The Internet Will Destroy Democracy

Barry Sonnenfeld has made a zinger of a statement that is a good point of discussion. He claims that the internet will destroy democracy - we get wind of this story from the fabled caves of Yahoo:

The Internet has Barry Sonnenfeld freaked out. “I fear the Internet for so many reasons,” the director of the “Men in Black” movies said Tuesday during a speech at the National Associatio.n of Broadcasters. “The medium is the message, and the medium has invaded our home and taken over our minds. . . . The really scary part is how hypnotic it is. The ‘Net is so pervasive that kids are on it all day.”

Sonnenfeld fears that children today will grow up with “no concept of the right to privacy and in fact not understand the need for it. Because the Facebook generation is not concerned with what people know about them . . . they will have no problem with additional governmental supervision, spying and intervention. They will be thrilled that the Internet will be able to follow their every move.

“I suspect,” he said, “we are probably looking at the last generation of Americans that exist in a democracy. Totalitarianism is not far in our future, and the next generation will go down that road happily.

The internet is the greatest tool for free speech ever created, the world can share their thoughts, fears, dreams, and desires. The internet is the most democratic forum that has ever existed (and will stay that way so long as governments and corporations keep their dirty controlling hands out of it). It’s a place where the people of the world can come together as friends and celebrate their similarities; I would argue that it is breaking down walls between us - and that is always a positive in my books.

I can see Sonnenfeld’s cause for concern with social networking sites. Truth be told, it’s far too easy to get information about you online. Social networking sites are fun; but the information is no doubt farmed, tabulated, crunched and sold to ad agencies. Those who are uncomfortable with others knowing their business should simply avoid these sites, or better yet; put up outlandish and blatantly fraudulent information.

I agree that privacy isn’t what it used to be, but I disagree that we have a generation of people that will welcome government surveillance and control. No one wants the government in their business; social networking sites are not a gateway drug that leads to totalitarian rule.

The net is addictive, it is fun, and we are on it a lot; but it is an interactive media that stimulates thought. In fact, most people sacrifice TV viewing in order to spend time online. Television is a box that shouts at you and you have no say in the matter, it’s known for the idiot box for a reason; if the internet is the crutch we needed to get away from the tractor beam of that retard-factory then so be it!

I bet dollars to doughnuts that the internet generation will bring about more positive change than the one before it. Television entertains you in order to get you to watch commercials. Commercials berate you and make you feel like a sack of shit unless you obtain, consume and collect. We buy what we are told like hypnotized zombies and attribute quality to logos that are made in sweatshops?

The internet may be scary to some, but it is freedom. Freedom to make stupid decisions, freedom to put up too much information about yourself and freedom to share your thoughts without some cunt telling you that it isn’t appropriate. It has been called the wild west, and this cowboy is quite comfortable here.

International friends, please share your thoughts on the internet.

31 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Robert(wolf)

    The internet is our friend. You can get any information on almost everything in just a matter of minutes. Remember the days you had to travel distance to the local library for science projects and the alike? Glad those days are over.

    The internet has opened up so many things. Now I can talk to people with the same interests as me.

    Barry Sonnenfeld is a scared man. If you don’t like the internet then just don’t log on to it.

  2. Michael_C

    The internet is here and Southpark did quite a funny little piece on it last night. I know some people that would fit the profile, even if it was in jest.
    And ^Robert is right; the guy is just scared. Sure, internet addiction is becoming a more recognized issue and people are on it more, but I don’t think that it will lead to a generation of zombies. Hell, more people drive now than before.

    The empire is, as of now, the mind. I can’t remember who I’m paraphrasing, but they were intelligent, I’m sure. The net is something that allows us a never ending source of information-something completely neutral, unlike actions-and can not be faulted for his misunderstanding of human behavior.


    Scared is a good descriptive word of Mr. Sonnenfeld. Scared of change. Scared of something he doesn’t understand. It’s easy to say that the “old guard” doesn’t like the changes presented by something they do not understand, and I think this is a case of that. Sonnenfeld doesn’t like the fact that the internet allows people to express themselves, but they have control over how much of that info is released. There are people comfortable with telling you their life story, if you’ll only lend an ear, and that’s exactly what the internet does.

    People were saying the same thing about TV when it came out (”There goes the family unit” - blah blah blah). Change is inevitable, and the internet allows it more rapidly. I think Mr. S has been to too many of those Alex Jones videos about the One World Gov’t. Maybe that’ll be his next movie! The internet gov’t conspiracy!

