V The Motion Picture?

It looks like the 80’s miniseries V is going to be made into a feature film, possibly a trilogy! We learn of this crazy news from the mouth of creator Kenneth Johnson thanks to The Dead Bolt via slashfilm:

“… since I own the motion picture rights to V, we’re in the process to do a remake of the original mini-series first as a theatrical feature, which I’m so jazzed about because it will give me an opportunity to really realize it and execute it in a way that was impossible to do back then. Then that will lead to the obvious sequel, because it is a franchise, and then we’ll get into The Second Generation and I’m hoping we’ll be able to do two movies, because there’s certainly enough material in the novel to warrant two separate sequels. That’s my goal at this point and that’s what we’re in the process of doing. I just literally came from a meeting, 15-20 minutes ago with a fellow in Beverly Hills who really says that we’re gonna do it.”

I am actually quite thrilled that the man who birthed the mini-series will also sire the films. V was a massive hit when it was on TV, I also remember watching it with my family and being terrified. Every time I saw the lizard people without their human masks - I would run to the kitchen and hide, because they scarred the hell out of me.

It has been 20 years since this film has been on TV, I don’t remember much about the show but would welcome an adaptation to film. It sounds like Kenneth Johnson has a passion for this project and it would be a delight to see his creation get the big budget treatment so many years on.

The logo for V is timeless and I hope they keep it as is.

We will be on the lookout for more news about this project and it is my hope that it will rise like a long-forgotten phoenix to delight us all!

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    I got confused for a second. That logo looks a lot like the V For Vendetta thing, just w/o the circle. I’ve never heard of this miniseries before now.

  2. Meli

    Kristina - V was this fabulous miniseries in the early 80s. You might want to check it out though I warn you some of it is 80s cheese at its finest. Still, it was a fun bit of sci-fi for the time and I still have a big soft spot for it.
    It also was a short lived series as well. Robert Englund played a good alien named Willie.

    I’m geeking out over the possibility of an updated version made for the big screen. Lizard people disguised as humans who eat mice?? I remember the first time I saw them eat live mice…oh …I was horrified!!

  3. bigsampson

    wow kristina never heard of V wow im shocked…..well i was like doug, this series was epic at like 5 years old lol and u had something to look forward to in a lizard man lol but i got to tell ya i seen t his series like 3 years ago again iand i was wtf is this crap haha…see made for tv was crap in the 80’s so ya it was what it was…..but a a new series would be awesome with what fx masters can o with makeup….im excited cause the stories was kick ass….just the fake reptile skin lol no bueno in 80’s lol

  4. RonSalon

    I too loved this show and have recenetly bought it from Itunes. I think a remake is a good idea because it could use a face lift. And you’re right those aliens scared the crap out of me too. I agree will Meli, the eighties digs really have to go. LOL




  6. Darren J Seeley

    “V” had some cheese, yes, but there was something that put it ahead of the rest of sci-fi at the time, and that is simply the social commentary, the lizard like aliens being equal to that of Nazi Germany.

    Someone above mentioned Robert Englund as Willie- but who can forget Michael Ironside as Tyler? I also admit going ga-ga over Jane Badler (at least until her best alien moment arrived-”The Rat Snack”) and Faye Grant was cute as a button. But y’know something? The OC-ish alien knocking up some chick who later gives alien birth and then puts the father of her hybrid in the homemade gas chamber??

    As a fan of V, I am thrilled. Some sci-fi geeks want Stormtrooper outfits. Some want browncoats. Me? Red uniform and hi-tek helmet!

    It was only a matter of time before someone dusted this off anyway.
    Buck Rogers…Twiki…you are next!

  7. rez

    this is possibly the best news i’ve heard in a while; bad remakes are everywhere but i have faith in this one. with Kenneth Johnson back in teh driver’s seat and the endless possibilities of modern visual effects combined with the big screen?

    oh yes, this will surely not suck.

    V:The Final Battle had a few great moments and the general story was decent but somehow i could not bring myself to ever buy it on DVD. i also gave away my VHS copy. However, i do own the original miniseries on DVD and watch it regularly. despite the 80’s cheese, the story is solid and the characters have great interactions.

    “I’m proud to have you as a friend.”
    “I hope we live to be old friends.”
    -Mike Donovan + Martin

    one of the only good parts of the final battle was the fate of daniel…which actually led to the sequence with the homemade gas chamber and the fate of pretty boy lizard.

    “Talk about an offer we can’t refuse.”
    “I wonder what would happen if we did.”
    Richard + Julie

  8. Steve L.

    This would be a long overdue movie. Definitely good news that the series creator would be helming up this idea! Viva la resistance!!

  9. Terry Letourneau

    Oh wow, I just bought the DVD of the original mini-series a couple weeks ago because I saw ‘The Second Generation’ in the book store. I remember when I saw Independence Day, and I was wondering when Marc Singer was going to show up ;)

  10. HisDivineShadow

    If they do this film right they could expose the truth!


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