This entry was posted on Thursday, April 24th, 2008 at 4:36 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Play The Video. Do it for Wesley.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Brandon Daviet

    Now this is some sweet shit. Free Wesley. Our legal system has gotten way out of hand. Dark Times A’ Comin”

    “All in the name of Liberty” -AC/DC-

  2. Gary

    What a bunch of crap. This judge must be a republican.

  3. Rodney

    Or maybe he committed an offense that is punishable by jail time and being a celebrity didn’t exclude him from it.

    I feel for the guy. But the time has come for celebs to be accountable to the same laws as the rest of us.

  4. Gary

    Every offense has the possibility of jail time attached to it, the penal code, traffic code etc. However the crime needs to match the punishment. and I don’t see that here. Judge Hodges was appointed by Nixon in 1971, maybe he is tired, or to old to understand.

  5. Moe

    Bon Scott rules.

    I would love to see a movie about his life. The main was a brawling, squealing rock machine.

    My two favorite Bon Scott quotes are:

    1. Whatever I do, you don’t.

    2. There’s the AC and the DC. I’m the lightning bolt in the middle.

    Oh, and that’s too bad for Snipes.

  6. Sound Designer Dan

    It’s official, the judge is racist against vampires.

  7. nbakid2000

    Classic AC/DC. Too bad the band has been taken from its fans by white trash and Walmart shoppers. Oops, I just meant Walmart shoppers.

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