  4. HisDivineShadow

    I think you guys who are describing Sonnonfield as scared are using the wrong term. He’s mainly stating a perspective. He understands this more than some that post here.
    And if you guys put half the effort you do into finding out what the latest Dark Knight rumor is you would find that Alex Jones is right about the things he talks about.

    Scared are those that laugh at the truth and call it conspiracy.


    They’ve been spewing doomsday and one world government’s for several decades…but this isn’t the forum to get into it. Alex Jones is one imaginative individual.

    By stating Sonnenfeld is scared, I mean to focus your attention to the paranoia he believes exists about G W Bush.

    …”I suspect,” he said, “we are probably looking at the last generation of Americans that exist in a democracy. Totalitarianism is not far in our future, and the next generation will go down that road happily.

    “My only hope is the Bush administration has screwed things up so profoundly — socially, economically and environmentally — that perhaps they will be angered by how our generation has selfishly destroyed their future and will put down that computer,” he said…

    I love the fact that he thinks that because people are on their computers, the world is going to hell (basically stated of course), however, it’s because of the computer and the internet that the influx of information has been passed in the passed 10 years, probably enabling Mr. S to gather more information that he could’ve anywhere else. Kind of ironic, wouldn’t you say?

  6. HandnHalfSword

    What privacy…?

    A couple days ago we Americans had to tell the government every last little detail about our financial’s called a tax return.

    In terms of privacy in the rest of our lives…

    Americans have become such exhibitionists that the issue is a non-issue for most people. How can you invade the privacy of somoeone who walks around with most of their underwear exposed. We, as a people, want to shove every aspect of our lives in everyone else’s face.

    There’s no totalitarianism….it’s exhibitionism.

  7. HisDivineShadow

    I hear ya Godfather but if you(like I typed) invest some time in researching what Alex is reporting (not making up) you will see my point.

    The NWO is taking over its just a slow subtile process.
    They almost have our dollar so low that its about to be replaced. That’s all been engineered just like the gas prices. It is happening and alot of us are being distracted by the internet.

    And I will say to Doug, that when you write up a post about loosing freedoms and losing privacy. You should expect posts like mine.

  8. doug nagy

    Of course! It is an issue that we should all be passionate about!

  9. Michael_C

    Maybe I don’t fully understand his take, but to me, it’s a process. People complaining that they are losing their jobs to an overseas or foreign individual are victims of transition; a true global economy. They have a right to complain that their job is gone, but that is what it is. Sucks. It really does. But one more step toward a more globally-minded government. Maybe.

    People change, die, are born. Nations fall and are taken over. All I really want is some decent ice cream at decent prices.



    Been to AJ’s site, seen the videos, done some research, and all it is is fear mongering. The fact of the matter is, the more “freedom” one expects to have comes at an equally high level of “security”. People like Alex Jones want to rant about their liberties taken away, however, if half of what he stated was true, we’d have become a police state already. The protection comes at some cost, but not all cost. Time will prove him to be wrong, mark my words.

    I have to whole-heartedly agree with HandNHalf… Our North American culture has become about our “15 min” and exhibitioning ourselves (more-so the younger gen’s, but the public in general) to feel that we are “living”. If we’re not paid attention to, we’re nothing (that’s the attitude I perceive many have, tragically). That’s why places like You-Tube and blogs exist and thrive. But we push boundaries and sometimes that leads us to a place where common sense has “long left the building”. Case in point - Jackass, those 8 teens last week video taping them beating another teen, 2 Girls - 1 Cup…

    If Sonnenfeld had said that the internet is allowing stupidity to run rampant, I’d agree with him. But to say that it’s invading our privacy invokes an attitude that people don’t want to bare all, which is not the case. JMHO.



    I can get you decent ice cream at a decent price. My buddy runs a company… LOL…

    You bring up a good point with “globalization”, but keep in mind business is different than government. It’s a known fact that given the chance, businesses would run the world (and can be argued they do), but also keep in mind that although we lose business to overseas markets, we also gain overseas companies here.

  12. Jay

    Yada, yada, yada, like I never heard of many of Sonnenfeld’s concern or paranoia from other similar rants.

    Move one!

  13. Jay

    Yada, yada, yada, like I never heard of many of Sonnenfeld’s concern or paranoia from other similar rants elsewhere.

    Move one!

