Transformers Bot Lineup Announced

Michael Bay released a statement to the press late last night announcing the lineup for Transformers 2!

Paramount Pictures says:

The official cast has been announced, though voice actors for each have yet to be signed. In addition to many of the returning cast, the following are the Transformers you can expect to see in Transformers 2:

Grimlock - A military grade Hummer
SkyLynx - Formerly a Space Shuttle, now a DC10
HotRod - Concept Corvette
Blaster - Pimped out Van with small team of minibots
Wheelie - SmartCar (Fourtwo) with the personality of a child - talks in rhyme

Galvatron - A rebuilt Megatron, post Allspark incident
Soundwave - Pimped out Compact sports car with small team of minibots
Laserbeak - Galvatron’s parrot
Devastator - A rebuilt version that breaks down into four separate bots.

Some scenes we can look forward to include a showdown between Blaster and Soundwave with their minibots in a big brawl.

So what do you think?

47 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Melbye

    I think April Fools

  2. Christopher Edwards

    It might be because it seems that this is the only site that has took the bate.

  3. Joey

    For a second you had me until I saw laserbeak. Doug would have shat himself if that were true.

  4. Bryan C.

    Sigh, I hate April Fools.

  5. TM

    Ahhh…crap…i have to say that you got me. I was super pumped, until I read the comments on this post.

    You suck Rondney!! :oP

  6. Santi954

    April Fools

  7. moviefan

    Yeah I think april fools as well…

  8. nbakid2000

    I don’t get how this was supposed to be a funny April Fool’s joke. Or how it was supposed to be a joke.

  9. Ricci

    since when have april fools had to be funny?

  10. AB

    great now that i think about it, it could be a april fools joke, but i’m going to wait till this friday to see when everything is cleared up.
    in all fairness the lineup for the robots sounds pretty nice but we shall see.

  11. Ryan

    It’s gotta be April Fools, I REALLY doubt they’d bring back Wheelie, and I doubt Grimlock would come back as I care.

  12. chris (the real one)

    oh how i pray this is all a joke….”pimped out van” and fuckin wheelie!!
    if this is true it might be as bad as the “wassup bitches” line from jazz….and that really happened

  13. Robert(wolf)

    Hahahaha. Last years fools really fucked with my head.

  14. Matt

    Thank goodness this is an April Fools joke. Wheelie? I would refuse to see this movie if they actually had a smart car autobot. It would get stepped on by optimus prime every other scene.

  15. Donald

    wait and see how pathetically true to reality that list becomes. just throw in some more jail bate teen age morons to guide another ‘plot’ and you’re all set.

  16. Grave

    Well it could be an April Fools by Rodney or by Michel Bay but in anycase it sounds fake. Notice how some of the characters are from the 86 anime movie. Many fans and ppl hated that because Hasbro was axing the old toyline just to introduce the new one. To me Im sure bay want to introduce new characters but Wheelie was annoying so im sure he would stay away from any character thats child-like. Also the fact its been posted on April fools is big note right there. But the tought of April fools, fools did occur to me. Maybe this is all true and Bay had the idea to post this so that ppl would think its fake.

  17. Volkodlak

    I have absolutely no problem believing Michael Bay would actually do this.

  18. craig

    laserbeak………… galvatrons PARROT THAT GIVES IT AWAY as an april fools!! tho i wouldnt put it past bay!!lol


  19. Kevin C

    With the exception of Wheelie, I think this would be pretty awesome.

    But I dont think they would announce something like Galvatron being that it would potentially blow the plot of the story.

    If its true, cool. If not, cool.

    I would LOVE to see Laserbeak though!!!

  20. The Jim Walker

    I agree w/ VOLKODLAK. Even though some of us would hate Wheelie, i could easily see Bay doing it. Although, other than Wheelie, i was fucking jazzed (pun intended) to see this line up. It would be a great line up. I like the “rebuilt” aspect of a few of the characters. Transformers will NEVER be repected by all or win any Oscars so the best you can hope for is that those involved treat it with as much respect as possible and have some great fun while doing it. I have a laundry list of ‘little issues’ with the first film, but that being said i freakin loved the movie and havent had that much fun in a theater for a long time.

    Ah, but alas, as all have pointed out, our debate is meaningless due to we being the April fools. D’oh!

  21. Kristina

    I’m glad this is an April Fools, because Iw as about to come in here and blast Bay for overloading his sequel. Thank God.

