The Taking Of Pelham 123 Set Pics

We have a peek onto the set of The Taking Of Pelham 123 today thanks to our good friends over at slashfilm:



Currently filming in Queens and Manhattan, Scott’s film pits Washington against John Travolta’s leader of subway highjackers, with James Gandolfini playing the city’s mayor.

I have no knowledge of the original film, but Denzel versus Travolta (and a band of thugs) could make for some very good times. Travolta seems to be hit and miss with his projects, but if we can get another Face/Off quality action film out of him before he retires - I am all for it.

We will be sure to be on the lookout for more information regarding this project; and additional photos of Denzel in that vest.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Phil Gee

    I had no idea they were remaking this. I picked up the original last week but haven’t got around to watching it yet.

    But what the heck is Denzel thinking in that first pic?

  2. 1138

    The original is an awesome movie and you should see it Doug! I hope the remake will live up to the original but we will see. The cast sounds great but Travolta has a tendency to be over the top lately. Hope he can pull the role off with some subtlety.

  3. larry

    when’s john going to talk about the Iron Man movie he saw yesterday?

  4. Eric

    The original is one of my favorite movies, plus I’m a big Robert Shaw fan. This is the film Tarrantino ripped the code names from for Reservior Dogs.

  5. geoff

    this is set to be a second rate remake of a classic. Hollywood sucks sometimes

  6. EZELL

    Hahahah this will be a fun movie.

  7. Zehas

    Fuck Hollywood for remaking this film.

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