  14. Jay

    Sorry for double post…keystroke paranoia :)

  15. Michael_C

    That was partially-jokingly-my point. People will complain about what is two feet in front of them without ever looking at the larger state of things. Understandable, since caring about ourselves is what keeps us from being cold and worm-ridden. I view the internet as something to be looked after and cared for, not as some tool that an entire generation can become so obsessed with that they entirely fall by the wayside as government droned projects.
    Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems that business and government are more alike-more than I like to admit-today than yesterday. Both have the same ends: profit. Customer/citizen satisfaction is, at the very core, an essential component in creating that profit, and, ensuring that the entity continues to exist. Businesses and government control your information, whether you like it or not. Been to the supermarket? Superficial, but they collect the data on what you buy, when you buy it and how often you buy items at discounted prices. It allows them to build models, for customers overall, on when they should introduce discounts for select items, how quickly people respond to natural threats (hurricanes, earthquakes, riots) and their shopping tendencies in response to those threats.

    Okay, enough mindless thought spillage by me. Oh, and I’ll take you up on that ice cream. Stuff around here skyrocketed with gasoline.

  16. Fredo

    Michael Crichton said something similar to this several years ago. To paraphrase, he said the Internet allows us not to think. We don’t do our own investigation or research, we rely on lists and what everyone else is saying to form opinions and decisions. He said it would be the downfall of our society.

  17. doug nagy

    I find the opposite to be true. If a topic peaks my interest online I will hunt it out and research.

    Werner Herzog suggests that we are isolating ourselves with our communication devices. He fears an age of loneliness because of a lack of human interaction.

    I can see his argument and think it is important for us to always remember to “go out side” and have human interaction in person and not just on the inter web.

  18. Michael_C

    Just like sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll.

  19. HisDivineShadow

    Well I don’t see how anyone can look at the facts presented in “Terror Storm and “Endgame” as fear mongoring.
    Unless you just block out the facts because they scare you or go against your politics.
    (Nothing is fabricated or madeup). Give me one example of BS Godfather. Please I can’t wait to hear this.

    To say that freedom comes at a equally high level of security. Is correct but do you actually think that taking off your shoes and not being able to bring a Big_Gulp on a fligt protects you against anyone with a flight uniform and a plan.

    Your rights are being stripped away. Lost a shitload of them on 9-11. But of course that was the work of terrorists. Even though there’s complelling evidence that those planes were remote controlled. Naw the government would never do that to US. Yeah right. Just like they never exposed half the nation to radioactive fallout during the 50’s.

    (Are you aware Godfather that Habis Corpus was suspended last year). Do you even know what that is or how its set up to protect citizens from the government?

    One thing the internet,tv, news media, and even films are doing to us is desensitising us to the loss of our freedoms by providing quality disinformation and bs programimg.

    Hey Godfather if you watched all AJ’s videos (like you claim) what was your reaction at the little bonus feature at the end that showed a US citizen being forcefully pulled out of his car for flicking off a illegal alien during a march in Seattle?
    He was exorcising his civil right of freedom of expression.
    2 of Seattles “finest” pulling him out in broad daylight all captured on video as the cops shove his face on the ground. (Bloods coming out) as the illegal scumbag cheers and slams his car as he parades by.
    All because he was giving an “ILLEGAL ALIEN” the bird?

    This shit is happening. Its not bs. Its happening right now.
    Dosnt anyone wonder why the FAA has grounded all planes all at once until they can “inspect” them for some wiring prob. First it was reported in the news that only MD-80’s were being imspected. And the next day ALL makes were being “inspected”.

    Things are not what they appear to be folks.

  20. Rusty James

    Another old man worried about what the kids are doing on his lawn. I don’t mean to be disrespectful towards my elders just disrespectful towards ignorance.

    My favorite part was when he claimed his was the last generation to embrace privacy rights. Since when does Sonnenfeld’s generation embrace privacy rights? These are the people who voted for W and look the other way about torture and FISA violations. His is the generation that votes for national ID, The people all too happy to let the Gov run rampant and unchecked as long as they’re protecting us from foreigners.

    post script:
    I’m pretty sure Mike_C was paraphrasing Philip K. Dick. Also there’s a certain irony in citing Alex Jones to make a point about the internet limiting freedom. Maybe I’m wrong but doesn’t Jones communicate primarily via the internet? I’ve certaintly never lived in a city where I could pick up his show on the radio. Loose Change and the other “truthers” (ugh… if ever there were a group that deserved to be disregarded based on their name alone) have certaintly perpetuated their message via the internet almost exclussively.

  21. Rusty James

    Another old man worried about what the kids are doing on his lawn. I don’t mean to be disrespectful towards my elders just disrespectful towards ignorance.

