George Clooney made, before the strike, in response to the WGA’s decision to deny him credit for the Leatherheads screenplay.) ”

So there were a few writers who exercised their totally legitimate, legal and union constitutionally valid option of going “financial core” during the strike so that they could keep their jobs. Fair enough right? Going financial core has a price… you can’t vote in union affairs any more, you can never run for Union office, you can’t participate in the WGA awards or be a part of official meetings or events. But if you’re willing to pay that price, then it is a valid option that is consistent with the law and guidelines.

But on Friday, the WGA fascist leadership decided it was time to drop the hammer (and sickle) on those who dared disobey them during the strike. Paying the aforementioned price is not harsh enough… Ze Feurs (said in my best German accent) want more blood. And so they want those who dared to disobey to be publicly humiliated, shunned and basically blacklisted by all other members of the WGA.

Here is the open letter send out by the WGA. See if you can identify the blatant hypocrisy:


If this wasn’t so unspeakably evil I would have laughed out loud. As the strike was going on, the WGA leadership negotiated a couple of side deals with smaller production companies so that a fraction of the WGA membership could go back to work…. go back to work as the rest of the WGA membership had to stay on the strike lines not making any money! This was a move that even my most supportive colleagues of the WGA had to do a double take at, and was the main point of contention of the small number of writers I spoke with who were bitter that some writers went back to work, while they had to stay on the lines.

For the WGA leadership to come out now and condemn the actions of those few people who exercised a legal and legitimate right of “financial core” while they themselves did the exact same thing by sending a select few back to work while others had to stay on the line is beyond hypocrisy.

The strike is over. Let it go. Calling on the obedient (not that there was anything wrong with WGA members following the Union leadership) to shun those who did not obey and then treating them like sex offenders by publishing their names so everyone else can know who to throw stones at is childish, counter productive, and just proves that you are indeed, by the very definition of the word… fascist:


It’s bad enough that so many had to suffer during the strike… now some writers have to suffer even more… only this time at the hands of their own colleagues and fellow writers. For SHAME!

So if you ever catch yourself wondering why… if the South Park guys were right about just how many writers were unhappy with how the WGA leadership was handling the strike… more writers didn’t speak up… now you know. And knowing is half the battle. HEIL VERRONE! HEIL WINSHIP!

That’s just my view on things. (Source: Cinematical)

18 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Michael

    I can just hear the two Union heads now. “Let Ze healing being? NO! We must make an example out of zis disobedient dogs!”

  2. Jarred

    I’m all for union solidarity and the importance of sticking together during labor negotiations, but this is way over the line. It looks to me like Verrone and Winship are trying to make an example out of anyone that might oppose or challenge them over the upcoming months regarding their management of the strike.

    PS. That South Park episode was hilarious.

  3. miles

    it is funny that this patric guy talks about the greater good…where was the greater good when the strike was causing people outside of the guild/profession to lose money and jobs?

  4. Mr.Death

    That is too far! What a shameful act, the WGA leaders should be ashamed.

  5. Donald

    Hey John,

    I bet you know this already, but I have an even better example…

    Why didn’t Steven Spielberg direct Return of the Jedi? Because Lucas Refused to follow Director’s Guild guidelines that required he put credits at the beginning of Empire Strikes Back. They fined him. He was so pissed he payed the fine but pulled out of the Guild. As a consequence he was banned from using Guild member directors. Hence, no Spielberg.

    Like I said, I am sure you knew already. But still…

  6. Codename 76

    You know I only think its fair that we buy the “financial core” people a coupon at bennigans and some bubble gum for being outed by WGA.

  7. Hey Codename 76

    That’s hilarious!

  8. alfie

    wow.I was one hundred percent on the wga side during the strike. And I still stand by what they were fighting for but this is terrible.

    What dicks.

  9. Mike

    “and just proves that you are indeed, by the very definition of the word… fascist:”

    Not to argue English over film, but you’re simply choosing one facet of the definition that you find fits your feelings. Fascism requires the oppression of opposition and a dictator…one person in charge. Not a board, or a guild with voting members. Just saying.

    Whats the big deal here?

    Hey team everyone played a great game, we all made some hard sacrifices, but in the end we are better off then we were. We really appreciate everyone that stuck it out. Oh, and by the way, these people didn’t. These hack soap opera writer’s have for years and years made their living and benefits thanks to the efforts of the guild. We just wanted to let you know they sucked out on you.

    Well played WGA!

  10. Phil Gee

    Ok, three things:

    1) I’ve said before, i’ve never believed in the concept of a ‘union’. The concept, as the WGA leaders seem to see it is that every one of their members should link to the WGA hive mind so that there will be no debate, no individuality, no tolerance of contary opinion, no problem. The idea that human beings can be allowed to follow their own conscience and make their own decisions appears to still be an experimental one and cannot be tolerated.

    2) I suppose it’s nice that you can inject your own personality into what could be a very stiff and dull statement but the only other time i’ve seen the word ‘puny’ in print was in a Hulk comic.

    3) I can’t see the statement ‘ the greater good’ without being reminded of the evil village council from ‘Hot Fuzz’.

  11. Hey Mike,

    I strongly disagree with your point, but I do see where you’re coming from.

    However, you might want to rethink the statemen:

    “in the end we are better off then we were”

    Go take a look again at the numbers about how much the WGA “gained”, verses how much they lost during the strike. It’s not even remotely close. The Writers got hosed.

  12. Jason A Clark

    This is just outrageous. I can’t believe that the members of the WGA would put up with leadership that would stoop so low. It’s childish and, yes, fascist.

    I have little use for the guilds and unions. I think there has to be a better way for people to have job security in the industry.

  13. goodbar1979

    i thought facism also involved corporations & the government being the same entity?

  14. Kristina



  15. Anthony T

    It is interesting in their letter that they say “reducing our leverage”. Its a political game, nothing more. When they speak of leverage, what leverage are they speaking about? Getting more money? Or leverage over their people?

  16. AjaxLou

    For a document representing the Writer’s Union it was not very well…

  17. David

    I just found if funny that you used the Republican Party symbol in the picture next to the story when the WGA is well known for being heavy Democratic supporters.

  18. Mike

    So, I did some research on who the WGA outed as scabs. They mostly all work on a soap opera of some sort. General Hospital, One Life to Live, Passions, etc. It’s too concentrated to be even remotely a coincidence. Somethign else is going on here.

    That, and the inherent creepiness of the WGA “naming names”, blacklisting these people, and generally using phrases coined by Senator McCarthy, has my skin crawling and my brain seeing conspiracy a bit here…..

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