Uwe Boll Responds To Online Petition

Yesterday we posted a story about Uwe Boll claiming that he will stop making movies if one million people sign a petition. Today he has responded to the petition with a video! Thanks to slashfilm for the heads up!

YOU WILL SEE MY REAL GENIUS! Uwe throws insults and champions himself like a champ! This guy is either titanically oblivious or down right diabolical in his ability to generate free internet buzz. Either way we will continue to post news about the man because it is entertaining as hell!

32 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. This guy RULES!!!!!

  2. McBain

    Ok, so Uwe Boll is officially awesome. Who’s gonna start the Pro-Boll Petition? because I will sign THAT one.

  3. DarkKinger

    If Uwe Boll appears on Uncut Live…


  4. CastleKnight

    That is the most hilarious thing ever! That right there is the reason that the world would be a much worse place without Uwe Boll. His movies are awful but the man is completely genius. “I am not a fucking retard like Michael Bay!” HAHAHA This is just amazing.

  5. Grammaton Cleric

    Here’s the link to the pro Boll petition:


    Sign it!

  6. Phil Gee

    I second the motion Mr Kinger. I’m sure he’d love to come on TMB live because we appreciate him.

    Oh man, this is about the funniest thing i’ve seen all year. He’s just like i imagine Doctor Doom would be if he were a frustrated filmmaker. He even addressed himself in the third person.

  7. Michael_C

    Not that there needs to be a third, but John, get him on Movie Blog! Get him on, now. This guy is like Gandhi, if Gandhi had wielded an AK or Moltov Cocktails.

  8. Jon H


    That 60 sec clip gave me more pleasure then all the movies this guy has made in his entire career.

  9. Grammaton Cleric

    John, could you please put the link for the pro petition in the post - we want a fair game, don’t we? ;)

  10. Joseph

    oh come on….sure let’s all suck his happy stick. For the love of god dont you see he actually believes he’s a genius and not actually joking. All of you are hypocrites…your all ready to slam other bad directors and curse their mothers but oh no! here come uwe boll destroying the videogame industry’s reputation…and you all think its great….shame on you just you all wait till he rapes games like bioshock, fallout, metal gear solid (he actually said he was interested in directing one actually)..and other precious video games.

  11. Omar

    Fuck this guy is awesome. I put my name down.

  12. Andrew

    Wow. What an asshole. Are you serious, Boll? A genius? ROFLMFAO! That is just too funny. No, Mr. Boll, you are not a genius, you’re just a pretentious asshole who thinks he’s a good director. Either stop making movies, or stop being a bigger jerk than Tom Cruise!

  13. Mykrantz

    Uwe Bol is brilliant without a doubt, his personality and charisma explains how he keeps getting decent actors to be in the train wreck movies he makes.

    It is just a shame he cannot make a good movie…

    Well, he cannot make a good movie that is longer than a couple minute rants about how brilliant he is.

  14. nbakid2000

    Get him on the show John. Immediately.

  15. chris (the real one)

    asshole…funny vid but non-directing hack….its a shame he uses nazi gold to fund his movies…lol. if hes serious he needs to get punched in the balls if its a joke i wanna shake his hand…

  16. Royal

    He’s my hero. As my buddy/co-worker B.Carriere put it, Uwe’s critics need some bukake of justice.

  17. cib3k

    Wow. What a bunch of idiots mistakening stupidity for brilliance. And charisma? Yeah, right. The guy is full of something all right, but as sure as hell it ain’t charisma. Too bad he’s getting free publicity out of this - even if I don’t think it will serve him in anything.

    I wouldn’t have a problem with the guy if he would direct his own crappy movies based on his own original material - NOT on existing franchises. If he wants to play filmmaker that’s all right with me - but he’s shitting all over existing videogames that some people love. Also, because he bought the rights, nobody else is able to make movies based on those videogames. I would have loved to see even an average Bloodrayne movie - this isn’t possible anymore.

    And now, idiots are calling him a hero - for what, exactly? For standing up against the people that say he should quit the business? He SHOULD stop, for the reasons above. For bashing Michael Bay and Eli Roth? As much as I dislike them, their movies are brilliant compared to the shit he makes.

    Oh, and if you’d read more about him, you’d realise he’s not a guy with great personality and charisma. He gets the actors because he PAYS them A LOT, not because he’s a jolly good fellow.