  22. oh god i shat my pants while i was reading it..thank god its a joke i was so scared i thought it was the real thing!
    yooouuu asshole!!!

    oh god….uncool…

  23. chris (the real one)

    it would be hilarious if all of this ended up to be true….

  24. Ransom

    I actually got sucked in until I read that Wheelie would only talk in rhymes. Haha that gave it away.

  25. Rodney

    Laserbeak was pretty much Megatron’s pet.

  26. Drewbacca

    “SkyLynx - Formerly a Space Shuttle, now a DC10″


  27. pandaboy99

    Thats a great idea when i think about it. Sound Blaster as a Pimped Out Van with Huge speakers…. gets the idea across of a music playing decepticon like the original but updated.. can also have a huge sat built in like a tv news van for communications etc.

  28. Rodney

    Panda, Blaster (not soundblaster - thats a computer soundcard) was an Autobot. He was the cooler hip version to oppose Soundwave, the Decepticon Walkman.

    But he was cool.

  29. Rodney

    Megatron was partial to Laserbeak. He was the only decepticon to never let him down.

    And he was often found perched on Megatron’s arm.

  30. Meli

    LoL, I got suspicous when Lazerbeak showed up on the list. A Wheelie type character would be a believable creation of Bay.
    Though I will say I did get pretty excited with the thought of mini bots! LoL damn it.

  31. Phil Gee

    Oh man, i feel like a total boob. I can’t believe i fell for this (up until i read the word ‘parrot’). I was so excited that Galvatron and Hot Rod were going to be in it. You…….you……motherfuckers:p

  32. BrDanzig

    Yeah I refuse to believe they would get Wheelie. He was honestly one of the worst Transformers around. Still, Grimlock, Hot Rod, Soundwave, and Laserbeak would all be very awesome.

  33. Adam

    I call april fools… Grimlock a hummer? wtf?! Besides didnt michael bay say he would leak faulty news about the transformer in the film?

  34. Rodney

    Adam, I call you falling for it.

    Michael Bay said nothing. It was all me.

  35. Adam

    Oh you….. hahaha you

  36. Chip Douglas

    OOOOO……burn….Good April fools. You had me at Grimlock…I was gonna be really mad if Grimlock wasn’t a dino bot…..laserbeak..good one…

  37. chris bunker

    Chip your right if Grimlock is not a Dinobot thats fucked. Im telling you the constucticons will be in this.

  38. Rodney

    I am repeatedly surprised to hear people actually thinking if Grimlock is involved that he would actually be a dino?

    The whole point of the disguise is to blend in. Grimlock couldnt blend in either form, so that makes no sense.

    Mark my words, if they bring in Grimlock it will be because if his “Me Grimlock Strongest Leader” mentality, not because he is a dino. They will make him into a car or truck and he will transform into a bot - not a dino.

  39. Killer PIero

    What about the classics???? Sideswipe & Sunstreaker??? Wheeljack?? as minimum, adding Blaster its ok and Hot Rod, Smokescreen, Bluestreak, we want to see super cars on that, not crap like wheelie, and decepticons i think are ok, but need to add some others like the “seekers” that supposed will come with Starscream, or is something like I listed, or will sucksssss!!

  40. Rodney

    Killer, this was an April Fools Joke… sorry man.

  41. MARCO



  42. Transformer Guy

    First of all, any Autobot/Decepticon will do. All of them are great. WHEELIE is cool. If yall watched Transformers: The Movie you would appreciate bots like them. I can’t wait for the movie! Hotrod is a silver Corvette? Man I was thinkin some sorta red racing car with flames…Galvatron? Wasn’t he supposed to appear after Unicron changed him? Well…Many classic transformer fans might go against the Galvatron thing. I can’t wait to see Devastator. Imagine! He is 10x the height of Optimus Prime…then again 3/4 of Prime when not together…

  43. Rodney

    Pssst… for all of you still commenting on this post, keep in mind none of it has any value aside from perhaps co-incidence.

    This was an April Fools gag pulled from the recesses of my cruel mind.

  44. will

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so) Where is Omega Supreme, Metroplex, Fortress Maximus, the really big robots?

  45. Rodney

    There are tons of robots missing from the movie. But too many characters always ruins a movie.

    Especially when any one of those could end the opposition in one punch.

    I hope they never put the city scale bots in the movie.

  46. kristian

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)I think they are going to redo the animated movie they said leonard nimoy is goin to be the voice af unicron I hope judd nelson is hot rod again transform and roll out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Rodney

    Kristian…. Unicron is not going to be in Transformers 2. That is not even a rumour.

    Leonard Nimoy is not involved at all. You are just making that up.

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