    My favorite part was when he claimed his was the last generation to embrace privacy rights. Since when does Sonnenfeld’s generation embrace privacy rights? These are the people who voted for W and look the other way about torture and FISA violations. His is the generation that votes for national ID, The people all too happy to let the Gov run rampant and unchecked as long as they’re protecting us from foreigners.

    post script:
    I’m pretty sure Mike_C was paraphrasing Philip K. Dick. Also there’s a certain irony in citing Alex Jones to make a point about the internet limiting freedom. Maybe I’m wrong but doesn’t Jones communicate primarily via the internet? I’ve certaintly never lived in a city where I could pick up his show on the radio. Loose Change and the other “truthers” (ugh… if ever there were a group that deserved to be disregarded based on their name alone) have certaintly perpetuated their message via the internet almost exclussively.

  22. HisDivineShadow

    Rusty James, just so I’m clear on my POV. I have no prob with the internet. And True about Alex does use the net to convey the facts he’s gathered.
    I just wanted to express my opinion of my general distrust in government.

    As long as the gov stays out of the web I’m happy. However on some cases Sonnenfield brings up a few good points.

  23. nbakid2000

    Personally, I used to be online all the time when I was a kid. Now I’m hardly ever on except for this place, to check my mail, and check out various news sites/information on movies/bands/merchandise (and occasionally on YouTube).

    The reason? It’s boring. There’s nothing to do online (that interests me) anymore. I’d much rather be out doing things with people.

  24. HisDivineShadow

    Nbakid2000 and Kristina you 2 are the best bloggers on this site and Doug you write the best articles.

    Thats off topic…..shhhhh

  25. Rusty James

    @HisDivineShadow “As long as the gov stays out of the web I’m happy.”

    Just because I’m curious, what’s your opinion on net neutrality? There’s something of a disagreement about that among the A. Jones / R. Paul types.

  26. HisDivineShadow

    Rusty ,,,
    Net Neutrality. Do you mean as far as users not being restricted to say whatever they want?

    Imo I know that every email is not private. If the feds wanted to read this email they could, I would never know.
    If you have web access your computer can be hacked into without any problems.

    One reason the government dosnt publically interfer.
    They can anyway and you would never know.

  27. HisDivineShadow

    In a couple years after the iran conflict and the election bs. Your going to see a new a faster internet.

    I’ve read about it. Its so-far going to be called the Grid.

  28. Rusty James

    @ “Net Neutrality. Do you mean as far as users not being restricted to say whatever they want?”

    No DivineShadow, that’s not what I meant at all.

    And thank you for that sage tech savy wisdom. “Hacked” you say? And without any problems? I’ll just have to set my firewall to “on” in Windows Vista.

    And I don’t want to tell you how to live your life but maybe the feds would have a harder time reading your emails if you stopped posting them in public comment sections on highly trafficed blogs.

    Did I say that right, “blogs”?

  29. HisDivineShadow

    Well explain it to me like I’m a 5 year old. Rusty???
    I’d like to think we could have a conversation?

    I could give a crap about the feds. They can read me emails all they like.

    Your savvy firewall won’t stop them Rusty see they have inroads thru all the servers.
    Because they own all the telco companies.

  30. HisDivineShadow

    Just fyi. Rusty this post will be off soon and the fine folks here at movieblog have disabled the “see all posts related”. On my address so if you send a reply and I don’t respond that’s the reason.

    Love to discuss Net Neutrality with ya.

  31. shadopup

    Concerning what was written in Fredo’s post.

    That’s an interesting opinion that the “internet allows us not to think.” The statement alone is unclear mainly because the internet allows us to do so many things. What aspect of the internet is he referring to? For all all I know the internet is a hammer that someone knocked me unconscious with, certainly a state in which I am not allowed to do any thinking.

    I guess Crichton is afraid that the internet makes it easier for more people to adopt a “mob mentality” and that the internet allow people to be more lazy and complacent and just accept the first thing they see or read as fact.

    Even if this is true, the internet at the same time allows us to do our own investigation and to find further information to either solidfy our opinions or change them. Of course, the internet is fraught with misinformation but just like anything we read whether in a book or on the internet, we are assuming in the good faith that the information is legitimate without any first hand proof.

    Bottom line is, internet or no internet, there will always be people who just parrot what others say. It’s just human nature sometimes which is what I think is really what we fear the most. We fear that stupid people will multiply and allow bad, conniving people to rule the world. Or something, honestly I don’t know what I’m trying to say anymore.

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