  18. Nazz

    Fuck George W, this is the guy who needs to have a biopic.

  19. Michael_C

    The reason he’s hilarious is BECAUSE of his idiocy.

    I don’t like half the people on television, not sure I like myself, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t get some media nookie.

  20. spagett

    He’s hilaroius…I’ll give him that. But no…he can’t make even a decent movie. Just give him a reality show that follows him making a shitty movie…air that on TV….and then put the crap movie straight to dvd.

  21. Marco

    I will vote on both :P

  22. Will

    Joking or not, the man entertained me for a few seconds. If his movies were so horrible, nobody would watch them, and he wouldn’t make them, so obviously there is some portion of the population out there that likes it (that portion of the gene pool may need a little chlorine, but that’s beside the point). He thinks postal is genius, maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, either way, the pretentious fools that made the petition caused me to know about it. Now I will probably rent it when it comes out, and Uwe get’s a few more sheckles. Keep screaming, keep the flame wars going, he’ll just make more, and next time…. it could be Halo!

    (in other words, ignore him, he’ll go away)

  23. Joseph

    CIB3K your words are like music to my ears…my thoughts exactly! im just not that good with words…to you sir….touche.

  24. bigsampson


  25. Justin

    God Damn. I’ve watched this about ten times and want it for my answering machine message. UWE ROCKS. Doug, I want him on The Macho Movie Review. I don’t care if he even saw any of the movies. He could talk about Thor smashing Michael Bay with his mighty Mjolnir for a half hour. Fuck. Uwe should make a Thor movie with him AS THOR, beating the shit out of hollywood, movie critics, drunk Michael Madson, sea creatures and anything else that moves.

  26. plutonick

    Here is another Pro-Boll petition

  27. plutonick

    ‘Oh, and if you’d read more about him, you’d realise he’s not a guy with great personality and charisma. He gets the actors because he PAYS them A LOT, not because he’s a jolly good fellow.’

    Actually, according to those actor’s he is a funny guy and well liked on the movie set. Plus, paying them a lot, is better than not paying them.

  28. sal

    how can you not love this guy? he’s got balls and I certainly hope he doesn’t get one million votes. No-one has mentioned when this vote has to end though, it would seem proper and fair to give it a timeframe/cut-off-point.

  29. Swarez

    Raise Your hands. Who here has actually seen some or any of his films?

    Me personally, I’ve only seen one, House of the Dead. It was a piece of shit and managed to make me stay away from every other film the guy has done. But I’m actually excited to see Postal and look forward to see Tunnel rats as well.

    My guess is that the vast majority of Boll haters have not seen any of his films and are just regurgitating stuff they’ve read online somewhere. Or they are like me, having only seen one or two and have been so outraged by what they’ve seen that they make an effort to slam the guy at any given opportunity.

    I can’t say I hate his films because I’ve only seen one, I can only say I hate his first film. And I’m sure the VAST majority of haters out there have either seen just one or two or not even one.

    I say anyone that calls Michael Bay a “fucking retard” on a public forum gets a thumbs up from me.

  30. FunkyMunkey

    Here here, Swarez. Michael Bay probably has the same amount of talent as Boll, he’s just shit in a different (less entertaining) way.

  31. Ransom

    I haven’t seen most of his movies but I am willing to bet money that they are shit.

    I feel bad that Jason Statham ended up in one of his movies, I love this guy.

    The video was hilarious though. I just hope people are laughing because he’s such a jackass instead of thinking he’s a genius.

  32. kurt

    Swarez: Guilty as charged, (to a degree), I’ve seen portions of other Boll flicks (Alone in the Dark) but not the entire film. I have seen IN THE NAME OF THE KING thought, and it is a minor form of genius in just how inept the direction of the film is….And how he can get such bad performances out of his actors…And the atrocious dialogue, and the obvious attempts at stealing from other (better) films…

    Still, I have a soft spot for Bolls Shameless Self-promotion, and will go see POSTAL in those empty theatres on opening night, while everyone else is watching and aged-Harrison Ford…

    Will Boll go down in History in the same degree of inept-earnestness as Ed Wood? Time will tell. The internet in generally seems to get a kick out of kicking him.

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